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(this comes after the episode "Cities at War")Karai's POV (for those who don't know pov means point of view)*karai and shini are on patrol looking for some clues to find the place where shredder was hiding*Shini: Karai it's 2:00 am shall we end the evening here?Karai: 10 more minutes ShiniShini:*Shini yawns now completely exhausted* ok KaraiKarai (damn I hate seeing Shini in such a state of health so I really think a good sleep will be good for both of us) hey Shini...Shini: yes?*before karai can say anything they hear both screams coming from 2 boys who are on the roof next to them**Karai and Shini sneak up behind a pole trying to eavesdrop on the conversation of the 2 boys**a boy is tall and dark-haired with brown eyes dressed in a sporty way, he wears black trousers, white shoes and a blue long-sleeved t-shirt with a green writing that says "Master Game" the other boy is short and blond with blue eyes and is elegantly dressed wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and white shoes*(since I don't want to reveal the names of the 2 boys yet I will do dark: when the dark-haired boy speaks and blond: when the blond girl speaks)blond: *turns to the brunette with an irritated expression* you're an idiot!brunette: *the brunette remains silent for a moment before answering*you're the one who lost the device, not me! And now he shuts up and we start looking for that guyblond: and once I find it can I kill it?*hearing this karai and shini get nervous looking into each other's eyes ready to face the 2 boys if necessary*moro: * dusts his hands while he speaks * no, after all, that guy doesn't represent any threat so all we need to do is find him, knock him out, take the device back and go homeblond: *nods with a determined look* ok in that case let's hurry up and find himmoro: (there are 2 people watching us to understand if they are enemies or allies) better if we split up so we can find him firstblond: received*the 2 boys split up, the blonde goes left while the dark-haired goes right**Shini prepares to chase them when karai stops her by grabbing his wrist*Karai:(I honestly don't know if they are bad guys or good guys but Shini is too tired to fight) Shini you go home and rest, I'll chase the guy who went to the right and don't worry about me if I see that the situation it becomes dangerous to escapeShini: * Shini looks at Karai knowing she can't say anything to change his mind so she just nods before disappearing into her red smoke **karai starts chasing the dark-haired boy after 30 seconds of chasing the dark-haired boy stops making karai jump and quickly hide behind an advertising billboard*moro:*puts his hands in his pockets and sighs* there's no point in hiding, I know full well that you're following me and that you're behind the billboard.

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