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Nobody's POV:(this is the first chapter I write at 00:10)*Karai and Shini finish the patrol and return home seeing that the house was completely clean and noticing that Manuel was sleeping exhausted on the sofa*Shini:*surprise* wow! this house has never been so cleanKarai:*smiles* yes, it's true and the credit goes entirely to ManuelShini:*looks at Manuel* he sleeps like a log...*Karai's cell phone rings seeing that it is Michelangelo she passes the cell phone to Shini and she happily answers the call*Shini: hey hi Mikey, are you coming?Mikey: hey hi Shini I'm fine and you?Shini: good...but I miss you a lotMikey: Me you want to meet in 20 minutes on the roof where we first met?Shini: sure...*ends the call*Karai:*smiles* what did Mikey tell you?Shini: *smiles warmly* said he wants to see me in 20 minutes at the rooftop where we first metKarai:*nods* ok I understand* Shini runs to her room to get ready while Karai starts cooking but Manuel continues to sleep *Shini: I'm going to Mikey'sKarai:*nods* ok see you later ShiniShini:*smiles* tell me the truth, you're happy to be alone with Manuel, right?Karai:*blushes intensely* go otherwise you'll be late!*seeing Karai's reaction, Shini can't help but chuckle slightly and then walks away leaving Manuel and Karai alone*Karai:*stops cooking* (better to wait for Manuel to wake up and for Shini to return) *sits on the chair and looks at Manuel who is still sleeping* ( he crying?)*goes closer to Manuel and notices that he has his face streaked with tears* (better if I wake him up) hey Manuel come on wake up *shakes him trying to wake him up*Manuel:*wakes up and immediately wipes his tears* hey hi Karai...*smiles slightly*Karai:*crosses her arms and stares into his eyes* why were you crying?Manuel:*looks away* I had a nightmare, nothing important, forget itKarai:*sighs* what nightmare did you have?Manuel: I dreamed that you died... and I felt lost without you...Karai: *his face turns completely red* are you serious?Manuel:*nods* yes I'm serious* before Manuel could say anything else Karai squeezed him tightly burying his head in her neck *Karai: I love you Manuel *moves away to look at his face* I know that I'm just a stupid kunoichi and that after all the horrible things I've done I don't deserve anything... but after getting to know you better I fell in love with you... but I know that a wonderful guy like you would never want a horrible girlfriend like me...*before Karai can say anything else Manuel kisses her on the lips making Karai's heart beat faster and she starts kissing her back*Manuel: (he tastes so good he tastes like strawberry)Karai:(this is the best moment of my life!)*after 7 seconds they stop kissing*author's note:(7 is my favorite number)Manuel: Don't say something like that again! for me you are beautiful karai I considered you the most beautiful girl on the planet you are wonderful and fantastic also you are an incredible kunoichi and the fact that you can transform into a snake I find it a strength! I love your look and I really admire your courage and I really like your sense of humor you have a heart of gold and you show it every day by doing your patrol and I love your character so much you are simply wonderful karai also. ..despite all the suffering you have suffered in the past you still continue to smile and I love your smile this is what I think of you...and know that I mean every single word of what I said this is the truthKarai: *after feeling those tears of joy roll down her cheeks as she smiles sweetly* I want to show you something...*Karai stands up and turns into a snake*Snake Karai:*looks away* do you think I'm ugly?Manuel: * kisses Karai Snake on her forehead * I don't care what you look like* Snake Karai licks his nose and then changes back into human form and wraps his arms around her neck *Karai:*smiles warmly* I love you ManuelManuel: * returns Karai's smile and holds her hips * I love you too Karai * takes Karai's hand * do you want to be my girlfriend?Karai:*smiles sweetly and nods* yes!* while Karai bends down to kiss Manuel on the lips she hears the door open and sighs irritated noticing that Shini is back at the most beautiful moment *Karai.*stands up and stares at Shini irritably* why did you come back so soon!? *before Karai could say anything else she notices that Shini had tears in his eyes* but... Shini are you crying?

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