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Its been a month that Hiccup died by a dragon some think that its good that he died because they thought it was a curse given by him that the dragons raids happen when he died there were no dragons raids on berk for a whole month and now I am at the forge building weapons for the defenses of the village as I was bringing the hammer down at the burning axe someone called me "Gobber....." as I turned my head around to see who it was I saw Stoick standing at the gate then I put the axe at the water to cool it down and answered him "yes Stoick..."

He said "I have some matter to discuss with you about the dragons can you meet me at noon at the Mead Hall" I looked at suspiciously then I said "okay" then he left and then I busy myself in work Then the noon came and I walked towards the Mead Hall as I open the gate I saw only Stoick was standing at the inside the hall looking at the map as I got closer I saw Stoick's face he have bag under his eyes due to the lack of sleep and he looks tired because After Hiccup died he busied himself to work to forget about Hiccup well he is not the only one busied himself to work I was also one of them then I asked "What is this about...." he looked at me and said "we are going to the Helheim's gate once again Gobber" I was shocked what he said then I yelled at him "What are you crazy" he asked "why is there a problem".

I yell at him again "The problem....... The problem..... Stoick there are no dragon raids in a month what makes you think that you will find the dragon Island now" then he said "I know Gobber but look at the bright side there are no dragon raids for month not one dragon came to the Island but we are still on high alert like any day now the  dragon raid would happen to this Island" I said "isn't that the good thing" he said "what do you mean"

I said "There are no dragon raids its been a month but if someday there was a dragon raid on this Island atleast everyone should be on high alert to protect there homes" he said "Gobber there is no guarantee that dragon raids will happen again but its not just for me or the village its for Hiccup  that I will go to the Dragon Island" I asked "Hiccup.... why....." then he said "You know right when he died that everyone thought that he was the curse that's why the Dragon Raid happens I want to bury that rumor with the truth I don't want my son for everyone to remember as a curse but want them remember that he was a viking" I was shocked what he said and then he continued "Gobber he was my son I was not there for him for 15 Years that's why the village discriminate him as a runt and a non viking and now they think him as a curse I don't want that I want him to be remembered as a viking to everyone." What he said was true maybe I feel the same way I don't want everyone to remember my Godson as a curse and then I sighed and told him "okay what do you need" and then he smiled.


"Gobber he was my son I was not there for him for 15 Years that's why the village discriminate him as a runt and a non viking and now they think him as a curse I don't want that I want him to be remembered as a viking to everyone." As I told him that I want the village of berk remember my son as a viking not as a curse then after few minutes he said "okay what do you need" ad I smiled and told him as I was seeing the map "First we need to gather the ships  and see which ship can go through the Helheim's gate and then we will check how many of our men will accompany me and we will go to the Helheim's gate through the front then we go straight by laying low only ships moving not attacking any dragons there we will stay alert but we will attack when they attack because when we go through that gate we attack first not the other way around..." after I finished my plan I said to Gobber "Let's go and prepare to go to the Helheim's gate once again" and he said "Aye...." then we left the hall.

we took a whole day to prepare the ships and our men and the next morning we will go to the Helheim's gate again and then Gobber said "Let's sleep we have a big day tomorrow okay....." and I said "Okay...." but after the few minutes I saw Astrid coming out of the forest and walking at home and she looked sad then I called her "Astrid..."  and she looked at me worried then I walk towards her and asked "Astrid what are you doing here at night this late" then she told me worriedly "Just Training Chief" I looked at her suspiciously and asked "In the middle of the night" then she told me worriedly "Actually I was training the whole day and I forgot the time I left" and then I sighed "Astrid you are acting weird like you are trying to hide something" and she sighed and told me "Actually I was Training but I was also thinking about someone" I was shocked and smiled a little "Looks like someone's got a crush" she got scared  and told me "Me a crush...hahaha....No way" then I look straight at her eyes and she sighed again and with sadness she told me "Yes I got a crush but we are  world's apart right now" then I said "wanna talk about it" she said "Actually no....I will tell you one day because he is not from this village and I met him when we were kids" and I said "I thought it would be Snotlout" then she Laughed "No its not him he is a good guy but I don't like him" and I told her sadly "You know Hiccup's got a crush on you when he was a kid and he build that axe for you" and she said sadly "I know" I was shocked again and asked "You knew" and she said "Yes I knew but he doesn't deserve me" then I got angry and asked "why.... because he was a runt" She said "No.... Because It was my fault"

I asked "Your fault" She sadly said "Yes my fault we promised that we will stay together but I was the one who couldn't keep the promise because of my Uncle Fin and also because of that I kept my distance from him......... If somehow I can go back to the past I will try to apologize to him and try to mend that relationship as friends" and she whispered something and then I asked "well you are not the only one who is guilty" and she looked at me I continued "I am also the one of his pain I left him alone which he always deal with the village everyday and now the people calling him a curse which is why I am trying to do something so atleast he could be remembered as a viking" the she asked "What" and I looked at her and smiled.


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