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no one's pov*Manuel ends up explaining to Karai and Shini how he managed to escape after being kidnapped by Hun*Shini: *stares at Manuel in shock* WOOW WOOW YOU TURNED THE CHAINS INTO GLASS!?Manuel:*nods* yes exactly* Karai continues to watch in silence immersed in her thoughts *Karai:(after killing shedder I will kill that bastard Hun so he learns!)Shini:*shakes head in disbelief* but how did you do it?Manuel:*sighs* it's my power I can turn anything I touch into glass obviously I decide when I activate this powerShini:*smiles* hard!Manuel:*nods* thanks ShiniShini:*smiles* of course, now I'm going to take a showerManuel and Karai: ok*Shini leaves Karai's room and gets into the shower** Karai suddenly gets up leaving Manuel alone in her room then she returns with some plasters and bandages in her hand and hands them to Manuel *Manuel:*raises a confused eyebrow* What are those for?Karai:*sighs* they are used to heal your woundsManuel:*smiles warmly* thanks Karai* Karai smiles back and leaves the room waiting for Manuel to finish treating himself and after she has finished she goes back into the room *Manuel: it's much better thanks...* before Manuel can say anything else Karai hugs him tightly wrapping her arms around his neck while Manuel returns the hug wrapping Karai around her waist *Manuel:*blushes slightly* why this hug?Karai:*smiles* because I'm glad you're okay*after 10 seconds Karai and Manuel separate from the hug*Karai: Can I ask you something?Manuel:*nods* sure, tell meKarai:*looks away* do you want to stay here? after all there is an extra room plus there isn't the terrible smell that is present in the turtles' den (please let me say yes let me say yes)Manuel:*sighs* are you sure? I don't want to be a burden to you...Karai: (he is such a thoughtful and kind guy I'm really happy to have met him) *I stare into his eyes* yes they are 100% sure and anyway don't worry I guarantee you that you are not a burdenManuel:*blushes slightly* thanks Karai you are the best!Karai:*blushes and smiles* of course, come on, follow me, I'll show you your room* Karai accompanies Manuel to her room letting him be the first to enter the room is small colored white and there is only one bed *Karai:*sighs* I'm sorry I know it's not...*before Karai can finish her sentence Manuel collapses on the bed completely exhausted with a smile on his face.*Karai:*smiles warmly*(wow he collapsed immediately he must have been really exhausted after all he's been through a lot) *caresses Manuel's cheek* (you're important to me Manuel) *leaves the room and closes the door then goes into the kitchen where he sees Shini preparing dinner*Shini: *smiles* so are you happy that your boyfriend is staying to live with us?Karai:*turns completely red* he's not my boyfriend, you know that!Shini:*giggles slightly* yes I know, however, by changing the subject, I have already warned Michelangelo about what happened to ManuelKarai: wait but how did you do it if you don't have a cell phone?Shini:*smiles* in fact I used yours*in the den**Splinter is looking at family photos while Raffaelo Leonardo Donatello and Michelangelo train**Michelangelo attacks Leonardo who parries the blow with his sword while Donatello uses his stick trying to hit Raffaelo who parries the blow with his sai once he has parried the blow Raphael grabs Donatello by the arm throwing him against the wall and the same thing Leonardo does with Michelangelo then takes out his other katana and attacks Raphael who blocks the blow with his sais and knees Leonardo in the plastron and then knocks him out with a deadly right uppercut as soon as Leonardo ends up on the ground Splinter slams his stick on the ground declaring that training is over*Mikey: hey guys I got a message from ShiniRaff:*punches Mikey on the head playfully* Shini doesn't have a cell phoneMikey:*rolls his eyes and rubs his head* he used Karai's cell phone to send the messageLeo:*puts weapons on the wall* and what does the message say?Donni: I bet it's about Manuel* Mikey shows the message that says "hey Mikey listen we found Manuel but he is hurt because he was tortured by Hun also he will stay with us and Karai is over the moon about this also it was his idea to make him stay"Raff:*smiles* damn the princess is in love!Splinter: *sighs* after dinner I'll go to her lair... I want to make peace with her*the turtles smile reassuringly at Splinter who smiles back**in Karai and Shini's lair*

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