🥀 - Chapter 25 -🌹

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(Third person perspective)
Marcus walked up to Ominis and put his hand on his shoulder.
''Son, don't let your dignity get in the way and let Evander try.''

Ominis stepped back and grabbed his wand and pointed it at his father.
''Don't touch me father! You only want me to be cured so that our family no longer has disability.
And you can use our strong family in your battle and war".

Evan fleetingly grabbed his own wand from his pocket and waved it in the direction of Ominis "Expelliarmus". Ominis' wand flew into the air and before Evan could grab it Ominis jumped in front of it and grabbed his wand and apparated away from the house.

Marelie and Marcus looked at each other and sighed deeply as they gave each other a kiss.

"He'll be back Mar,don't worry" Marcus said as he grabbed Marelie's hand.

Helena looked around and then at Evan with tears in her eyes and ran into the flower garden.

"Helena where are you going?" Called Evander

He looked worriedly at Marcus and Marelie.
marcus nodded. "Go after her Evan, she is going to the Rosarium"

and Evan ran after her into the garden.


(Helena perspective)
I ran further and further away from Gaunt manor and I stopped at the Rosarium to catch my breath. In the distance I heard leaves rustling and Evan calling my name.

"Helena, Helena."

*how fast is that boy, I was well ahead*

I opened the door of the rosary and hid behind a large vase of white roses.

"Mi amor?"

His footsteps came closer.

"freckles I know you're here, come out come out wherever you are."

"LEVIOSO, GLACIUS" I called out as I pointed my wand at Evan.

*now get out quickly*

I ran further into the forest towards the water creek near the troll forest.


"I don't care Evan go away, you've made everything worse!" I responded as I ran between the trees.

''NO Stop running, I want to help you!"

And before I could turn around to respond back I flew 20 meters into the air and landed further into the big water creek after being hit by a hard piece of wood that suddenly flew to my stomach.
A hellish pain went through my body as I landed in the water and I cried out.

(Evander perspective)
The moment I saw Helena being hit by a huge bat carried by an ugly troll I quickly hid behind a tree.

*you can't be serious, a river troll. I hope she's okay...*.

I looked from behind the tree at the troll who was looking around for me.

*I need to distract him so I can run to Helena*

I crouched down behind the tree and pointed my wand at a tree 30 meters away from where I was.

"Confringo" I whispered.
The tree was hit and the troll ran in mega steps in the same direction as the tree.


Quickly I rushed toward the water where I saw Helena lying unconscious.
My heart stopped for a moment at the sight of an injured Helena and tears came to my eyes.

🥀 Roses and Novels - Sebastian Sallow - Ominis Gaunt (Hogwarts Legacy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now