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Nobody's POV.WARNING *there is lemon content in this chapter* WARNING*Manuel and Karai arrive at Manuel's house**at Manuel's house**Manuel's house is semi-modern*Author's Note: *sorry I'm not good at describing houses*Karai:*surprise* wow! Your house is beautiful loveManu:*smiles back and takes Karai's hand* do you want to take a tour of the house?Karai:*shakes his hand and nods* ok loveManu:*takes Karai to the kitchen* this is the kitchen *takes Karai to the living room* this is the living room *takes Karai to the bathroom* this is the bathroom *takes Karai to the bedroom* and finally this is the bedroomKarai: * smiles mischievously * you know the bed seems very comfortable to me but it's better to try it to be safe * she lies down on the bed and motions with her finger to come closer *Manu:*blushes intensely and lies on top of Karai* Karai...Karai:*tilts head in confusion* is something wrong?Manu:*sighs* no nothing but...are you sure you want to do it?Karai:*nods with great determination* yes 100% sure my love *smiles sweetly*Manu: *changes his smile and kisses Karai on her lips*Karai:*kisses back and wraps her arms around Manuel's neck pressing her body against his* (finally! Finally! Finally! Finally! I'm about to have sex with my boyfriend! If Shini dares to interrupt the moment by making a call I swear I'll kill him)Manu:*licks Karai's lower lip asking for entry* (I'm over the moon! I'm about to have sex with my girlfriendKarai:*gladly grants entry and their tongues begin to battle for dominance**after a while they both separate breathlessly and look at each other with eyes full of love and desire*Manu:*kisses Karai's neck* you are everything to me...Karai:*moans softly* you are everything to me too*Manuel continues kissing Karai's neck trying to find her sweet spot while Karai bites her lip and presses her body harder against hers*Manu:*finds the sweet spot and starts licking it passionately*Karai:*groans intensely* ahhh! Ohh! Manuel...Manuel! Ohh!Manu: *puts his hand under Karai's shirt caressing his hips* I love you so much KaraiKarai:*smiles warmly and caresses his face* me too Manuel* Manuel slightly lifts Karai's shirt looking at her to see her reaction and when he sees that Karai smiles at him and motions for him to continue he lifts it completely leaving Karai in her bra *Manu:*giggles slightly* you know I was convinced to see you in a black or red braKarai:*smiles mischievously* oh yes? Well... *flies off her bra revealing her breasts*Author's note: *I don't know what the right term is*Manu: * turns completely bright red and his heart beats so fast that it could jump out of his chest at any moment * you are incredibly sexy my angelKarai: * smiles warmly and her heart beats so fast it could burst out of her chest at any moment * thank you my prince*Manuel slowly approaches the breast looking at her to see her reaction and when he sees that Karai motions for him to go forward he takes the left breast with his hand starting to palpate it and squeeze it delicately while with the other hand he takes the right breast starting licking and sucking it like a child making Karai moan with greater intensity while pronouncing her boyfriend's name between moans pronouncing it louder than the previous time*Manu:*pulls down Karai's trousers leaving her in her underwear*Karai:*sighs* Manuel...Manu:*smiles* yes?Karai:*smiles back* I'm still a go easy on meManu:*eyes widen in surprise* really!?Karai:*nods* yes after all you know that you are my first boyfriendManu:*nods* yes I know it's just that...*sighs* I was afraid that when Shredder punished you he would do it by forcing you to have sex with a strangerKarai:*sighs with relief* luckily notManu: *kisses karai softly on her lips while holding her by the waist*Karai: *returns her kiss as she caresses his face** after a while they separate from the kiss and Manuel delicately inserts his member into Karai making him squirt blood as a sign that Karai has just lost her virginity *Manu:*sees Karai's suffering expression and it breaks his heart* sorry love I'll take it out right away!Karai::*screams* DON'T YOU DARE! *wraps his legs around him* I'm fine, don't worry, my love *smiles sweetly* now you can start moving* Manuel begins to push his member in and out of Karai making her scream with pleasure with each thrust *Manu: Karai...Karai: Come in! Come inside!*Manuel cums inside Karai and eventually they both reach orgasm and fall asleep*Karai: (best night of my life!)Manu: (best night of my life!)Author's Note: *this is the first time I've written an s Toria Lemon which goes beyond making out, however I hope I was good and that you liked it**it's 5.30pm** Karai and Manuel are still sleeping with Karai keeping her head on Manuel's chest while she holds her close but after another 10 minutes they wake up *Karai:*yawns* what time is it love?Manu:*looks at the time* it's 5.40pmKarai:*gets up and kisses his cheek* I'm going to get dressedManu:*gets up* ok I'll go and get dressed myself*Manuel and Karai begin to dress Manuel is wearing a green t-shirt with incomprehensible white writing while Karai is wearing a red t-shirt and shorts*Manu:*smiles* hey loveKarai:*smiles back* yes, my prince?Manu:*takes Karai's hand* there is a part of the house that I haven't shown you yetKarai:*nods* well let's seeManu: * takes Karai to her room * this is my room!*the room is quite large and has a cot to the left to the right there is a bookcase full of figures, manga, video games and DVDs at the end of the room there is a desk with a gaming PC and the PS5*Karai:*smiles warmly* your room is beautiful loveManu:*smiles back* really?Karai:*nods decisively and sits on the bed* do you want to watch a TV series?Manu:*sits next to Karai* ok do you want to watch "ben 10 alien force"?Karai:*nods* I've never seen her but ok loveManu:*gets up and puts the TV series on the PC then goes back to bed sitting next to Karai wrapping his arm around him*Karai: *smiles warmly and rests his head on her chest*

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