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Its been a month since Hiccup has gone out of berk and for the rest of village by thinking he is dead and also been a month since the last dragon raids. when Hiccup was gone and the dragons of the colosseum disappeared or gone with him As I say. After a week later when Hiccup was gone I have to kill the Monstrous Nightmare because I came in second at dragon training but I rejected the offer because I don't want to lose my trust in Hiccup and also there was no dragon to kill because every dragon inside the colosseum has disappeared but everyone was still on high alert like if any day the raids will come to berk  but no one knows except for me that Hiccup is the one who stops those raids and also he may be died in the battle for fighting that big dragon but I don't want to think that because today is the day that he promised me to meet in the cove I was excited that I am meeting him today as I was getting ready to meet him I heard a knock at the door "Astrid..... Breakfast is ready come down and eat." It was my mother and I told my mother "Okay Mom I am coming" After the few minutes I walked up to the door and open it and then head downstairs to eat I greeted my father and mother who are sitting at the dining table "Good morning Mom..... Good morning dad...." and they said together "Good Morning...." As I sat down with them and I ate breakfast with and talk a little after a while when I finished my breakfast I told them "I am going out" As I stand up and going outside the door.

As I walked out it was the others teens who are waiting for me As I said "good morning..." they greeted the same to me "good morning....."  and then Snotlout again tried to flirt with me as just I walked out of the door "Hey Babe, You look exceptional today..." and then I punched him in the face again and he said "Ow ow ow... What did you do that for" and I said in a frustrated face "for flirting with me" and he said "okay Okay fine.... I am not gonna do that again, maybe" and I was about to punch him again  and he became fearful "Okay okay okay I was just kidding" and then everybody laughed and I calmed down and then Tuffnut said "Oh come on beat him like a yak this will be a sight to see" and then Ruffnut said "Yes come on Astrid this will be good" they both said that with a glee and what can I expect from them they worship Loki after all.

Then Fishlegs said "So what do we do today" and I said to them "You guys go I have some work to do okay" then Snotlout said "what work" and I said "its personal and I can't tell you" and then Tuffnut said "oh come on tell us what are you doing today trying to kill somebody or how about hitting the people with a rock or some decimated prank or.. or...." and then I cut him off "No just going for practice with my axe" and then I said again "okay bye" and they said "Bye" as well.

And I ran off to the forest with my favorite axe and I was excited to meet him after the few minutes I reached the cove after Hiccup's death no one came to this cove anymore not even Stoick and Gobber because as they said there are too many memories for them and waited until he came and then I waited ,I waited and I waited...... and whole day have been passed just like that and I panicked what could have happened Is he gone or he forgot about the promise no stop thinking like that and then I wait for five more minutes but no one came I was about to cry but I heard someone calling me "Astrid......." When I turned around I saw Hiccup he is alive I ran up to him and hugged him and when I break I punched his shoulder and said with a angry voice "where were you" he said "sorry.... got caught in the storm by coming here and it took a while for the clouds to clear" and I hugged him again then we break and smiled to him as he smiled to me but when I see down to his leg I was horrified I see that his leg is gone.


I woke up from the bed and see that the sun is up as I stretched and I stand up from the ground with one real leg and the other was Prosthetic one and the Toothless woke up and nudged me and I Patted him and greeted him "Good Morning bud....." and I sighed Its been a month since I left berk and Astrid. After I stole the dragons from Berk I bring them to this Island which I called the Dragon's Edge and then two days later I put up the plan to defeat that big dragon which I called now the Red Death I still remember that day when I was about to die on the Helheim's gate when that big dragon came out of the mountain I attacked him with the dragons of berk and then Red Death came after me to eat me as I notice that it has wings so I thought that it will be good for me to let that thing chase me to the clouds and then I was flying to the clouds and it flew as well it came after me in the clouds and then I attacked it by completely disappearing myself then it spits fire everywhere to find me the fire didn't reach me but the fire got caught on Toothless tail and then I realized I don't have much time. 

I put it's attention on me which that thing followed then I flew downwards which the dragon followed Toothless as I wait and then its about to blast me but when it  is releasing its gas to fire at me I tell Toothless to fire at its mouth which that thing got burn form the inside and then we evade that thing crashed to the ground which gives a big explosion as I was evading the fire at my back Toothless tail got fully burned and can't fly anymore and we both crashed to the Red Death's tail and I was Unconscious and falling and I think Toothless came after me to save me and when I woke up I was on the ground and saw Toothless and other dragons nudged me not just the one's from berk but the other dragons who I saved from Red Death and they crooning to me but when I woke up I don't know how much time has passed and when I was about to stand up I was horrified because my whole leg was gone I almost hyperventilate and then I felt a little pain but not agonizing pain and I touched my leg and see that saliva of a dragon and I realized it was Toothless and in that day I know that Night fury saliva has healing properties which was unexpected and the other dragons helped me to reach the Dragon's edge.

When I came here I started to build a Prosthetic Leg to help me walk and I started to build a house with the help of the dragons of the nest and now Its almost completed and as I walk out of the door I see that the sun is up and today is the day I will see Astrid again and I was getting ready quickly but after the few minutes I see clouds are forming then that means its gonna be a storm and I was right we can't just go into the storm we have to wait as I patted Toothless and waited until the storm passed but it took a while for the storm to pass and after the few hours the clouds disappeared then I quickly sat up on the saddle of Toothless and flew towards berk when the tailfin was burned due to the Red Death I created a new one which is red and have a skull face on it and I got the materials from the Northen Markets I took the Nadder  which helps me to fly towards them and where I hide my face with a cloak and bought the materials and also in those markets I learned about the Dragon Hunters who kill and sell dragon parts for the profit.I was horrified and then I promised myself I will defeat them and free all the dragons who are in their captivity.

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