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As I walked out of the door. I saw my father is waiting outside for me then I walked up to him and he asked me "what did Stoick tell....." and I said "you were right dad. it is about the chiefdom...." and he said smirking "what did he say..." I said "he told me nothing but he said that the village is in great hands..." I didn't tell him what we talked about but just said the last part of our conversation. Then my father laughed then he said "Boyo.... now our time have come to rule over berk...." he laughed again and then as he put his hand on my shoulder and then he walked away laughing but he didn't ask me about Astrid and that's good because I don't want to pull her into my family business and cause her trouble. and then I walked away to meet my friends at the colosseum and there I saw everyone is doing something Ruffnut is trying to knockout Tuffnut and Fishlegs is reading the dragon killing manual as I walked towards them and asked "hey guys what's going on...." and Fishlegs said "nothing just reading the dragon manual again...." then Tuff said "...and we are which one of us is more deadly towards each other..." then Ruff said "....yeah we are here to see how much we can hurt each other..." then Fishlegs asked "so what were you have been doing" and I said "....just came from the Chief's house" then Fishlegs is shocked and asked me again worriedly " he choose you to be the-you know..." and I said to him a little rudely "No Fishface but he will think about it though" then Ruff asked "what's going on" and I sighed and said "I can't tell you right now because it's a secret but you will find out soon enough..... and does anybody seen Astrid" and Tuff said "she would be home with her parents." and I sighed again and said "Okay....let's go it's almost night Let's head to the Mead Hall for dinner" as everyone nod then we left to the Mead Hall.


After me, my family, Stoick and Gobber enter the Mead Hall I sat down beside my parents and beginning to eat dinner which is provided for me as well Stoick sat down at head of the table where the chief's sat and then after the few minutes my friends came then Snotlout looked at me with concern in his face then after eating dinner I saw Stoick also finished eating dinner then he came up to me as I said to my parents " I will meet you at home okay mom and dad" as my mother said concerning for me"okay...."and we got out of the hall to talk. Then we walk up to his house and he asked "Astrid do you have your answer....." and I said "Yes...." then he asked again "what is it then....." and Astrid said "Chief my answer is no... I don't want to be the heir..." and he said worriedly "If you are worried about the law then I can make-" and I said quickly "No No its not about that..." then I sighed "It's just that I don't think I will be a good chief " Stoick look shocked what I have said and I continued "....I just don't want to come between Snotlout and his legacy and also because of Hiccup" and then he looked at me concerning and I continued again " know when Hiccup and I were little I always wants to keep him by my side we played together but when my Uncle died I kept my distance from him just because of I could be a warrior of berk after that I ended my friendship with him and he became all alone. At that time I think I was doing the right thing but I was wrong I made him look like he was a thrall at my training and even in this village. Then he became an outcast nobody wants him I think that's how he became shy If I just reached my hand to him then I think he may be still with us..." then Stoick sighed and said "yeah some of the people in this village is feeling guilty of how they had been treated him and just we had reached out our hand to him he might still be alive..." then Astrid looks down and she felt guilty about not telling Stoick that Hiccup is still alive then Astrid said looking at him "Yeah I know how that feels... but it's not about that I don't want to become the heir because that's not who I am. I am a warrior and chiefting is not for me. So Sorry chief If I disappointed you" as he smiled and said "Astrid you never disappointed me you just go what your heart tells you okay and be yourself....." as he laughed and continued ".....I should have gave this advice to my son I was an idiot and I hope wherever he is in Valhalla he is looking down at us with a smile" as I nod then I said "Thanks Chief and Good Night....." and he said "Good Night" then I left to my home to sleep but stopped because I saw Snotlout and looks like he is waiting for someone and he is looking worried then he called me "hey Astrid..... can we talk"


After what Astrid said I realized how much I was neglecting my son in the past Maybe its really a punishment that is given to me by the gods I don't know what I do now but I do know is that Snotlout is becoming heir of berk which is not a bad idea after the talk with him gone smoothly I think berk have a better heir maybe not intelligent like Hiccup but close enough as I am thinking I am going to my house to sleep as I reached my home and open the door I got in and walk towards my room as I got in the room and laid down on my bed and slept.


When I enter the Mead Hall I saw Astrid is eating dinner with her parents and then she looked at me with concern as I walked towards my table to eat with my friends then after the few minutes I saw Astrid leaving with Stoick and then I thought it must be about the chiefdom but looks like no one saw them go except for me and I sighed but if he still chooses Astrid then I will respect his wishes as I said to him at hus home then I ate my dinner and it looks like I need to talk to Astrid after the few minutes I ate my dinner said goodbye to my friends and then I go outside as I walk towards my home I saw Astrid is talking to Stoick about something and he laughed a little and it looks like they say goodbye to each other and then she is coming towards me and saw me worried and I said "hey Astrid..... can we talk" and she said looking at me suspiciously " what do you want to talk about" and I sighed "Astrid I will just get to the point.... Did you say yes about the chiefdom or not" as she looked at me shocked and she sighed and said "I said No..." as I looking at her shocked I asked "Can I ask why" and she said "because it's not me I don't want to be chief I am a warrior type not chief material" as I am shocked again and said "Astrid you are perfect candidate for becoming the heir of berk everyone here loves you so why do you say no and I know it's not because of 'not chief material' " and she looked down and said "It's about Hiccup....." as I looked at her sad face and she continues "Hiccup was the one to become chief and after.... you know..... the incident happened I can't help but feel guilty about how we treated him" as I looked at her with concern and said "You know Astrid I always think that Hiccup was weak... I mean look at him he had no muscle can't use weapons properly but he was intelligent and with that intelligence he created weapons that we are using right now you can say that I was always a little jealous of him being that smart because you know my father and I are not much intelligent but I always looked up to him even though we derate him down he always put that smile on his face which I got a little jealous off..." as she looked at me shocked of what I have said and she spoke " know I always think that he will do something miraculous with his life but we all were too late..." as he nod and she continues "but that's not the only reason I said no its also the reason that....... it's not what my heart wants" as I smiled and said "It's okay Astrid I get it whatever you do with your life it's your choice not mine not chief and heck not your parents... so I think I am the only candidate left then" as she laughed and I smirked and try to flirt with her "you know there is a position of the chieftess available babe" as I try to put my hand around her shoulder then she took my hand and flipped me and I said "ow,ow,ow......" as she laughed and said "not a chance..." as I laughed said "Good Night Astrid..." as I walked away and she said "Good Night Snotlout..." as she is going to her house.


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