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I looked at all the raised hands and all the cameras photographing me. I am so nervous. I don't like being the centre of attention. I am so scared of being criticised.

I looked at one of the journalists and nodded, she had a notebook and a pen, ready to write whatever I answered.

"Good evening Greenwood, from sky sports here. Did you expect this performance from the team? What are your plans for the future?" She asked.

"Good evening to you too. Um, I don't usually expect to not win, so no, I didn't expect it. We have a few ideas already, so nobody has to worry. We are working on getting better every day." I answered with a smile.

"Thank you." She said, and smiled while she wrote down everything.

I looked at another journalist.

"I'm here for BCC Sport. I would like to know how it is for you to work with Horan. He hasn't received the best reviews from the last sports director. Are those true?" He asked.

What is he talking about?

"Honestly, I have no idea of what was said about him, but It doesn't really matter. We are doing fine, coworking like normal people do." I answered.

Obviously I wasn't being completely honest. Imagine I told the press how our coworking has actually been.

I kept the same dynamic of just looking and nodding at the journalist I wanted to listen to.

"Thank you for your time, FourFourTwo here. The fans are wondering how you are going to solve Johnson's leaving, since it is one of the main reasons you are here. Do you already have an idea?" He asked.

"Yeah, clearly it is not easy to replace someone like Johnson, but we are working on it, we already have a few good players on the list. We are hoping to sign one as soon as possible, but we are obviously looking for what's best for the team, and that takes time." I said.

I looked at another journalist.

"Sporting life here. What would you say to all those fans that are asking for something to be done now?"

"I would ask them for a bit of patience, and to trust us. If they want the best we can find, we need time. But the best centre forward we can find will be here way before the first premier league match, that's for sure."

The journalist nodded and wrote down my answer.

"Greenwood, I'm from world soccer. Women don't usually have the same soccer knowledge as men, so I would like to know if you are adapting well to the premier league. Is it hard to be the only woman in your position in the whole league? Do you actually feel like you are at their level abd deserve to be here? Or Everton just hired you for the media's attention?" Another journalist asked, a bit rudely. I felt like he was laughing in the inside.

Now this is when it gets funny.

"I am adapting well, thank you for worrying. I am for sure at their level. I actually did not know I was the only woman at my position, it surprises me actually. Women and men can have the exact same football knowledge. Everton doesn't want the media's attention really, or they for sure at least don't want attention from people like you. I don't know where your first affirmation comes from, but before judging someone's football knowledge, I would for sure check I am saying the right words. It's called football here, not soccer, we are not in America." I answered.

Wow. I feel so proud of myself right now. I did say that.

Nobody in the room had anything to say. Not even the journalist that asked the question.

"Thank you for your time Greenwood. The conference is over." The guy that I believed worked in Everton said.

"Thank you." I answered, and left the room, which was in complete silence. In an awkward way.

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