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As I was flying to berk to meet Astrid It was already night After the few hours I reached berk and watched that no houses were burned and they are still rebuilding and I reached the cove I watched Astrid waiting for me I was scared because I thought She left when the sun has been set and then I heard a sniffing sound and watched Astrid has been crying and when I reached her I called her name "Astrid...." when she turned around and saw me she was relieved and she ran up to me and hugged me as I hugged her and then we break and then she punched my shoulder and said with a angry voice "where were you" I said "sorry.... got caught in the storm by coming here and it took a while for the clouds to clear" and she hugged me again then we break and she smiled to me as I smiled to her but when she see down to my leg she was horrified I see that in her face then she asked me with a worried face "What happened to your leg" and then I realized she is worried about me I lied as I scratched my neck "Nothing just fell from the tree....haha...." as I try to laugh she got a little angry and said to me "Don't lie to me..." and then I sighed and told her everything that happened with the Red Death and she was horrified and about to cry and then I hugged her again as she hugged me as well and after the few minutes as she calmed down I asked her "Are you Okay now" and she told me "yes"

Then I said "Let's go down the river" and she said "okay" then she patted Toothless and about to licked her all over then I stopped Toothless before anything can happen but instead Toothless licked me and Astrid was laughing to see my pain when everything was over Astrid helped me gave me a hand to get up and we walked up to the river and sat down as Toothless was sleeping as he was tired from the flying and then Astrid and I talked almost everything and she told me what happened when I left she said "Hiccup when you left as I told you before what happened but when Stoick thought... you know.....Died..... he was not himself he was so sorry that he couldn't do anything to keep you safe and was also sorry when he neglected you and that was the first time I saw him cry and so broken its like that when he was fighting dragons there was one thing that keeps him going but now he almost kept to himself. he started his chiefly duties after a week and it was Gobber's convincing method that get him out of his house." I was shocked to hear Stoick predicament and then I sighed and she continued "Not everyone misses you Hiccup but the teens, Stoick, Gobber and even Snotlout cried at your Funeral." I was shocked again and in a calming voice I told her "I wish I could come back but its too late now....." She looked at me and asked "How..."

I told her "If now I come back Stoick is gonna kill me for running away from berk and befriending a dragon because he thinks that his son is died by a dragon just like my mother and If I  come back now he is gonna kill Toothless and that's what I am scared about because he thinks the Night fury killed me and when he see Toothless he is gonna attack first then ask questions later For Thor sake even Gobber is gonna kill Toothless because he loves me more than anything" as I look up to her  as she was shocked and couldn't speak and then she sighed.


"If now I come back Stoick is gonna kill me for running away from berk and befriending a dragon because he thinks that his son is died by a dragon just like my mother and If I come back now he is gonna kill Toothless and that's what I am scared about because he thinks the Night fury killed me and when he see Toothless he is gonna attack first then ask questions later For Thor sake even Gobber is gonna kill Toothless because he loves me more than anything" I was shocked of what he was telling because I know he is right what would happen when Stoick found out that his son is alive and just joined the enemy and then I sighed and I told him "you are right okay then you will meet me after all every month right?" and he said with a smiling face "Yes" and I smiled as well.

So I asked "So what you are doing out there and tell me after you kill the Red Death" and then he told me everything after he defeated the Red Death where he is stated, what he call the Island and the sudden reveal of the dragon hunters to me. I was shocked what he told me about the dragon hunters they sold dragon parts to earn some money and I got angry after that then I asked "what are you gonna do about them are you gonna fight or are you gonna stay situated on that Island" and then he told me "I am gonna fight them with Toothless because he and the other dragons are the reason I am alive from the Red Death" I got worried and told him "Hiccup I don't want you to fight to the Dragon hunters" and he looked shocked what I told him then I continued "I am worried that something will happen to you if you go after them" as I look into his eyes as he looked into mine then he laughed and sarcastically told me "I can't believe Astrid The Fearless Hofferson is worried about me who always remain neutral to anyone who give his heart to you" I blushed and hid my face with both of my hands as he laughed more while looking at me then I got little angry then I punched his shoulder he said "Ow...." after the few minutes I calmed down I told him "I am worried about you Hiccup because I also love you and I don't want you to do something dangerous" and he told me "I know but If I don't do anything maybe they will come to berk for an alliance or to destroy the Island" I got worried and sighed then he got up and told me "Okay Looks like its time for me to go" then he gave me a hand to get up as I took it and then we walked towards Toothless and that walk looks like a parting from each other forever.

As I was worried when he was thinking about fighting the dragon hunters I subconsciously grabbed his hand and then he looked at me and seen my worried expression then I hugged him as I told him "Be careful out there and be safe okay" and he said "okay" then we break the hug and then Hiccup caress my cheek as he pulled me closer then he kissed me I was shocked and the I close my eyes as well responding to the kiss after the few minutes we break to take our breath and I asked him "Hiccup can you make another promise" and he looked at me and replied "yes" then I told him "Don't do anything reckless that would  get you killed okay just like the Red Death" and he sighed and told me "I can't promise you that Astrid...." I was shocked and he continues "But I will try to keep myself safe as far as possible Okay" and I nodded then he called "Toothless its time to go" and Toothless stand up and walked toward us he then patted him and sat on the saddle then he looked at me and said "Bye Astrid I will meet you next month" and I said sadly "Bye Hiccup..." and then I looked over Toothless and told him "Toothless Please take care of him okay" as he nudged me as a 'Yes' as I patted him then I step back and He flew again as I watch him go again and then I sighed and walked back to my home.


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