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no one's pov* Mikey stands in front of the entrance waiting for his friends. The entrance is the room where they always watch TV **while waiting Mikey turns on the TV watching his favorite show "The Barbarian"**Casey and April arrive at the party*Casey: hey hi Mikey!April: Hi Mikey!Mikey: hi guys *runs to them and hugs them tight**Casey and April hug back*April:*looks around* are we the first to arrive?Mikey:*looks down* yes and unfortunately the powerful muta animals can't come because they have a feverCasey: *looks down*oh too badApril: *looks down* It's already a real shameMikey:*sits on the couch and watches TV* have you heard from Karai and Shini?April: no mikey the only people Karai contacts are Leonardo and Splinter and Shini doesn't have a cell phone*Casey goes to greet the other turtles who were still busy with decorations*Mikey:*lying down on the sofa* I don't understand why Karai only contacts Leonardo and never the 3 of us, after all we are Karai's brothers tooApril:*nods and smiles* yes, it's true but Leonardo trusted her right away, but it took you some time, that's whyMikey:*looks at the time seeing it's 11:30 in the morning* I hope they arrive soonApril: yes, don't worry*Shini and Karai arrive at the party*Shini: hey hi Mikey*corrects him and hugs him tightly**Mikey turns all red due to the hug and Shini noticing this kisses his forehead making him blush even more while April and Karai smile at the scene*Mikey: Hi Karai, hi Shini Karai: Hi Mikey*Karai and April go to greet the other turtles leaving Shini and Mikey alone*Mikey:*touches his forehead where Shini kissed him*so Shini have you found the shedder's den?Shini: * sees that Mikey touches his forehead where he kissed him and smiles about it * not yet Mikey unfortunately it seems that shedder has disappeared into thin airMikey: I get itShini:*sits next to Mikey* so Mikey what TV series is this?Mikey: *smiles excitedly* it's called the "barbarian" and it's my favorite series!*"the barbarian" would be the TV series that Mikey saw in the third season*Shini:*smiles and nods* do you want to watch my favorite series later?Mikey: *nods* sure!Shini:*kisses Mikey on the cheek* thanks Mikey you're the best!*Mikey turns completely red and just nods**it's 2pm and they're all in the kitchen waiting for Splinter to come in to throw confetti at him and sing him the happy birthday song obviously Karai Shini and Raphael refused to sing**Splinter enters the kitchen and is hit by a shower of confetti as April Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo and Casey start singing*Happy Birthday to YouHappy Birthday to YouHappy birthday... SplinterHappy Birthday to You*when the song ends, Splinter is moved with tears in his eyes by everything they have done for him*Splinter:*wipes tears* thank you all so much*everyone runs to hug Splinter who hugs him back*Leo: So who's going to get the pizza?Casey:*puts hand on proud chest* I'll go!Leo:*nods* ok great so after the pizza Splinter can open the presents*Splinter looks at Karai and sits in front of her*

TMNT 2012 Storia d'amore di KaraiWhere stories live. Discover now