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no one's povKarai:*sobs* I'm so ugly I'm a loser a total idiot...I'm so uselessManuel:*caresses Karai's cheek* you're wrong! do you know what I see when I look at you?Karai:*looks him in the eye* what?Manuel: I see the most beautiful girl in the world... you are fantastic Karai I mean despite everything that has happened to you you still find the strength to smile also you are an incredible kunoichi and you have a heart of gold and you demonstrate this every day with your are truly a wonderful girl Karai* Karai's face is now completely red and her heart is beating very fast *Karai:*kisses Manuel on the cheek and smiles sweetly* thank you Manuel...I want you to know that you mean a lot to meManuel:*kisses Karai's forehead* you too*Karai then rests her head on Manuel's chest as they remain embraced**Shini returns to the kitchen*Shini:*looks away* um Karai...your father is hereKarai:*sighs irritably and then separates from the hug* ok I'll go* Karai goes into the living room to talk to her father about her *Manuel: I'm going back to my roomShini: okay*in the living room*Splinter: Miwa...*smiles slightly* how are you?Karai:*sighs* I'm fine thanks...why are you here? I already warn you that I don't want to give up my revenge so if you came here to tell me this you can leaveSplinter:*shakes head* no, I'm here to ask you somethingKarai:*raises eyebrow* what's this about?Splinter:*smiles* I just wanted to tell you that if you intend to get engaged to Manuel, that's fine with meKarai:*clenches fists in anger* are you saying that without your consent I can't get engaged to Manuel!?Splinter:*shakes head* no I just meant that I would approve of your choiceKarai:*sighs* ok well thanks *smiles slightly*Splinter: Miwa...listen I have to tell you something important about your revengeKarai:*crosses arms* still with this story!?Splinter:*hugs Karai very tightly* okay, continue with your revenge but on one condition, or rather 2Karai:*slowly hugs Splinter back* which ones?Splinter: the first is that you don't get killed, the second is that you have to be home by 00:10 at the latest, not a minute later, then do you accept?Karai:*nods* I accept dad*in Manuel's room**Manuel opens the window and a bat enters the room, transforming into a green-haired girl*Manuel: *smiles* hi IvieIvie: *she sits next to Manuel and smiles* so have you found that guy?Manuel:*shakes head* Not yetIvie:*smiles* ok got itManuel: are you famous?Ivie: yes a lotManuel:*smiles and takes off his shirt* ok, help yourself* Ivie approaches Manuel's neck and bites him, starting to suck his blood *Ivie:*finishes drinking Manuel's blood* thanks Manuel *hugs him and kisses his cheek*Manuel:*smiles* figuratively...*while Manuel puts his shirt back on Shini enters the room and sees Manuel without a shirt in front of a girl*Shini:*crosses arms* what's going on here?Manuel:*puts his shirt back on completely* Shini please let me explainShini:*sighs* ok explainManuel:*looks at Ivie and then at Shini* then she is Ivie, she is from the same dimension as me and a vampire and before I had taken off my shirt to let him drink some of my reality she is a vegetarian vampire who only drinks blood animal but by doing so it becomes weak so once a month I make it drink my bloodShini: *rolls eyes* do you really expect her to believe that? pffIvie:*smiles* ok look at this *turns into a bat and then back to human form* now you believe itShini:*nods* yes I believe it but does this mean that*looks at Manuel* you are a vampire like Ivie?Manuel:*shakes head* no I'm human and if you're wondering no Ivie and I are not engaged but she is my best friendShini:*nods and smiles* ok I understandIvie:*sighs* better if I go nowManuel:*nods* ok fine*Ivie hugs Manuel tightly and leaves*Shini:(better if I tell this to Karai) it's late you should sleepManuel:*smiles* I'm used to going to bed late, let's say 00:30Shini:*nods* ok I understand* Shini leaves the room leaving Manuel alone and goes into the living room where she sees Karai playing solitaire **for those who don't know, solitaire is a card game that you play alone. You place 36 cards on the table arranged in 4 columns of 9 rows and keep 4 cards aside. Then you take one of the cards that was put aside. and you place it in a point of your choice by making a column for swords, one for gold, one for cups and one for clubs. When you complete all the columns you win, but if you find the 10 4 times you lose*Shini:*sits next to Karai* I have to tell you something...

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