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The transfer period is over. I don't know how it actually ended up so well. How it went so well, in general.

I am still in disbelief about last night. How were we capable of spending 16 hours in the office looking at a crashed web. And how did everything randomly work out at the last minute?

I'll never know. But it was epic.


I went to bed at 2 a.m. that night. I had never been so exhausted.

I was going to walk back home like I do most of the days, as I live pretty close to the office. However, Horan insisted on taking me there with his car.

"I can go home on my own, Horan." I told him.

"I know, but why would you walk alone in the middle of the night when I can take you there in five minutes? Don't be so stubborn." He chuckled.

"Fine." I laughed softly.

"Yes." I heard him whisper. "Let's go then." He said, with his normal voice tone, and smiled.

It was actually so nice of him to do me that favor, so I let him know how thankful I was when he left me there.

"Thank you. You didn't have to." I told him.

"I did. Have a well deserved sleep, Greenwood." He smiled.

"Same to you. Good night." I smiled back.

"Good night." He replied, with a wide smirk on his face.


The moment I entered my apartment, I went straight to lay in bed. I didn't think about changing my clothes or removing my makeup. I just needed to lay in bed.

I was planning on removing my makeup and putting my pyjamas on after a few minutes laying on bed, but I accidentally fell asleep.

I should've thought that was likely to happen, but I didn't.


The next thing I remember is being woken up by the work alarm at 8 a.m. With a suit on, my makeup on, and feeling absolutely awful. I had a terrible headache. Which I thought was logical, after yesterday.

I still hadn't read any opinion on Philips' signing, and I wasn't thinking of doing that right now. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Mr Kenwright.

He congratulated me and told me that I deserved a day of rest after yesterday, so we didn't have to go to the office today. We just had to be at Philips' presentation this afternoon, and that's all.

I felt so relieved about not having to go to work feeling so sick. I assumed Horan had received the same message, as he texted me right after.

"I just received a message from Mr Kenwright saying we don't have to go to the office today, enjoy the morning off, see you this afternoon."

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