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Nobody's POV.(this part will probably suck because when I wrote it I was dead tired ahahaha)*Manuel goes out to throw away the rubbish, comes to the square and throws the rubbish into the bin*Ivie: hey hello Manuel *throws the rubbish in the bin too*Manu: hey hi Ivie *high fives Ivie*Ivie: I just wanted to tell you that I accept your relationship with Karai and I'm happy for you...and I won't interfereManu:*smiles* thanks IvieIvie:*sighs and smiles back* anyway I will never stop loving *hugs Manuel tightly*Manu:*returns the hug* (after all it's a simple hug between friends but I feel sorry for Leo) um Ivie...Ivie: Yes?Manu: Is Emma happy that it's her birthday soon?Ivie:*nods* you're in seventh heavenManu:*smiles* I'm happy anyway the birthday will be in 4 days in the turtles' denIvie: ok...(I have the feeling that Manuel wants to tell me something) um Manuel by any chance is there something you want to tell me?Manu:*shakes head* no nothing...Ivie: Are you sure?Manu:*nods* yesIvie: ok well then bye Manuel *holds out his hand for Manuel to shake*Manu:*shakes Ivie's hand* hi IvieIvie:*tries to remove his hand but can't* Manuel?Manu:*tries to remove his hand but can't* Ivie?*Manuel and Ivie can no longer separate*Ivie: What do we do now?Manu: I have an idea...follow me (Karai will kill me and Leonardo will be heartbroken)*at Manuel's house**Karai is in the kitchen preparing a cake for Manuel*Karai: (Manuel is truly a wonderful guy I love him with all my heart! He always treats me like a princess...he really is the best boyfriend in the world! I just hope he likes this cake) *finishes making the cake and puts it in the fridge** Karai hears the front door open and immediately runs to hug Manuel but she stops when she sees Ivie and Manuel holding hands *Karai: * her face turns red with anger and jealousy and she grits her teeth * WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? *turns to Ivie* HOW DARE YOU HOLD MY BOYFRIEND'S HAND!? *she turns to Manuel with tears in her eyes* WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!?Ivie:*sighs heavily* how exaggerated I wouldn't have even kissed himkarai:*turns into a snake*KaraiS: *furious sibyl* well try it...and I'LL TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF!Ivie:*sighs* Karai...Manuel and I can't separate ourselvesKaraiS:*changes from snake form to hybrid form* WHAT!? NO I DO NOT BELIEVE IT! *shakes head* Is Manuel real?Manu:*nods* unfortunately yes...KaraiS:*returns to human form*Karai: * takes Manuel by the hand * come on, let's go to Donatello so he can separate youManu:*nods* great idea loveIvie:*nods* ok fine*in the turtle lair**Michelangelo and Shini are still sleeping, the same goes for Raffaelo and Splinter, while Leonardo is helping Donatello clean the laboratory*Leo:*smiles as he continues cleaning* so are you and April engaged now?Donni:*nods and smiles back* yes we are engaged nowKarai:*furious screams* DONATELLO!Donni:*takes a scared step back* what happened?Karai: This! *points with a finger at Manuel and Ivie who are holding hands**Leonardo feels heartbroken seeing this while Donatello looks at Manuel with sadness*Donni-Leo: Why did you betray Karai, Manuel!?Manu:*shakes his head vigorously* don't talk nonsense! I would never cheat on her! I don't know how it happened but I can't separate myself from Ivie anymoreLeo:*gets slightly irritated* and how did you end up hand in hand!?Ivie:*sighs* we gave each other a simple handshake to say goodbye and left it that wayKarai:*sighs heavily* Donni separate them now!Donni:*nods* ok fine *takes out a gun 🔫 and aiming at Manuel and Ivie's hands manages to separate them*Karai: Finally!Manu-Ivie: Thanks DonniDonni: PleaseIvie:*smiles* I'm going nowLeo:*grabs Ivie by the wrist* no wait...Ivie: What is it?Leo: I...I love you IvieIvie:*turns completely red* wow Leo I'm glad you're in love with me but...I *looks away* I don't love youLeo:*nods and holds back tears* I understand...* Leonardo leaves in his verse *Ivie: well bye *leaves*Karai:*wraps her arms around Manuel's neck* I'm so sorry...Manu:*holds Karai by the waist* for what?Karai:*looks away* for my jealous outburst I know I'm the only one for you and you're the only one for me but when I saw you and Ivie hand in hand I was overwhelmed by angerManu:*caresses Karai's cheek* don't worry, love, in your place I would have done the sameKarai: I love you so much Manuel *kisses him warmly on the lips*Manu:*kisses back* Me tooDonni:*coughs* um guys I have to tell you something...Manu-Karai: What?Donni:*smiles warmly* I got engaged to AprilManu:*nods* I'm happy for youKarai:*nods* congratulationsDonni:*smiles* thanks guys*2 weeks later**Emma has fecelebrated his birthday as gifts he received from Manuel and Karai a barbie doll from Donatello and April a memory game from Michelangelo and Shinigami a deck of cards from Leonardo a wooden katana from Ivie a red pajama for the winter and from Splinter a dollhouse at the end of the party Emma was very satisfied and everyone went to their homes**at Manuel's house**Karai and Manuel are having dinner holding hands*Karai:*smiles warmly* Manuel...I love you with all my heartManu:*smiles back and kisses Karai on the lips* the same goes for meKarai:*kisses back* thanks...Manu:*tilts head in confusion* for what?Karai:*her eyes fill with tears* for coming into my life...for being the best boyfriend in the universe for treating me like a princess...for making me feel special...for staying in this dimension with me and for giving me your heartManu: I love you with all my heart Karai! * He kisses Karai warmly on her lips while she hugs his waist *Karai: *kisses back as she wraps her arms around Manuel's neck* me too!Karai:*smiles warmly* there's something I need to get dirty...Manu:*smiles back* tell me...Karai: * his smile gets even bigger * I'M PREGNANT! soon we would have a boy or a girlManu: * his eyes fill with tears and he holds Karai very tightly to him * this is the second best news of my life!Karai: * wipes her boyfriend's tears * which is the first?Manu:*smiles* the one where you agreed to be my girlfriendKarai:*kisses Manuel on the forehead* the same goes for meManu: *kisses Karai on her lips licking her lower lip asking for her entry*Karai:*gladly grants entry and their tongues begin to battle for dominance**at the end they both separate breathlessly*Manu: I love you!Karai: I love you!*5 years later**Manuel and Karai are in bed sleeping hugged and now they have 2 children, a 3-year-old boy named Andrea and a 4-year-old girl named Sofia**Andrea and Sofia enter their parents' room*Sofia: * looks at her dad * dad, can we sleep with you this evening?Manu:*smiles warmly and nods* okayAndrea:*looks at his mum* is it okay for you too mum?Karai:*smiles warmly and nods* of course*Andrea and Sofia get on the bed and hug their parents who return the hug*everyone: (I love my family more than my own life!)Author's Note: *I hope you enjoyed this story*

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