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Days keep going, and the situation is still the same between Niall and I. The only difference is that now we have little conversations sometimes.

I still don't like it. I would obviously prefer to be like we were weeks ago.

But now I know that I like him. And that thought doesn't leave my mind.

I have no idea what is going on inside his head, but honestly, I have enough with my own thoughts.

Today, the draw for the round of 16 of the EFL cup takes place. A round we're in.

After the training session we all went to our reunion room. We always use that room for occasions that involve the whole club, match day talks, and things like that.

We all sat in blue chairs, looking at a big screen where we are going to watch the draw.

I am sitting in the front row, between Niall and Zayn. All the players and staff are sitting behind us.

The first match with Zayn as a manager was a success, so everyone is excited about this draw. All the players are motivated to keep winning.

The draw started. On the TV we could see a few people on a stage, with a large table in front of them. On the table, there was a bowl, with black balls inside it. Each ball has a paper with a team's name inside.

A ball is going to be grabbed randomly, and then another one. The two teams inside those two balls will play against each other two times. That will be done eight times. That will determine the eight matches of this round.

Every round consists of two matches, one at each team's stadium. The team whose ball is grabbed first, plays the first match at their stadium.

They explained all that information we already know on the TV. After that, the actual draw started.

"Liverpool football club." They announced.

"Tottenham hotspur football club!"

"That's a good one." Niall whispered.

"And two great teams that won't play against us." I whispered back, with some relief.

"Derby County football club."

"Manchester United football club!"

"Shit." Niall whispered, letting out a small laugh. "I love them and they are going to die." He said.

"I had no idea you supported derby county." I told him.

"Since I have a memory. My grandma always supported both Everton and Derby, and taught me to do so."

"I'm sorry then. It's not looking good for them. I hope I'm mistaken." I told him.

"I can hope." He laughed softly.

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