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Nobody's POVKarai:*sighs* calm down ShiniShini:*sighs and smiles slightly* Karai, can I talk to you in private?Manu: ok I'm going to my room *kisses Karai on the cheek and leaves the room leaving Karai and Shini alone*Karai: *crosses her arms* what did you want to talk to me about?Shini:*sighs* well here...I found out where Shredder's henchmen Fishface and Bradfood and Tiger Claw are so maybe Shredder is with themKarai:*smiles cheekily* good job Shini we finally know where that bastard is hiding *notices Shini has a worried expression* is something wrong?Shini:*sighs and looks away* I think Shredder gave the order to his henchmen to find Manuele and bring him to himKarai:*hearing this gets completely pissed off* WHAT!?! NO IT DOESN'T EXIST!Shini:*puts a hand on Karai's shoulder* don't worry Karai, after all I could be wrongKarai:*sighs heavily* I'm going to Manuel's room... could you please clean the house?Shini:*nods* sure Karai*Karai enters Manuel's room who is resting on the bed and transforms into a snake*Author's Note: From now on instead of saying Karai Serpente I will say KaraiSKaraiS:*wraps her tail around Manuel and gently licks his cheek*Manu:*opens his eyes and smiles warmly at Karai* why did you transform?KaraiS:*smiles back* no reasonManu: * kisses KaraiS's nose making her blush like crazy * ok anyway you know that for me you are beautiful regardless of your appearance right?Karai: * nods and licks his lips * yes I know love * wraps him tighter with her tail and rests his head on her chest **Manuel and Karai fall asleep*Manu:(I love you so much Karai)Karai:(I love you so much Manuel)*with Ivie and Leonardo*Ivie: * cries like a fountain * I always hoped I could become his girlfriend... but to him I'm just a friend... it's so unfair!Leo:*puts a hand on Ivie's shoulder* you're not friends you're best friends I'm sure Manuel would like to see you happy and not here cryingIvie: *sighs* well in that case he should leave that girl and get with me!Leo:*sighs* but Manuel would be sad without Karai and you want him to be happy right?Ivie:*smiles* it's true...I only want the best for Manuel so if he is happy with Karai I will accept his relationship and step aside *kisses Leonardo's cheek* thanks for listening to meLeo:*blushes intensely since no girl had ever kissed him before even if it was a simple kiss on the cheek* please...Ivie:*smiles* well now I'm going night LeoLeo:*smiles back* night Ivie*in Karai's lair**it's 9:30**Shini and Karai went out on patrol while Manuel remained alone at home*Manu: (ugh! and now what do I do alone!? the house is all clean so I can't spend my time cleaning the house! if at least I was in my dimension I would have my manga to read or I could play video games but no! in this dimension I only have my cell phone so... I might as well kill time listening to songs)*Manuel sings the impossible songs i am king-despacito-I wanted to dedicate you-it's a song written by him that has no name** while Manuel sings his song Karai and Shini return to the hideout and stay to listen to Manuel singing that it is not yet time for their return *Shini:*smiles and punches Karai's arm playfully* your boyfriend is a great singer, did you know that?Karai: * smiles back and blushes slightly * no I didn't know... but he's really a wonderful guy I love him with all my heartShini:*puts a hand on Karai's shoulder* should we make him notice our presence? since he's so busy singing that he didn't noticeKarai: OkayShini:*claps hands* you are a great singer ManuelManu:*blushes slightly* did you hear me singing?Karai:*nods and smiles*Shini:*nods and smiles* shall we go to the turtle lair?Manu:*nods* ok let's goKarai:*nods* okay*in Shredder's hideout*Shredder: Stockman give me the mutagen!Stockman Fly:*shakes head* I refuse! it's too dangerous the mutation would be unsssssstable we can't suck it back masterShredder:*looks at Stockman with a murderous glare* now!Stockman Fly:*press a button and the mutagen arrives in Shredder's veins, starting the mutation**Shredder is transformed into Super Shredder*Author's Note: Since it's too long to write Super Shredder I'll just write SshredderSshredder: finally! *breathes heavily* goes to get Tiger ClawStockman Fly:*nods*Tiger Claw:*enters the room and bows* master did you want to see me?Shredder: Come with me! Let's go to Karai's lairStockman Fly: better postpone until tomorrowSshredder:*smashes the table with his fist* why!?Stockman Fly: so the body gets used to the mutagen and the mutation will be stableShredder: ok*in the turtle lair*Mikey:*sighs* ugh Raffaelo is out on patrol and Leonardo is out with a girl but when is Shini coming!?Shini:*smiles warmly* were you talking about me love?Mikey:*hugs Shini tightly*Shini:*returns the hug*Mikey:*breaks away from the hug* bye Karai *high fives with Karai* bye Manuel *high fives with Manuel*Splinter:*exits the dojo* Karai, can I talk to you for a moment?Karai:*nods* sure father*Splinter and Karai go to the dojo*Mkey:*smiles warmly* hey love, do you want to see the "Spider-Man 3" movie? *sits on the sofaShini:*sits on the couch next to Mikey and kisses his cheek* ok honeyDonni:*exits the laboratory* hey Manuel, can I talk to you for a moment?Manu:*nods* sure Donni*Donatello and Manuel go to the laboratory*Manu:*smiles* what did you want to talk to me about?Donni:*sits on the laboratory table* you said you're from another dimension right?Manu:*nods* yes exactlyDonni:*puts a hand on Manuel's shoulder* do you miss your home?Manu:*sighs* a littleDonni:*smiles* come I want to show you somethingManu:*smiles back* what's this about?Donni:*takes out the PC* I downloaded a program that I used to transfer the humans of dimension replace with 3 houses of your size now do you understand?Manu:*nods* yes now I understand and it's a brilliant ideaDonni:*smiles* so what are the houses you want to bring here?Manu:*smiles back* easy! Mine then the auchan one and finally the bowling oneDonni:*nods* ok fine *makes the switch* there you goManu:*hugs Donatello* thanks DonniDonni:*returns the hug* imagine Manuel*Manuel leaves Donatello's laboratory and goes into the kitchen*

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