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When I woke up I saw its still night and thought 'I don't know what to do now should I steal the tailfin and destroy it I think it's a good idea and if I not Gobber is gonna find out who created that thing.' As I woke up and got up from the bed I saw outside everyone is leaving the Mead Hall Maybe I should wait for a few hours when everyone leaves the hall then I will go and steal that tailfin and then I saw my parents are coming home to sleep and I turn back and ladi in my bed as well and waited until everyone is gone.


I woke up from the bed and saw outside  that no one was there only some people who are out for the watch and 8 know everyone's movement where they will go. As I open the door of my bedroom and saw downstairs that my father and mother are in the room but I don't know they are sleeping as I move back to my bed and put pillows in a way so that if one of my parents come up to see me they will thought that I am sleeping and then I saw the window and it's big enough for me to climb up but not for going down and then I slowly got down from the stairs and open the front gate to get out and I was out and then I walk towards the forge by hiding myself so no one could see me and after the few minutes I was in front of the forge I saw here and there to see that no one was seeing me and then I walked towards the forge and it's locked.

Now I don't know what to do then I saw the window open at the back and saw inside I see Gobber wasn't here and then I jumped inside and looked for that tailfin and I thought 'there it is' and I walked towards it and picked up that tailfin and I again thought 'where do I hide it' and I thought again 'I know what to do with this' As I throw the tailfin out of the window and then I got out from the forge myself through the window and then I picked up the tailfin and heard someone "who's there" and I saw one of the patrol guards of the village is looking towards the forge as he walked towards me I was thinking 'what do I do now' as I held my breath and hide myself at the back of the forge as he walked slowly towards me at the back and I slowly move towards the other side of the forge with the tailfin and then the guard saw that no one is there and then he move towards the main road to patrol the village and the breath I held released and I relaxed and sit on the ground and I sighed and saw that villager go.

Then I stand up and picked up that tailfin and saw here and there to see if there is anyone but no one was here and then I ran up to the forest with the tailfin and after the few minutes I was at the cove and then I see if there is a way to hide it in the cove until Hiccup comes and pick it up and then I saw everywhere also that little space where Hiccup shield was stuck and I laughed a little and I saw again here and their to find a place to hide but there was no place to hide it and then I sighed then I saw the pond yes the pond it's not deep enough and can be hidden perfectly well and I walked towards the pond and throw that tailfin there until it was sunk down and then I left towards my home and after the few minutes I reached my home and I got to my home by hiding myself because of the guards and I ran towards my room's window and I climbed towards my room and when I reached towards my room I got inside and then I sighed because that was very hectic and I walked towards my bed laid down, closed my eyes and slept.


I woke up to see there is a bright light coming from the window and I thought 'its morning' as I sat down I saw myself on the table of the Mead Hall I thought 'I got drunk and slept here' as I stand up and yawn and stretched myself and walk towards the door of the Mead Hall and I opened it and walked towards the forge after the few minutes later I reached my home which is is forge and open the locked door and I walked towards that metal tail where I put it  but there is nothing there and I looked here and there inside the forge but there was nothing I got worried and shocked that the metal tail was gone no trace of it and thought 'how is that possible' and I ran outside the forge and towards the Stoick's house.


I woke up at the morning and I am eating breakfast all alone I sighed and thought 'maybe this is my punishment that bestowed upon me by the gods I lost my wife first and now my son maybe I should have hugged him last time before I go to my home and told him I am proud of him' and then I heard someone is furiously banging my door as I quickly get up and walked towards the door and open it and saw it was Gobber and he was huffing and told me something that I couldn't belive "That metal tail is gone" I was shocked

And I said "gone what do you mean gone" he said "I couldn't find it anywhere there is no trace of it" and then I ran up to the forge to see what's been going on as well as Gobber came As I got inside and looked everywhere for that metal tail I couldn't find it and then I asked Gobber "Did you find something that relates to someone that came in the night" and he said "No.... and I was at the Mead Hall sleeping" and then I turned to him and said  "call the village guards and tell then what happened here and call the meeting to the Mead Hall in an hour and also search the village to see if someone have seen something unpredictable" and then Gobber ran up to the guard station to tell them what's going on here as I stayed here and saw the window was open and I thought 'Maybe someone came from the window' as I walked towards the window to see if there is any evidence related to the person then I searched the window and there was no evidence it's just like the dragons at the arena then I sighed and I left to the Mead Hall to tell the village what happened here.


After the dinner last night I got home and slept then I woke up at the morning and I got out of my room and greet my parents and ate breakfast and then I heard a commotion outside as I got out with my parents of my house I heard a villager saying to my parents "Stoick wants everyone at the Mead Hall and he said it is an emergency " as I and my parents as we both got confused and worried and I thought 'What kind of emergency it is' then me and my parents walk towards the Mead Hall and after the few minutes we were inside the Mead Hall and I sawthe gang is there as well with their parents.

And I walk towards them and asked "Does anybody knows what have been going on" then Snotlout said "I don't know I just woke up in the morning and my father said come to the Mead Hall he said it is an emergency" and then Ruffnut spoke "Same here don't know what is going on here." and then I look at Astrid and she seems sleep deprived I asked worriedly " Astrid Are you okay you look tired" and Astrid said tiredly "I am okay just couldn't sleep well last night even though I slept early" as she yawned and then after the few minutes Stoick came with Gobber and Spitelout joined him as well and what he said shocked everyone "Let me tell you something to all" as me and everyone looked at him and he continues "Someone stole that thing which Gobber called the metal tail last night...." as everyone gasped an dthe he continues again "....and it was just like the dragons that were in the colosseum and we are asking everyone in here to to let us check their homes but before you all say anything let me finish I know it's the invasion of your privacy but look at the negative side of this someone stole that metal tail and no boats were left at the dock it means someone from the village stole it." As everyone was shocked what Stoick have said but it's true if someone stole that metal tail with no boats have left the dock it means the thief is from the village and after some discussion among the villagers in a few minutes later everyone agreed to let them check their homes and everyone will stay at the Mead Hall until the investigation is done that was the deal and I thought 'I don't know what's going on First Hiccup's death Second disappearance of Colosseum's dragon's Third on Dragon Island with the size of the Queen Dragon Fourth Metal tail and Fifth Disappearence of that Metal Tail' its shocking to see how many incidents has been going on in just a month and it started after Hiccup's death and I sighed as some of the village guard left with Stoick to check out the our homes as I got worried.


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