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Nobody's POVManu:*sighs* (soon it will be time for lunch Mikey and Shini are still watching the spider man 3 movie Karai is in the dojo talking to Splinter *sighs* (I have an idea I'll make a pizza for lunch and then tonight I'll make a surprise my girlfriend)*in the dojo*Karai:*smiles and sits on the carpet* so father what did you want to talk to me about?Splinter: *smiles warmly as it has been since Karai found out the truth that she didn't call him father *this is yours *gives Karai a katana*Author's note: *the katana is the same one Leonardo has in the final battle against Super Shredder*Karai:*smiles happily and takes the katana* thanks father! *hugs Splinter*Splinter:*returns the hug* imagine Miwa*Splinter and Karai leave the dojo and go to the living room (the place where they see the TV) noticing that Mikey and Shini are still watching the spider man 3 movie while cuddling*Karai:*sighs* where's Manuel?Shini:*looks at Karai and smiles* I think it's in Donni's labDonni:*exits the laboratory* did you call me?Karai:*nods* where's Manuel?Donni:*shrugs* I don't know*Karai enters the kitchen and sees Manuel sitting on the table looking at the oven*Karai:*hugs Manuel from behind and kisses his neck* what are you doing my love?Manu:*smiles warmly and kisses Karai's forehead* I made pizza for lunch and I made a special pizza for youKarai:*smiles back and kisses his cheek* thank you my loveManu:*takes the pizza out of the pizza oven, there are 2 of them, one with an oval shape and the other smaller, heart-shaped.Karai:*smiles warmly seeing the heart-shaped pizza* thank you my love *kisses his cheek continuously*Manu:*holds Karai close* anything for youKarai: * rests his head in her chest * I love you so much * she kisses him on her lips *Manu:*kisses back* Me too*Shini Mikey Splinter and Donatello enter the kitchen*Splinter:*looks at the pizzas* Mikey, did you make them?Mikey:*shakes head* no senseiKarai:*smiles warmly* it was my boyfriend who did themDonni-Mikey-Shini-Splinter: Thanks ManuelManu:*smiles* please*finished lunch Manuel Karai and Shini return to Karai's hideout but before entering Manuel stops*Karai: Is something wrong?Manu:*sighs* well here...*scratches the back of his neck* Donni managed to bring my house into this dimension so it's no longer necessary for me to live with youShini:*nods* I understandKarai:*nods and smiles* okay love I understand but...*takes his hand* are you staying for dinner?Manu:*nods and smiles back* ok love *kisses Karai's hand making her smile warmly**as soon as Karai Shini and Manuel enter the house they notice that it is completely destroyed and there are Super Shredder and Tiger Claw who is already ready to fire his guns while Super Shredder is ready to lash out violently against all 3*Tiger Claw:*sniff* master *whispers to Sshredder* I think that boy is the one Hun told us aboutSshredder:*nods* ok *whispers to Tiger Claw* you know what to do*even before Manuel Karai and Shini managed to do anything Super Shredder and Tiger Claw throw smoke bombs on the ground and taking advantage of the smoke Super Shredder and Tiger Claw leave taking Manuel with them**once the smoke clears Karai and Shini realize that Super Shredder had left, taking Manuel with them*Karai: *falls to her knees with tears threatening to spill out of her eyes* no...I can't believe it...MANUEL!!!! *bursts out crying*Shini:*kneels down to be on Karai's level and hugs her tightly* don't worry Karai...*sighs* come on let's go to the turtles' lair and study a plan together to save ManuelKarai: *nods as she continues to cry**in the turtle lair**the turtles are sleeping while Splinter is in the living room watching a movie*Splinter: (this movie is very good)*Karai and Shinigami enter the den worried*Splinter: What happened?Shini:*sighs* Manuel...he was kidnapped by Shredder who underwent a mutation transforming into...Super ShredderSplinter:*eyes widen in surprise* what!?Karai:*bursts out crying**Splinter and Shinigami hug Karai trying to console her*Splinter:*sighs* Karai calls April and thanks to her powers we will be able to find Manue and we will go together to free Manuel, while you Shini will stay here to prevent the turtles from coming out *sighs* for this mission to be successful it is important to be few and move in stealthy way we have to save Manuel not fight against SshredderKarai:*keeps crying and gets pissed off in the process*NO! THAT SON OF A BITCH CROSSED ALL BOUNDARIES BY KIDNAPPING MY BOYFRIEND! AFTER WE SAVE HIM I WILL KILL THAT BASTARD WITH MY OWN HANDS!Splinter:*sighs heavily* Karai, anger doesn't helpKarai:*sighs* I'm afraid of losing mine ManuelShini:*smiles* don't worry, you won't lose it*in the old abandoned warehouse*Author's note: *the location is the same as the episode "story of a ghost"*Manul is tied tightly at the wrists with a rope that is hanging on the wall*Sshredder:*screams* SPEAK! IS IT TRUE THAT YOU CAN TURN THINGS INTO GLASS!?Manu:*ignores him*Tiger Claw:*approaches Manuel* if I were you I would give an account to the master by answering his questionsManu:*spits in Tiger Claw's eye and kicks him causing him to fall to the ground*Tiger Claw:*growls* You'll pay for this!Sshredder:*puts hand on Tiger Claw's shoulder* no stop soon Karai will be here with Splinter and once we're in here I'll kill that ratManu:*gets irritated* what a great plan but tell me how will they find me!?Tiger Claw:*chuckles slightly* easy by tracking your cell phoneManu:*smiles* well I'm sorry for you but I always have the location deactivated on my phoneTiger Claw:*eyes widen in surprise* what!?Sshredder:*sighs* it doesn't matter thanks to April they'll come here anywayManu:*sighs* hey you ugly bastards I'm sorry but if there's anyone in trouble here it's you two!

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