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When we were on the Dragon Island we couldn't believe what we saw the dragon as three times bigger than berk but not only that we saw a a thing laying on the ground and it was burned maybe who fought this thing that wing belong to him or her we don't know but Gobber said that thing looks familiar and even said that this person surpassed his expectations but even he doesn't know who made this thing but atleast Good Riddance for the dragons that no dragon will attack the village anymore and now I have to think about making my son the heir and later chief of Berk as I saw Stoick he was talking to Gobber about the route of the ship as I walked towards him to talk and said "Stoick...." and he turned his head towards me and I said again "....Let's talk" then he sighed and said "What do you want to talk about Spitelout" and I looked at Gobber and I said "In Private" then he nodded at Gobber and Gobber went to see if everything is okay on the ships to reach home and he said "What do you want to talk about" I said "I know this is not the time to talk about this but you have to choose an Heir when we get home" and he was angry what I just said and I continued "I know that you have been avoiding this but before you get more angry listen to me first" and then he sighed again and said "Okay... Tell me" and I said "Its been a month that your son died I know its very hard for you but the village is looking for an Heir after your passing and I was voting Snotlout because he is the only bloodline left for you to choose and the village is also asking for you to choose an heir so choose it quickly That's all" and he sighed again and said "Okay I will...." then I left with a smirk on my face as we are only few hours away from home.


As what Spitelout said is true I need to choose an Heir the village won't back down if I choose but who Snotlout he may be a better chief but not a good chief and Astrid she is a Woman I can't choose her The Law states that no women would sit on the throne of berk or lead the people until she is married to someone who is a royal person and would be her husband and its been going on for 300 Years Looks like Snotlout it is then and I sighed I hope Hiccup was here He may be not bulky Viking but he was intelligent He could have lead the tribe in a amazing way I don't know. Looks like I need to talk to Gobber about this then make a decision.


We reached berk and then we docked our ships and Disembarked they were surprised to see us come home very quickly because they don't know what happened and Bucket asked us "what happened" and I said "Let's head to the Mead Hall first I will tell you then.." then I turned my head to Gobber and told him "Gobber...."as he saw me and I told him "Take that thing to the forge to see if you can find out who created this" and Gobber said "Okay....." then he picked up that thing and headed to the forge as everyone head to the Mead Hall for some explanation I walked with after the few minutes we were inside the Mead Hall Except for Gobber to see if we can find something on that thing the hall as buzzing and then I said "Quiet...." then everyone was silenced for the information that we received on Dragon Island and then I said "When we reached to the Helheim's gate we can see through the fog clearly every pillar even we found the lost boat in there as well as we were reaching to the Dragon Island there was no Dragon Attacking us after the few minutes we reached the Island and what we saw was horrifying...." then they whisper amoung each other and I continued ".....we saw a dragon bigger than berk and I think it was residing inside the volcano...." everyone got shocked what I just said and I continued again ".....There was no dragon there but only the ashes of that big dragon and that dragon was burn to crisp from head to toe and not just that. we found something it looks like a wing of a dragon but that wing was created by a person..." they got shocked again and I continued again "We don't know whose wing it was but Gobber is finding out right now that how the person created that so wait for the answers but I can tell you this whoever this person is we own him...." as I walked towards to get out of the Mead Hall the whispering starts and I walked towards the forge to get some answers on that thing.


As we docked our ship Stoick called me "Gobber...." as I turned my head around and he said "Take that thing to the forge to see if you can find out who created this" and I said "Okay....." then I picked up that wing and head to the forge some people are giving me stares maybe because of this thing after the few minutes I reached the forge and begin examining it the structure looks familiar and its like someone who is not just smart and intelligent but a warrior himself as well. 

As I was examining it I smirk a little because these kind of crazy inventions has reminded me of Hiccup. he would create something unspeakable who do more damage to the village or himself than to the dragons but creating something amazing was his personality that's what I like about him he was smart and intelligent and even help me created weapons for the whole village and then I heard Someone calling me "Gobber....." as I turned around it was Stoick and I said "Yes Stoick..." then he said "Did you find anything on that thing" I sighed and said "No... don't know who created this but this work reminded me of Hiccup" and then Stoick looked at me and said "Why..." I sadly said "Because he always create something else even I don't know how he created the bola that he hit the Night Fury with after all that bola shoots himself" and Stoick laughed genuinely and said "I know but those inventions do more damage to the village or himself then helping others..." I said "yeah ..You are right so what now" and he sighed and said "I want to talk about something else as well" and I eyed him suspiciously and said "Okay go on" but what he said was something unthinkable not even I would expect.

He said "Spitelout came to me at my house " I said "yes... so what" and then Stoick sighed and said "he came to me for voting Snotlout as the new heir of berk..." I was shocked and I almost yelled "What...." and he sighed again and said "he is right you know I have to think about the next heir I can't leave the village without an heir..." and I worriedly said "But Stoick you can't give Snotlout the role The village will be dead before you know it" and he said "I know I know.... but I was also thinking about Astrid as well she also a good candidate for this role" and I sighed and said "Astrid is good but she is a girl The Law states that if the chief is a girl she need to marry someone and that someone should be a royal person and only Snotlout is royal in the age groups" and Stoick said "I know its not just that If I tell Astrid she will be heartbroken because she already have someone in her life she told me last night I saw her going outside the woods" I am shocked what he just said he is also right he can't interfere in someone love life and I told him "Why don't you talk to Snotlout first then figure it out if he is good for the role or not..." and he said "Actually I was thinking about that too I almost made him the heir at the boat when Spitelout came to tell me about making him the heir" he sadly sighed and said "I hope Hiccup would be here..." and I told him "I know but now he is gone I don't know what to do anymore there are no dragon raids and he was one of the best apprentice I ever had he may built some crazy inventions but apart from that he was like a son to me....." then he said "He will be watching you from Valhalla Gobber maybe not me but you I can promise that he will" as Stoick and I looked towards the sky.


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