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"How did this end up on social media?" I said in a low voice tone, while I started to panic.

The biggest fear I had about Niall and I being involved with each other, is becoming a reality.

Niall started zooming in the pictures in Rachel's phone while she held it. "How do they know it's us? Not even our whole faces are visible here." He said, being a bit in denial about it.

"Please, Niall. It's damn obvious." I sighed.

He also sighed, knowing I'm right.

"Do you think she took them?" Rachel asked, clearly referring to Emma, as these pictures were taken right after I met up with her.

"No." I lightly shook my head, denying it. "She was far away from me already when I met back with Niall. She couldn't have seen us. We're not that stupid. I even told her I was alone there." I explained.

"She's right." Niall agreed with me, with a slight confused expression on his face, trying to think of what could've happened.

"Then, what do you suggest?" Rachel asked.

"If she had anything to do with this, she wasn't alone. But it was probably a random person that recognized us and wanted a minute of fame on Twitter." I guessed. "Either way it's not a great situation."

I started scrolling through social media on my phone as well. "Look, a fucking sports news page already talking about it." I showed them.

"They really have no life." Rachel sighed.

"I can't believe this." I sighed as well, left my phone on the table, and covered my face with my hands, supporting my elbows on the table.

"Hey." Niall, still sitting next to me, squeezed my shoulders softly. "This too shall pass." He told me, in a soft tone.

"How are you so calm?" I asked, and looked back at him.

"Because we can't change the past, Vic. We can't make the photos disappear. We just have to focus on what to do now." He explained.

He's right. So right. I just wish I could take it the way he is.

"It has a solution, I'm sure." Rachel added. "The moment the team plays another match, everyone will forget about this, don't worry."

"It wasn't that easy last season. And the rumors weren't even true back then." I told them, recalling my past experience in this kind of situation.

"We will find a solution anyway. We just got to keep working as well as we are. If we keep the fans happy, they won't care about our personal life. At least that's how I see it." Niall said.

"I wish I could just agree with that." I sighed.

"You will as days pass, you'll see." He reassured me.

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