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Nobody's POVManu:*touches the rope turning it into glass then breaks it avoiding injury and thus manages to free himself*Tiger Claw:*chuckles evilly* What do you hope to do?Manu:*smiles smugly* this! *from hand to Manuel's right eye compares a black streak*Author's note: the strip is the same as kawaki with karma from the boruto series(For those who don't know)Manu: *sprints so fast he's invisible and punches Tiger Claw, causing him to step backTiger Claw: YOU BAD BASTARD! *pulls out his sword* NOW YOU PAY FOR IT! *tries to hit Manuel with the sword but he is too fast and dodges everything without any difficulty*Manu:*chuckles slightly* you're too slow! *grabs Tiger Claw's whiskers and throws him violently against a wall* and now it's your turn! *looks at Super Shredder* get ready! *hurls himself at Super Shredder*Sshredder:*blocks Manuel's attack by grabbing him by the throat* don't get too big! *furiously pushes Manuel against a wall and continues to do so until the wall breaks completely*Manu:*the black stripe disappears and breathes heavily* is that all you can do?Sshredder:*gets angry and violently slams Manuel to the ground making him spit blood* shut up!Tiger Claw: (damn that guy is really smart) master...what do we do with him now?Sshredder:*sighs* take it to the secondary warehouse and tie it up wellTiger Claw:*nods* okay my master *takes Manuel now unconscious and carries him on his back*Author's note: *the secondary warehouse is the same as in the "city at war" episode*in the turtle lair*April:*enters the living room out of breath* Splinter has me...*breathes trying to catch his breath* explained the situation *looks at Karai who is looking down* Karai...know that I will do everything I can to find ManuelKarai:*nods*April: *uses his powers* ok I found it! But...*looks at Splinter* sensei...Manuel is in the warehouse where the turtles, Karai and Shini defeated Shredder's henchmen but...*sighs* the next warehouse is the one where I defeated Casey and Donatello with that ghost and Sshredder is found thereSplinter:*sighs* ok this is the plan Karai you will go to save Manuel instead I will go with April to keep Sshredder at bayKarai:*nods* ok I understandApril:*nods* ok I understand* Karai goes to the warehouse where she finds Manuel while Splinter and April go to the warehouse where Sshredder is *Karai:*silently enters the warehouse and climbs onto the ceiling so as not to be seen by Tiger Claw*Tiger Claw:*approaches Manuel with sword in hand who is lying on a table completely tied up and covered in blood*Karai:*seeing Manuel in those conditions breaks his heart and gets angry* HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND!Tiger Claw:*chuckles* so this is your boyfriend? And let's hear how you hope to save him, after all, I'm more powerful than you so...*before Tiger Claw can even finish his sentence Karai transforms into a snake and hits him with a tail swing so hard that it launches him out of the magazine*Tiger Claw: You won a battle not the war! *uses jetpack and flies away*Karai: * returns to human form and approaches Manuel using his strength to free him *Manu:*smiles warmly* thank you my loveKarai:*bursts into tears and wraps her arms around his neck* I was afraid of losing you!Manu:*holds him tightly* don't worry, my love, everything is ok *lifts his chin and gently wipes away his tears*Karai:*smiles sweetly* I love you with all my heart ManuelManu:*smiles back* me too KaraiKarai: * kisses him passionately while pressing her body against his *Manu: *kisses back as he licks Karai's bottom lip asking for entry*Karai:*gladly grants entry and the tongues begin to fight for dominance*Manu:*wins dominance making Karai moan softly* (of all the kisses we had this is my favorite)*they separate from the kiss*Karai:*smiles warmly* come on, let's get out of here!Manu:*smiles back* ok fine*Karai and Manuel exit the warehouse once outside Karai texts April that she saved Manuel and to go back to the lair**with April Splinter and Super Shredder*April:*is up on the ceiling trying not to be noticed watching Splinter and Shredder fight* (ok perfect now I have to throw the smoke bomb) *throws the smoke bomb*Super Shredder:*fights ferociously against Splinter, managing to hit him many times but without managing to give him the final blow* (I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!)Splinter: * tries to defend himself and hit Super Shredder but he is too resistant and his attacks are useless * Saki enough you have to stop ... (it's getting bad I'm running out of strength)*the area is surrounded by smoke and using the opportunity Splinter and April manage to escape*Sshredder:*screams* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!Tiger Claw:*goes back to the warehouse where Super Shredder is* master...unfortunately Karai managed to save Manuel and those 2 are engagedSshredder:*sighs* ok Tiger Claw *falls to his knees exhausted*Tiger Claw:*approaches worried* master!Sshredder:*sighs heavily* I'm fine...I have sol or need a few months rest *stands up* tell Baxter Stockman to stabilize my mutation!Tiger Claw:*nods* will be made master*in the turtle lair**Splinter Karai Manuel and April enter the lair*Shini:*smiles* you did it!Karai:*nods and smiles* yes ShiniSplinter:*sighs heavily* I'm exhaustedApril:*smiles* I'm going home now *leaves*Shini: (oh right) um Karai...*sighs* since Sshredder knows where we live what do we do?Karai: He's not, thenManu:*smiles* well Super Shredder doesn't know where my house is so...if you like you can come and live with meKarai:*nods excitedly* okay!Shini:*nods* okay (shit! I would have preferred to stay here with my Mikey)Splinter: * smiles * I have a better idea Karai and Manuel will go to her house instead Shini will stay hereKarai-Manuel-Shinigami: Okay

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