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Nobody's POVShini:*nods and quickly wipes her tears* sorry Karai, I didn't mean to interrupt youKarai: *shakes head* she doesn't do anything... don't worry but why were you crying?Shini: well you see this happened...*flashback 30 minutes ago** Shini goes up to the roof where she met Mikey for the first time and once she arrives she sees Mikey already on the roof *Shini: *smiles warmly and hugs Mikey *hey hi Mikey *she kisses him on the cheek*Mikey:*looks down and sighs* I have to tell you something ShinigamiShini:*nods* something wrong Mikey? You seem so down as a rule you are always cheerful and carefree *smiles* ah I understand do you want a pizza?Mikey:*shakes head* no*hearing this Shini gets worried and notices that Mikey was about to burst into tears*Shini: Mikey...Mikey:*sighs* Shini you are a really fantastic girl I love spending time and ever since I saw you for the first time I felt a strong shock in my heart...*hearing this Shini blushes intensely and smiles* but me. ..I love another girl I've only seen her once and maybe I won't be able to see her again because she's a time traveler but every time I think about her I feel my heart racing... I'm sorry Shini can we just be friends?*before Mikey can say anything else Shini punches him in the face and kicks him in the stomach making him fall to the ground*Shini: * screams with tears in her eyes * don't EVER talk to me AGAIN! *she uses her powers and immediately leaves leaving Mikey alone sighing sadly over losing a friend**nice flashback*Karai:*hugs Shini tightly* I'm so sorry ShiniManuel:*puts a hand on Karai's shoulder* can you leave me alone with her for a moment?*Karai nods and leaves leaving Manuel alone with Shini*Shini:*looks down* sorry Manuel but I want to be aloneManuel:*smiles* yes I understand but let me tell you somethingShini:*nods* tell meManuel: * smiles * if MIkey doesn't understand how much you're worth then she doesn't deserve you... you deserve someone who makes you happy not who makes you cry* Shini hugs Manuel who returns her hug and then goes to her room leaving Shini alone as she wanted ** while Manuel was lying in her bed playing with his cell phone he hears a knock on the door *Manuele: go ahead*Karai enters Manuel's room wearing pajamas and smiling warmly at him*Manuel:*smiles back* why are you already in your pajamas? You know it's 3pm right?Karai: * she lies down in bed next to him and kisses him on the cheek * of course I know but today I'm not going on patrol so I wanted to be comfortableManuel: *kisses her forehead* I understandKarai:*rests her head in Manuel's chest and sighs with satisfaction* what were you doing with your cell phone?Manuel:*smiles* I was looking for a photo to put as my phone's wallpaperKarai:*giggles slightly* I just found the perfect background for mine *before Manuel could say anything else I kiss him on the lips immediately taking a photo with my cell phone* that's perfect, do you want me to send you the photo so we have the same cell phone background?Manuel:*nods* yes thanks loveKarai: * kisses him warmly on the cheek and rests his head on her chest again * of course darling anyway tonight we have to go to the turtle denManuel:*nods* ok fineKarai:*kisses him quickly on the lips* I'm going to get readyManuel: *smiles and caresses his cheek making it blush slightly* ok fine*Karai gets up and leaves Manuel's room and enters the bathroom to wash*Karai:(Manuel is such a wonderful guy...he treats me like a princess I love him with all my heart)*in the turtle lair** Leonardo is talking to Raffaelo while Donni is in her laboratory with April while Splinter is in the dojo meditating while Michelangelo is in her room crying because of what happened with Shini *Leo: * smiles * hey Raff Karai wrote to me saying that she is having dinner with us tonight and has some good news to tell usRaff: * she rolls her eyes and pulls out her sai * I bet she wants to tell us that she's engaged to Manuel * she throws her sai at the mannequin hitting it on her head * hit!Leo: *crosses his arms with her* well if that were the case I would be happy for her after all she would be her first boyfriend*in Donni's laboratory*Donni:*blushes slightly* hey April...April:*moves a lock of hair behind her ear and smiles warmly* yes Donni what is it?Donni: (damn she's so beautiful! why is it so hard to say "I love you April"!?) *looks away* (gotta stay focused anyway) Did Mikey talk to you last night by any chance?April:*shakes head* no why?Donni: oh man!

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