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Victoria Greenwood

September is finally over.

It hasn't been the easiest month. The team is still not playing as well as it should, having in mind the players we have.

I should be talking to Niall about that. We should be thinking about what to do.

But I still haven't found the strength to have a conversation with him.

I know that if I start a conversation, he will for sure bring up our "almost kiss".

I'm not ready to talk about that. I still can't believe I let that happen, when I perfectly know the consequences a kiss could have had.

I'm scared of falling in love, and I'm scared of the consequences falling in love with my coworker would have.

I don't want to go through last season over again. And Niall probably won't understand if I tell him that.

Avoiding him hasn't worked at all. I thought that I would stop having any feelings for him if I stopped talking to him every minute of my day.

But it has just made things worse. I get even more nervous when he's near. And I can see he knows something is going on.

He has tried to talk to me about it. He obviously has. I would do the same if I was in his place.

This is how October is starting for me.

"Mornin' Victoria." Niall said when he entered our office.

"Mornin'" I replied from my desk.

"I was talking to Mr Kenwright. He thinks we have to do something." He told me.

"I agree." I said, looking at the rings on my fingers, touching them nervously.

"And what do you suggest?" He asked.

"A new manager. With the players we have we should be way higher in the league ranking." I told him.

"You never liked Silva, did ya?" He asked, with a little smirk on his face.

"Was I that obvious?" I chuckled softly, avoiding eye contact.

"Nah, but I noticed anyway." He smiled.

"He's a bit too boring. But I will deny having said that." I said in a low tone, so no one could hear me through the walls.

"So you like the energetic type better?" He asked.

"You don't?" I asked him.

"I do. When I played, a manager that told us to give everything for the team, had a more positive effect, for sure." He explained.

"Then I think it's time for a change. And I have an idea." I suggested.

"I'm all ears." He told me.

"The manager we had at Blackpool last year. He's the only friend I have from there. And he is the kind of manager we like. They fired him after I left." I explained.

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