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We talked almost an hour and now it is noon then I asked her "Let's go get lunch in the Dining Hall and you will meet some of my friends there" as she nod and stand up then we walked to the Dining Hall after the few minutes we reached the gate of the dining hall as I saw two guards bowed and open it as I step inside. I saw people and dragons are having fun there like arm wrestling, drinking Mead, and talking to each other and the dragons are eating their meals like fish and playing with each other but then I cleared my throat "Ahem....." then everything stopped as they looking at me and I said "So you guys are having fun without me" then one of the guard said "No Your Majesty we were just..." as he is sweating I saw Astrid is giggling then I said "Just kidding... don't take this seriously." As I said everybody relaxed then continue doing what they were doing. Then I saw Astrid and she is smiling then I told her "Let's go to the table..." as she nodded then we gone to the big table with eight chairs and my friends were sitting on them as they stand up and bowed to me as I said "Sit down Let's eat" then Mala Spoke "Hello, My name is Mala, Queen of the Defenders of the wing Isle." as she turned towards Astrid then Astrid said shyly "Hello... my name is Astrid Hofferson" then she said "You are cute, now I know why Hiccup is so crazy about you. It's nice to finally meet you." as she blushed and I chuckled then Heather came in between them and said to her "Hello, my name is Heather Chieftess of the Berserker tribe and I heard you are the best Shield Maiden on berk. When you are okay can we have a duel. Please" she looked shocked and confused and asked "Wait wait wait.... Chieftess of the Berserker tribe. But I heard Dagur is the chief there" as she looked at me.

Then Heather said "oh he was actually. He just passed the title to me because I am his sister and he just got married to Mala so he stayed with her on her Island." She looked shocked again. Then Dagur came and said to her "It's true I am the king of the Defenders of the wing Isle and Mala is my queen." Then door dining Hall door opens and Alvin and Viggo came and walked towards us then Viggo came to me and saw Astrid and said "Hello Hiccup, can you tell me who this lovely lady is" then I said "Viggo, This is Astrid Hofferson and you know I told you about her." As Astrid looked towards me then Viggo said "Hello Mistress, my name is Viggo Grimborn Former Dragon Hunter and the closest advisor of His Majesty." As she looked shocked again and giggled a little then she said "So Hiccup, I can't believe you changed the perspective of Dragon's for the Dragon Hunters as well." As I laughed then Viggo said "Actually, me and Hiccup were enemies because I was leader of the Dragon Hunters and we were trying to kill each other" as he said she looked shocked again and Yelled "WHAT!!!" I saw her face and As I laughed at her then Then he continued "oh it was in the past but after I got saved by the nightmare. My perspective of them has changed then I joined him as well." Then Eret is next "Hello Miss, my name is Eret son of Eret, Member of the council and leader of Night Owls." As she nodded but still looked shocked now Alvin's turn "Hello Miss Hofferson, it's been a while how are you doing and how is berk." As he smiled then she looked sad and she said  "Actually Alvin a lot happened there but I don't want to talk about that." As he nod then I said "Let's eat" as I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Then I asked "where is Toothless" as he growled from upward. Then I said  "so he was here before I came. Eating fish again" as they nod then I asked "but why is he up there...." as he jumped down on top of me and keep licking "Toothless seriously that doesn't wash out." As he cooed as a laugh as my friends laughed at my state then Toothless sat beside me as Astrid Patted him as she laughed. Then he sat on the ground.

Then we talked a lot and Astrid apologized to Heather about her recent behaviour but Heather said "oh... I don't mind after all you were in New environment anybody can be scared if they see something new." As Astrid nod then we continued talking then the few minutes later Atali came through the door and came towards us and I asked "Late for lunch...." then she said "Yes.... the baby razorwhips causing trouble again." As we all laughed a little then she greeted Astrid "oh.... Hello My name is Atali leader of the Wing Maidens Isle " as she bowed to her then Astrid said "Hi my name is Astrid Hofferson. The Shield Maiden of berk." Then Atali said " Yeah I know. He talked about you a lot and I mean a lot. Means he never stopped talking about you" as I blushed and said "Atali...." the she said  "What it's true though." As everyone at the table laughed. Then she asked "so these are all your council members" and I said "Actually there is another one but she lives far away. But she comes occasionally to meet us and I say she is gonna like you." As she nod and after the few minutes we talked and laughed while eating lunch.

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