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no one's pov.* Karai and Shini were resting while Manuel was in his room with his cell phone *Manuel: (I've been in this dimension for almost a week now and I still have no clue where that thief is or even where that bastard Hun went and I don't even know how Ivie is) *he leaves his room and goes to the kitchen where sees that Karai and Shini were eating*Shini:*smiles* hey are you famous?Manuel:*shakes head* no thanks, I'm fineKarai:*drinks water* have you eaten before?Manuel:'s just that...I'm very picky with foodKarai:*smiles* I what do you want to eat?Manuel:*sighs* an apple...please*Karai takes an apple and throws it towards Manuel who catches it and starts eating it while Shini stares at the front door*Manuel: *finishes eating the apple* why are you looking at the door?Shini:*sighs* Splinter will be here soonKarai:*jumps up from chair* WHAT!?!?Shini: *sighs* I'm sorry Karai but she'll be here in 10 minutesManuel:*smiles* hey Karai can I talk to you in private for a moment?*Karai nods and Shini leaves the kitchen leaving Karai and Manuel alone*Karai:*smiles* so what do you want to talk to me about?Manuel:*sighs* I...I know this is none of my business...but did you argue with your father or something?*Karai remains silent and simply nods*Manuel:*smiles* Can I tell you something?Karai:*nods* sure...*Manuel takes his cell phone and shows Karai a photo of when I was a child with all his family. Seeing that photo, Karai smiles slightly*Karai: Is this your family?Manuel:*nods* yes exactly...this photo was taken when I was 6 years old and now look at this one *shows Karai another family photo but much more recent and Karai notices that some people are missing* this one the photo was taken 2 months agoKarai:*looks down* the missing people...are they dead?Manuel:*shakes his head* no not at's just that...they argued *takes back to the photo of when he was a child* do you see this person in the red shirt?Karai:*nods* yes I see it...why?Manuel:*sighs* he argued with his mother because of his girlfriend...the reason for the argument was that his mother wanted to have dinner with him...but she refused because he wanted to have dinner with his girlfriend so he took the motorbike and he left the house...after that trivial argument the situation worsened more and more...*his eyes fill with tears* now in my family there is no longer harmony or even serenity and unfortunately things they will never go back to the way they were beforeKarai:*hugs Manuel tightly* I'm so sorry* sits on Manuel's legs and gently wipes away his tears* I had a valid reason for arguing with my father, would you like to hear it?*Manuel remains silent and simply nods*Karai:*sighs* you are the first other than Shini to whom I tell my real name is not Karai but Miwa...anyway when I was just a baby I was kidnapped by Shedder who raised me as if I was his daughter by making me a kunoichi with the aim of killing Splinter my real father but then when Shedder gave me the mission to enter the turtles' lair to discover their weak points Splinter showed me the truth and I once they went to attack Shedder alone but she defeated me and as punishment for having challenged she threw me into the mutagen which is a luminous green liquid that transforms people into mutants...I had become a snake girl but my mutation is special in fact like I already told you I decide when to transform but what I was really afraid of was the possibility of losing control and hurting my family so I ran away but then Sheddder found me and put a worm in my brain and thanks to that bastard worm I was forced to follow his was really terrible I could see what I was doing but my body was moving against my will...then luckily Splinter freed me from the worm and after I recovered I was I left for Japan telling Shini this whole story and then I returned to New York with her with the aim of getting revenge on Shedder and making up for all the evil he has done...but unfortunately my father doesn't approve and that's why we fightManuel:*hugs Karai very tightly* I'm so sorry... you didn't deserve anything like that*Karai returns Manuel's hug and bursts into tears*

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