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we sent Astrid away almost everyone cried and I hope she find a place for herself. But what about now then Astrid's Mother walked towards to us and said "Kids you go home. You all shouldn't be here. If someone sees you here we are all gonna be in big trouble." As we nod then Ruffnut spoke "Mrs Hofferson if anything happens. Please don't hesitate to call us" as we all nodded and then Snotlout spoke "It's all my fault Mrs Hofferson I should have done something" as she speak "It's not your fault Snotlout. You have done everything you could" as he nod and we all left at our homes and Mrs Hofferson gone to her husband then I reached my home and gone to my room where all papers, books and charts then I gone to the bed and closed my eyes to sleep.


I open my eyes as the sunlight is coming from the window then I stand up and get ready in my usuall attire. Eat my breakfast, picked up my books and ready to leave then I got outside the door and saw Spitelout fuming as he is leaving at his home which means he knows that Astrid ran away as I sighed but then I saw Snotlout walking towards me sadly and said "Hey Fishlegs...." then I said "Hi Snotlout, Is everything okay." Then he said "No actually...... when I got up my father told me to come quickly and after that we left to meet the Hoffersons. We saw that Mr Hofferson was still at the bed and Mrs Hofferson tending to her. Then my father again asked the engagement to Astrid but Mr Hofferson laughed said she ran away and she will never be your daughter-in-law. Then my father said how can he do this. he won fair and square but Mr Hofferson said you cheated which I got shocked" as I am shocked and I said "how he cheated" and he said "when he kicked him at the back he felt something sharp which contains a drug where you can sleep instantly and It was attached to his boot." Then I am shocked again and I asked "how did Mr Hofferson know about this" then he said "Come on Fishlegs he was at Gothi's who is best healer in the village. She found out when he was there but the pin wound is gone and the drug is dissolved so there is no one can prove that he did it."

Then I asked "what do we do now" and he said "nothing.... let's not do anything right now. Let's see what's gonna happen now because now half of the village knows that my father cheated and if he didn't then Astrid had ran away because of the engagement by ruining the name of the Hoffersons. And as off right now both of our houses are at war with each other." As I nod and said "I hope Astrid is okay" he smiled and said "She is okay. She is the best Shield Maiden ever nobody can hurt her." And I smiled as well and I saw Stoick is running up to the Hoffersons and I think to see what's going on.


When I got up and doing my usuall routine breakfast and waiting for Snotlout but I heard the commotion outside as I walked outside and saw villagers are whispering about something the Gobber came and told me "Stoick...." and I asked "Gobber, what's going on..." and he said "Stoick Astrid has ran away" then I Yelled "WHAT!!!" and he continues " ....and Harold is saying that Spitelout cheated because he was checked with Gothi a pin wound at his back and said that the pin wound is looking like it was attacked and maybe a drug entered his body which can give you instant sleep." As I am shocked to hear what he just have said then I ran up to the Hoffersons then After the few minutes I am at their door and opened it. I saw Harold is sitting in the Dining table and Ingrid is sitting next to her calming him down.

I asked "Harold is it true that Astrid has ran away" then Harold said "No stoick she didn't run..." then I eyed at him confusingly and he continues ".....I sent her away from berk." As I looking at him shocked and asked "Harold Are you crazy why did you do this" then he said "I will do anything for my daughter Stoick even if I have to kill myself for it." Then I said "But Harold you know what this means right. You could be ruined and Spitelout is not gonna back down until he brings you down. And your two houses will be at war with each other." The Ingrid said "Stoick we know what you are saying even if Harold won he was not gonna stop until he breaks that's why we did it." And Harold continues "Stoick just tell me this if Hiccup would be here what would you do if Spitelout was threatening you when he held Hiccup hostage." I am shocked and didn't know what I would say but I know this I will do anything for him. Then I sighed and said "You are right my son died because of me. I just looked at Astrid as my own daughter so that's why my fatherly instinct just raised. I just hope she would be okay." Then Ingrid smiled and said "she will be. She is strong and maybe you can't become the father that Hiccup wants at that time but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you Stoick. Just let the bygones be bygones." As I nod then I said to Harold "I hope you get a good recovery Harold" as he nod. Then I left to at my house to see Snotlout for his training.



It is morning now and Hiccup came with Astrid at night. I was asleep in my room but when I heard the commotion I woke up quickly and ran outside to see what's going on then I asked the Maid standing next to me "What's going on" and she said "His Majesty came with a woman in his arms" I panicked because he said to me that he was going to see Astrid then I ran up to his room to see and When I knocked the door of his room a voice came from inside "Come in..." and it was from Hiccup as I go in I saw Astrid was shivering and Magnus was here to check her and Hiccuo was pacing here and there and he looked terrified then Magnus spoke "Your Majesty she is fine just got sick due to the cold and she must be under a lot of pressure. She just needs to sleep and give her this medicine" then Hiccup said "Thanks Magnus." As he bowed to both of us and then left. Then I asked Hiccup "Can you tell me what happened" he said "I don't know she was at the boat all alone and she was calling me looks like something has happened on berk." Then he sighed and grunted frustratedly and said "I am scared. What If she died, what if-" as I cut him off and told him "Hiccup you told me that she is strong right. She can survive this and don't forget what Magnus said she is fine just need a lot of rest" as he nodded then he said "Thanks Heather...." as I nod then he continues "And Heather can you do me a favour." I said "Yes ask away." The he asked "Can you take care of her until she is awake." Then I asked "but what about the meeting." He said "Dagur can take care of that. Please Heather can you take care off her until she is awake." As I smiled and said "of course and I really want to talk to her as well. I heard from you she is the Best Shield Maiden on berk and I want to have a duel with her." As he laughed and said "Looks like you are gonna be best buds" as I laughed as well. And he said "oh....I am gonna put two guards outdoors okay and I will tell them not hurt her. Even though when she wakes up she is gonna hurt them." As I laughed again then he left to do his work.


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