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Nobody's POVManuel:*smiles* do you know that it is dangerous to suddenly throw a kunai?Splinter:*growls* who are you and why are you spying on us!?*Manuel comes down from the roof throwing the kunai away*Manuel: you're wrong, I wasn't spying on you, I went down into the sewers looking for a person then I heard a guy shouting "there's pizza" and so I entered here hoping to find the person I was looking for but unfortunately he's not there so I was about to walk away when you suddenly threw the kunai at me and be grateful that I have excellent reflexes otherwise you could have hurt me*Karai looks at Manuel who looks back and then turns his attention back to Splinter*Splinter:*nods* ok it's true I'm sorry but may I know who you're looking for?Manuel: even if I tell you, you will never believe it, so it's useless to tell youSplinter: *sighs* well you say it anywayManuel: ok so my name is Manuel I'm a good boy and I come from another dimension the Z dimension instead this is the Mutant dimension I was calm in my dimension when suddenly a cheap thief stole my gift while I was sleeping birthday which is a device that has the shape of a purple stick that is used to travel between dimensions before the portal closed I dived inside it ending up in this dimension together with my best friend*everyone just nods after hearing this*Splinter: I believe you but please satisfy my curiosityManuel:*nods* sure what do you want to know?Splinter: You're looking for that stick to get home or for another reasonManuel: *shakes his head* I can go home whenever I want thanks to this ball *shows the blue ball* it's another device that was given to me in this way even if I get lost I just throw it on the ground and I'm immediately teleported at home the reason why I'm looking for that guy is because I don't want to take back what stole everything from me here but unfortunately I don't know where he isSplinter: ok I understand anyway let me introduce myself, my name is Splinter and these are my children * points to his children * Raffaelo Michelangelo Karai Leonardo and Donatello instead these are our friends * points to the other boys * April Casey and Shinieveryone: hi ManuelManuele: hiLeonardo: *claps his hands enthusiastically* come on, it's time to open the presentsManuel: whose birthday is it?Splinter:*strokes his beard* MeManuel:*nods* well best wishesSplinter:*smiles* thanks Manuel*Splinter finishes opening the presents April had given Splinter a book of cooking recipes Casey a deck of cards Michelangelo Raffaelo Donatello and Leonardo a handmade cushion with their family photo in the center and Karai and Shini a cup for tea black with hand-drawn red stars**once the party is over Casey and April leave while everyone else takes down the birthday decorations except Manuel who is sitting on a chair looking at his phone*Leo:*comes closer to him* um Manuel?Manuel: yes?Leo:*puts a hand on his shoulder* do you have a place to sleep?Manuel:*sighs* unfortunately notDonatello:*cleans the floor with the broom* well if you want you can stay with us after all we have an extra roomManuel: really?Leo:*nods* sure*later**it's 12:30 in the evening Karai and Shini have been gone for a long time and the turtles and Splinter have been in bed for 30 minutes instead Manuel is lying in the dojo trying to sleep but can't*Manuel:(it seemed to you that it wouldn't end like this every time I sleep outside the house I have a lot of difficulty falling asleep yesterday I was so tired that I collapsed but this time it's different I'm not even a little tired ugh! okay at this point... )* Manuel gets up and leaves the dojo going into the living room. Once he gets there he sits on the sofa and turns on the TV, turning the volume to 0 *Manuel: (usually this way I can fall asleep, I just hope it works this time too)* while Manuel watches TV he suddenly feels a hand touching his shoulder and turns to see who did it *Karai:*smiles* why are you still awake? do you have trouble falling asleep?Manuel:*blushes slightly* well yes...but why are you here?

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