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Niall Horan

I've fucked everything up.

Victoria and I were ten seconds away from kissing five days ago. She hasn't really talked to me ever since. Just when she had to, or I asked her something.

I know that's the reason why she doesn't talk to me. Or at least I believe it is. I just don't understand what can be going on in her head. Because I'd die to have a conversation with her about what happened.

I need to sort my feelings out. I really do. Because I have no idea what is happening to me either. I need to talk about it.

Maybe I shouldn't tell her anything until I clear up my mind.

I definitely like her. I didn't expect to, but I do, that's for sure.

However, I still can't explain how I feel about her. My mind has been complicated lately.

Right now, we are both in the office. Our desks are in front of each other, as always.

Normally, we would be looking at each other every now and then. We did that even when we didn't have a good relationship.

Now, it's just me looking at her every few minutes. She hasn't looked back once.

I feel like this is definitely similar to how she felt when we first met. The disappointment I feel every time I look at her and she's looking at literally anything else.

Out of the blue, she stood up, and looked at me for the first time today.

Her brown eyes are so beautiful.

"I'm going to check the training session." She told me.

"I can go with you." I suggested.

"Don't worry. I won't be there for too long. You seemed focused on what you were doing." She rejected my offer, and left the room.

We always went to the training sessions together. It is the fun part of our mornings. But she preferred going on her own.

She definitely feels nothing for me, and last Sunday made her uncomfortable. How could I be so stupid?

However, that doesn't explain why she didn't just leave at that moment.

I prefer not to think about that though. If she wants to ignore me all of a sudden, she has a reason. And it's none of my business. I can't force her to talk to me.

I went to the bathroom after Victoria left, and came across Bennett in the hallway.

We looked at each other, showed a small smile, and continued walking.

But then I realized.

If someone knows whether something is wrong with Victoria, it is her.

I tend to think Victoria's attitude is all my fault, it probably is, but maybe something happened to her out of work that I don't know about.

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