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Shubman Pov

I froze when his head hit my shoulder . He fell asleep ,Those beautiful eyes were closed.

"what did you do to me ? you make me going crazy so fucking crazy
Ishan , but I don't deserve a beautiful soul like you "

I pulled him close to me carefully not breaking his sleep. The day I saw him I had a strange feeling about him , but the day I kissed him , When that day I was looking for a way to escape from the guards, I saw Ishan. I can't even imagine why I did that . I never thought kissing another man , on my entern life but I kissed him I can never forget and it was my frist kiss. everything about him attracted me Even when he scolded me.I know he is a very good person with a beautiful heart.

I picked him up and carefully placed him on the bed in the room.he was sleeping soundly , my lips were pressed to his forehead. I wanted to lean down and kiss his lips but I couldn't , the things this boy does me .I never felt that way about anyone
But how can I put his life in danger?
He has a bright future. He deserves everything in this world !

If he stays with me, he will be hurt
I am afraid that if we stay together, And the day he knows the truth about me, will he at least talk to me?
And if father finds out that we are together ,I am afraid that my father will use him as a weapon, he will hurt him .Sometimes I wish I was dead, but sometimes I am I prayed that I could be a normal person too, I just want a normal life but will I ever be saved from this?

"Spending much time with you Makes me realise how much I miss you when we are apart , but dont worry I dont need to put your life in danger ,I guess I never will, I will be patient as much as I can ! For You , For your safe "

I laid on the right side of my bed. Ishan in left side.I turned to him. I can watch his cute face forever.
I closed my eyes with the comfortable feeling I felt , When I am with him, I feel peace .An indescribable peace what I was looking for everyday.


Ishan pov

I tried to turn other side in the bed , why I cant turn I feel like someone holding Me.My eyes suddenly open
I woke up , this is not my room ,
I tried to get up at once but was hugged by some hands.

" Shubman "

I saw Shubman . That's when I remembered that I fell asleep.we were watching a movie ,Fuck why did I sleep and how Im in his bed.
Shubman has also fallen asleep.I am stuck in his arms. I try to be relax.
The smelt comes from him is very Nice. What perfume is he using ?

I looked at him for a while. I slowly removed his hands and got up.
He look like baby . I didn't want to wake him up from that sleep,he is in deep sleep. It was already late, so I decided to go home without waking him up.When I went out, I saw the kitchen and remembered how he ate the Omelet , I quickly made another one and left a small note.

"In another day we can watch a movie without sleeping "

I wrote it down and I left to go home

I went home, showered and went to bed .Today both my friends are not there,they have work today.

• " You went home without telling me, didn't you? "

I received Message from shubman

" You were sleeping well like youre in deep sleep So I dont broke your dream land "

You fell frist but I fell harder, 'Sleep'

You fell frist but I fell harder ? I got reply like this , God ! Its just a reply just a words why I'm thinking it another way Fuck It! Ishan you need to stop thinking like that .You fell frist but I fell harder Fuck fuck fuck !

•"And thank You for your amazing Omelette Chef , I don't mind If I have to eat this rest of my life ❤️ "

His words,Even his words make me go crazy like this. Damn it Ishan Kishan you need to wash your brain.

" Your Frige one side filled with eggs , You can made and eat .Next time add some Sausages , It will be more delicious "

• " It will be more delicious if you make it with your own hands "

" You're lucky to eat the omelette I made, I'm Chef Ishan , Cooking like a chef I'm five star Michelin 😌 "

• " I wish I have that luck everyday "

I felt my cheeks turn red when I saw his reply .I don't know if this man is do something to my mind.
It's a beautiful feeling , I feel happy when I see a smile on his face that face never had smile before
I feel happy even with small talk like this.


I had fun these few days , Because the exam was over, Tilak's and I walked everywhere.
The girl regret Tilak before . Tilak become interest with her ,
So he needs to make friends with that girl so he trying so hard in these days ,
but he said It's not true love , he wanted to start a relationship with that girl somehow.

There was a lot of trouble today because of this boy . That girl works in a restaurant , so as a part-time employee , We had to eat breakfast and lunch there , Tilak dragged Me to that restaurant Every day !

When the days go by like that, Tomorrow is friday I see Shubman only on Fridays bcz of practice, I don't see him on other days , Its been week since I saw him , We texts sometimes but not much , Sometimes I wonder if he comes to University only on Fridays .I was waiting for the friday even thought we didn't have such a relationship.

Today is Thursday ,Today is Arjun's birthday.He invited us to the birthday party To me and Tilak.
We both got ready, maybe we will meet Shubman today.Arjun is also the son of a big businessman , Arjun Tendulkra ,Tilak said that maybe Abhishek and Shubman will come today..

We went to Arjun's house in Tilak's car.He had a beautiful big house.God, I want to be rich too , bless me please!
We walked to inside ,many boys were there, our friends and Many other people had come. Everyone was happily talking and having fun.

I also took a wine glass ,Tilak has friends everywhere So He went to talk to them . I was looking around

I saw a familiar figure , Who was I looking for ,

Shubman ! I saw Shubman Gill

I saw Shubman.He was wearing a beautiful black Suit , Which was fit him perfectly and his handsomeness stood out , He was talking to a beautiful girl! its look like couple talk

" No No it can't be "

I touched my chest ,What happened to my heart ? It hurting.

" hey Bro "

I heard Arjun's voice.

" Hey Happy Birthday Boy ! "

I let the words out with difficulty and hugged him.

" Thank You Ishan "

I smiled , why is it hard to smile now I was on party mood while ago I cant take my eyes away from Shubman

"Who is her"

I asked him , pointing to the person who was talking to Shubman.

" Can't recognize her?,That's my sister
Sara ,Don't they make a great couple?
It has been planned from the houses of both "

What was I hearing .I felt like my whole world was falling apart. My heart hurting So much

" Is it ? Yeah they are beautiful "

I said. Someone called Arjun so he went there.I sat down in the chair there , touching my chest trying to clam down , It's hurt ! Its fucking hurting.


Ishan deserves better !!
He is always on the bench and now they are saying that he is not playing for the country ! Always make him sitting on the bench before !
At least even for the ' C ' line ? What the hell was that ! Why ?

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