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After the battle, me and Stormfly landed on the village I saw that some of the houses were burned and some people and dragons are injured but the damage is too little. As I saw the sea the ships here were bigger, better and advanced. As Heather landed with her dragon she came running to me and told me "Astrid, Go to the castle and tell Magnus to come here" as I nod then I call Stormfly and said "Let's go Stormfly" as I sat on her back then we flew towards the castle after the few minutes I landed at the gate of the castle as Stormfly is running inside with me at her back. I saw that the some of the guards are coming outside and I asked one of the guards "Wait, can I know where is Magnus" Then he said "he is inside at the ground floor, in the last room" as I nod and Stormfly led  me inside at the last door then I got off Stormfly and knocked hard at the door and called "Magnus Are you in there" then suddenly the door burst open and it is Magnus and he said "Mistress..." and I said quickly "Heather wants you at the village" as he nod and said "I was already on it" and he whistled then a black terrible terror came and sat on his shoulder then he and I sat on Stormfly back and ran outside the castle and left. But as I saw inside the castle was also busteling because of the attack. Then we flew towards the village as we reached where Heather is. Then she reached us and said to Magnus "Magnus the injured are at that hut." And he said to her "On it" as he ran toward the hut. Then I asked her worriedly "What was that. Who attacked you?" Then she said "Hiccup will tell you but now Astrid Magnus need a helping hand." As I nod and then ran towards the hut where the people were injured.


It is night now and Hiccup is no where to be seen but I was helping Magnus and blacky who he named the terror. I saw everyone is okay and Magnus and I were resting then I said "I am going outside for a while" as he looked tired but he nodded but when I go outside I saw that the people had already repaired their homes as I am shocked how fast they just repaired their homes even if it's night I saw some of the people and dragons are still working like giving food to others, making preparations for the Bola Launchers and big crossbows then I saw Hiccup talking to Viggo and Eret then I called him "Hiccup..." as I ran up to him and he said "Astrid... you okay" and I said "Yes I am okay..... but can I ask you who attacked us" as he told Viggo and Eret "Okay do as I told you" as they nod and left. Then he turned towards me and said "His name is Drago Bludvist... and he is a warmonger. He has a twisting way to control dragons at his own will. And he will not stop because he wants the whole Archipelago at the palm of his hand....." as I am shocked and worried then he continues "...... those who bowed down to him became his army and those who did not well he kills them...." as I got shocked again then he continues again "....After the Last battle with Johann and Krogan as I told you about. Before dying Krogan said Drago Bludvist will kill us and at that time I realized that he was working for someone else. Which is Drago Bludvist and as I dig deeper I heard what he did. He killed many people and dragons who did not bowed to him." I got shocked I can't believe there is such a man existed like that then I asked "He killed them without another thought"

Then he said firmly "Yes... but that's not the thing..." and I asked "what do you mean" then he spoke "I was tailing him one day. I saw he destroyed a village at the Archipelago in front of me. I don't know the name of the village but he saw me at that day and I kind of destroyed many of his ships but still couldn't defeat him because someone was trying to control Toothless at that time." Then she asked "who was controlling Toothless" as Toothless came closer to him and cooned as he patted him and said "The king of Dragon's. The bewilderbeast." As I got shocked again and he continues "...The bewilderbeast is a massive dragon and the Alpha species one of the rarest have a white skin, spits ice not fire and larger than the red death." I got worried and asked "So how do we defeat him" then he said smiling "we can't not without another Alpha.... but we have an Alpha I named him snowy and he is with the last council member and also as I said that Drago's bewilderbeast was trying to control Toothless at that time but he couldn't because Toothless is an Alpha species as well. he controls this kingdom's dragons." As Toothless cooed then I got bewildered as I looked at Toothless and after the few seconds I sighed and said "okay that's a lot..... but where is the last council member." And he said looking at the sky "She is coming right now." As I look at him confusingly as I saw at the sky I saw a man riding a dragon with four wings as he landed in front of us as Toothless cooned happily jumping up and down as the rider landed and patted Toothless then she took her mask off and I saw a woman looking like Hiccup then I thought 'wait Hiccup why is she looking like Hiccup' then he came towards that woman and said "Hi mom" I am shocked and Yelled "MOM!!!" As they both cringed then they both laughed a little and Hiccup spoke "Astrid meet my mother Valka Haddock!!!" I thought 'I am going to be unconscious right now' then Valka came forward and said "Hello, you must be Astrid. I heard a lot about you." Then I asked bewildered "How are you alive the people say you were dead" as she spoke "oh Cloudjumper never meant to harm me she must have thought I belong to the king of Dragons. So she brought me to his nest and I have been living there for Eighteen years." As I still looked shocked and bewildered then I asked "Cloudjumper..." then she said as she looked towards the dragon where Toothless is playing "My dragon..." as I nod then I asked "Then Why don't you come back. Stoick cried for you." Then she sighed and said "I wanted to but I am living a life full of dangers then Drago came so the danger got bigger for me" as I nod and asked "How did you met Hiccup..." then she said "oh he was looking for drago at that time but got crashed at my home. With his scar I realized it was him" by looking at him. As Hiccup smiled and said "okay mom some of the dragons got injured. Can you please look at them" as she nod and said to me "I really like to talk to you.... and you have your mother's eyes." As I smiled and nod then she said "bye see you tomorrow." And I said "okay" then she left as her dragon left as well with her.


When my mom left only Astrid and me remains with Toothless because Stormfly got tired and fell into slumber then I asked "Astrid let's get you home my work is done here." And she nodded then she walk over to Stormfly to get her up and as she woke up she sat on her back as I on Toothless then we flew towards the castle after the few minutes we landed on my Personal training Arena then she got off Stormfly's back and told her by rubing her head "Good work today Stormfly..."  as she cooned then she pull her towards the cage and told her "I will come back tomorrow" as she said goodbye to her dragon as she cooned and closed her eyes to sleep. Then she came to me and sat at Toothless back with me and hugged me from behind. As I said to Toothless "Let's go bud..." then we flew and towards the entrance as she asked me flying "Hiccup what dragon is that." As I looked at the dragon who is at the wall and it is whole red and have the ability like Chameleon and spits acid from his mouth. Then I said to Astrid "It's a changewing they can blend in with the environment. They help to get the intruders if someone other than the Islanders came inside the castle. " and she asked "how many are they" and I said "As I recall Fifty to sixty changewings are on this Island." As she nodded then we landed in front of the castle gate passing the guards behind me who are at the end of the stairs and as I open the door and got inside the workers stopped and bowed to me as I nod then they get back to their work then after the few minutes Astrid and I with Toothless came to our room when I opened the door Toothless and Astrid came with me inside as Toothless got tired and gone behind the curtain when there is a rock slab there to sleep and Astrid and I sat on the couch.

Then she told me "Today was very Hectic and kind of dangerous you know." And I said "Yes it was." When Astrid came here we were sleeping in the same room we didn't do anything except for kissing and I want to respect her boundaries then she spoke "It was lucky that whirlpool came out in the ocean right." As I heard what she just said and I laughed then she asked "what" then I said "Astrid we created that whirlpool." As she looked at me shocked and asked "How" then I said "A submarriper very big but not bigger than the Alpha Tidal class and have the ability to create whirlpools in the oceans." As she looked at me shocked again and I continue "I saved him one day because he was trapped with the Dragon proof chains then he saved me after that. But he didn't go back he stayed with me after that. He hunts on his own in the water and he only eats Fishes." As she laughed and said "You are amazing Hiccup you created something that no viking could ever dream off. You created a kingdom where the people and dragons live in harmony and not just that, you advanced the village with your inventions where people and dragons both can leave easily. Even you created a castle with stone. Every one here trusts and respect you. Heck even Alvin and Dagur listen to you without a second thought. You changed the minds many people even the dragon hunters and your mother has been alive and living with the Dragons. Am I forgetting something" as he looked at me and laughed then he said "Actually a lot... but we can save that for later." As she smiled and said "I hope your father could have seen this." As what she said I sighed and told her "I wish it could happen but my place is here now." Then she nod sadly and I asked "what happened Astrid..." then she said "I am just missing my friends and family...." as I smiled and got closer in the couch picked her in bridal style and sat her on my lap. As she looked shocked and I said "Astrid your parents loved you they let you escape from berk because they don't want you to get hurt. Your father, mother and your friends helped you escape because they don't have any choice left. They only thought of one thing and that is how to save you." As she smiled and let her tears fall as I smiled and kissed her as she returned the kiss. After the few minutes we break to take a breather but as I look at her she looked flushed because of the kiss. Then I hugged her and slowly kiss her neck as she moaned a little I hugged her tighter as our hearts throbbed then I asked "Astrid I can't control anymore but if you want to stop. I will stop" as she gulped and  whispered  "Hiccup..... I don't want it to stop." As she said I break the hug and looked at her eyes as lustful as it can be then we kissed again deeply and then my hand goes up from her back to her neck then I grabbed the ribbon of her braided hair and untied it where her hair falls on her shoulders then we break the kiss as she looked flushed again and I smirked and said "You look beautiful with your hair down" as I said that she got flushed again and then I picked her up in bridal style, walk towards our bed and then laid her down as I am on top of her then I caressed her cheek and kissed her lips and in that night we both were whole like two broken pieces of pot came together.


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