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Nobody's POV.Manu:*tilts head in confusion* what do you mean?Karai:*smiles* it's the title of a children's book, I think it's perfect for EmmaManu:*smiles back* you're rightSplinter:*exits the dojo and goes into the living room* Manuel...Manu: yes?Splinter:*smiles slightly and strokes his beard* if you want you can have Emma's party hereManu: really?Splinter:*nods* yesManu:*smiles* thanks Splinter *hugs him*Splinter:*returns the hug*Karai:*joins the hug*???: but what a beautiful happy moment!Manu: (this voice!) *turns and sees a gentleman wearing sunglasses with a black t-shirt and jeans* Cry...Karai-Splinter:*they turn and see the lord*Karai: (he said cry but this means that he is the one who ruined the harmony of Manuel's family) * gets irritated and brings out a lot in him *Manu:*puts a hand on Karai's shoulder* what do you want, Cry!?Cry:*sighs* I need your help...Laura has been kidnappedManu: and why should I help you?Cry:*sighs heavily* if you would help me... Laura and I will disappear from your life foreverManu:*nods* ok I acceptCrying: follow me...Karai: (I have a bad feeling) Manuel...Manu:*kisses Karai's cheek* don't worry, I'll be back for dinnerSplinter:*sighs* if you like, you can ash here todayManu-Karai:*nod**Manuel leaves with Cry who takes him to the entrance of a warehouse*Crying: Laura is in hereManu:*nods* ok let's go in* Manuel and Cry enter the warehouse and see that Laura is locked in a cage and that under them is Super Shredder and all of his henchmen *Manu:*puts hand on Cry's shoulder* I have a pianoCry:*sighs* which one?Manu: this!*everyone turns to look seeing that Manuel and Cry are in the ceiling*Manu:*quickly comes down from the ceiling and puts his hand on the ground* and now CRYSTALISATION!*in an instant the entire warehouse and the people inside turn into glass*Manu:*sighs heavily and looks at Cry and Super Shredder* now the end has come for you bastards! *leaves the warehouse and then kicks it to pieces**Manuel returns to the turtles' lair and tells everything that happened and then everyone starts eating with Splinter sitting at the head of the table Karai next to Manuel holding hands same thing for Michelangelo and Shinigami instead Raffaelo Leonardo and Donatello eat standing*Author's note: *I know that killing enemies really sucks but I had no idea how to eliminate them and I didn't feel like having a very long fight also because I wouldn't be good at describing it and it also didn't seem right to put the enemies in the I also forgot the reason why there are no Animal Shifters and Casey in this story is because making a story with too many characters then becomes confusing and goes outside the plot*Donni:*sighs* I'm goingRaff:*tilts head in confusion* where is he?Donni:*blushes slightly* at April's houseeveryone: ok*Donatello arrives at April's house**at April's house**Donatello knocks on the door and waits for April to open the door for him*April:*opens the door and smiles* hey bye DonniDonni:*smiles back* hey hi AprilApril: What brings you here?Donni: well here...*sighs* I wanted to tell you something...April:*smiles warmly* tell me...Donni: I love you April *sighs* I know I'm just a mutant but since the first time I saw you I fell in love with you...I love you with all my heart April*before Donatello can say anything else April pulls Donatello towards her and kisses him softly on the lips*Donni:*kisses back*April:*smiles warmly* I love you tooDonni:*smiles back* do you want to be my girlfriend?April:*nods* yes!Donni: (we're finally engaged!)April: (we're finally engaged!)Donni:*kisses April on the forehead* I have to go now, see you later, loveApril: see you later darling*Donatello returns to the den and April returns to the house both with a smile on their faces**at Manuel's house*Karai:*wraps her arms around Manuel's neck* hey love I have a surprise for youManu:*squeezes Karai by the hips* really?Karai:*nods* yes love *takes a cake out of the fridge**the cake is white chocolate with cream and there is a sentence written with Nutella that says "I love you with all my heart you are the only one for me"*Manu: you are the best girlfriend in the world! *he holds Karai close and kisses her warmly on her lips*Karai:*kisses back *I love you so muchManu: me too *licks Karai's bottom lip asking for entry*Karai:*gladly grants entry and their tongues begin to battle for dominance**after several minutes they both separate breathlessly*Karai :*rests her head in Manuel's chest: my princeManu:*kisses Karai's forehead* my angel*at Ivie's house**Ivie was playing video games with Emma*Emma:*smiles* wow Ivie you're really good at this game*the game in question is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Nintendo Switch*Ivie*smiles back* thanks baby *strokes Emma's hair*Emma:*rests her head in Ivie's legs* I'm sorry my brother didn't get engaged to youIvie: * smiles slightly * don't worry Emma, the important thing is that she is happyEmma:*smiles warmly* even if Karai is my brother's girlfriend I still prefer you IvieIvie: *hugs Emma tight* you're a sweetheart Emma (she's the sweetest little girl on the planet)Emma:*returns the hug* you too Ivie (you and my brother are the most important people to me)Ivie: are you happy that it's your birthday soon?Emma:*nods* yes so muchIvie: Where will the party be?Emma:*sighs* my brother said the party will be in the turtle lairIvie: I understand *kisses Emma's forehead* I'm going to take out the trashEmma:*nods* ok see you later*at Manuel's house*Manu: hey love I'm going to throw away the garbageKarai: ok love see you later * she kisses him warmly on the cheek *

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