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I was in my room after finishing dinner in the Mead Hall and I can't believe Hiccup is going to be a Viking tomorrow after all he is my cousin and I am very happy for him but what about me I want to be a viking too because I just want to be recognized by my father who always thinks that I am the much better heir I don't know if I can be as great as Stoick. 

I always lookup to him When I heard the stories about him I wanted to be like him but when I saw Hiccup I can't believe he is his son he is like a fishbone like who needs to be protected everytime who can't even pick a hammer. At that time I thought Maybe my father is right I will be much better heir but now I don't know what I do now now everyone in teens love him even now I am respecting him which is unbelievable I always thought he will be dead before He will make it to the finals because he can't even pick a sword with his stick like hands and I always bullied him not because it was fun but because atleast he can stand up for himself atleast he can fight one dragon to protect himself because everyone knows he can't survive himself like this with just a dagger in his hand but now I think he will be able to survive everything looks like  I need to say sorry to him after killing his first dragon for bullying him and now I think he will be the  better heir.

I heard someone knocking on the door "son....  boyo...". It was my father Spitelout who is knocking as I walk to the door and opened it "What's up Dad" 

He said "Looks Like the gods grants our wishes  boyo". I said "What do you mean Dad."

He said "The runt of the viking is dead now nobody can stop you from being the heir of berk". I was shocked what my father said and in a laughing manner. "who killed him". He said "It was a dragon a Nightfury nonetheless we found his dagger with the blood stains and a scale of the Nightfury." I was shocked I can't believe my cousin is gone. He said " Boyo... Let's go to the Mead Hall Stoick is there as well." I keep my head down in front of my father "Okay...... You go I will come in later." as I closed the door and I feel my eyes wet I want to cry but not now not by my mother downstairs. I can't let my father know that I am crying. After few minutes later I opened the door and I go downstairs and I see my mother Helen "Hey Mom." She said with the sad expression "Hey son..... how are you holding up" I Gasped and I said to her in a smile "I am okay Mom......" Little by Little She walked closer to me and hugged me "I know  you more than anyone else in a world So just cry as much as you want to me." I cried to her shoulder as I hugged her and then after the few minutes I ran to the Mead Hall.

When I reached the hall and opened the door I saw Stoick sitting in the chair and looking at the bloodstained dagger and with the scale of the Nightfury just like my father said and then after few minutes my father reached me and whispered to me "boyo your wish will be granted now to become the heir."  "Okay Dad."  As I fake my face to smirk and to not cry I saw the teens are crying Fishlegs may have some admiration of Hiccup because of his Smartness but I can't believe even the twins were crying those who worship loki  and I saw Astrid and her parents and even Astrid was also crying because I can see her red eyes from here except my father and me and some others who do not like Hiccup like Mildew and I think Astrid just glanced me and saw me smirking After that Gobber said something to Stoick and he stand up and tell him to gather his closest things and left leaving us in the hall and after that I told my father "Dad I am going outside for some fresh air...."  He said " Okay boyo." I left the hall to get some fresh air and I walk up to the back of the hall and I let my tears fall from my eyes and then I heard something. I look at my back and saw Astrid.


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