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no one's pov*WARNINGS THERE ARE BLOODY SCENES IN THIS CHAPTER*Manuel: (what a fool I let myself be captured like an idiot) *shakes trying to free himself* (nothing is useless these chains are too tight if only I could free my hand or touch my feet to the ground I could escape easily)???: there's no point in trying to escape because those chains are made of a reinforced steel alloyManuel:*sighs* who are you????: Let me introduce myself, my name is Hun, I am the leader of the dragons and I work for ShedderManuel:*yawns*interesting shame I don't know any shedders or dragons so why am I here?Hun:*crosses his arms* the dragons are those thieves that you knocked out instead Shedder is the head of the foot clanManuel:*nods* now I're angry with me because I hurt your soldiers, right?Hun:*wears a glove with claws* yes, exactly...and now thanks to these gloves that I received as a gift from my master *smiles devilishly* I return the favor!* Hun opens Manuel's cell and enters him, stroking his cheek with his claws, then opens his mouth slightly, making him take a medicine *Hun:*laughs sinisterly* don't worry, it's not poison but thanks to that drug your immune defenses are at 0 and your body is now very sensitive to pain*Hun uses his claws against Manuel for 2 whole hours filling Manuel's body with cuts, scratches, wounds and pure bruises then he takes off his gloves and exits the cage leaving Manuel covered in blood*Manuel: (what a pain! I feel like shit) *cries silently* (stupid tears!) *looks towards the cell door* (as soon as I get out of here I'll show you hell Hun!)*in the den*Leo:*puts a hand on Splinter's shoulder*is something wrong father? you are so thoughtful todaySplinter: *sighs* it's 4pm, it's been 6 hours since Manuel went out and unfortunately we can't go out at this time to go look for himLeo:*smiles* don't worry, father, I'm sure he's fine, however I wrote to Karai to look for him just to be safe* hearing Karai's name Splinter gets up and goes to lock himself in his room still too angry at the way Karai behaved at her party while Leonardo remains completely alone in the dojo and begins to meditate **on the rooftops*Karai:*gets slightly irritated* come on Shini, move!Shini:*sighs* don't worry Karai, I'll see if we can find him*Karai suddenly stops and clenches her fists very tightly*Shini: Karai...Karai:*looks at Shini pissed off*we have to find him at any cost Shini...I *looks away* I don't want to lose anyone anymore*Shini nods and they both resume their search*Shini: hey Karai look over there *points with a finger at Manuel who is sitting outside a bar eating a sandwich wearing a jacket that covers his entire body except his face** Karai and Shini rush to Manuel to see if he is okay *Manuel:*looks away and sighs* what are you doing here?Shini: *smiles* we were worried about you Manuel*Manuel gets up and is about to leave but Karai grabs his arm forcing him to look at her*Karai: * notices the cut on her cheek * how did you get that cut?* before Manuel can even answer Shini uses his powers and they all find themselves in Karai's hideout *Manuel: he looks around confused* what place is this?Shini: *smiles* it's our home and now tell us about that cutManuel:*sighs irritably* ok fine...I was out doing parkour then I heard a burglar alarm go off and I noticed that there were three thieves who were ransacking the house so I intervened to stop them and while I was about to go away someone hit me from behind and knocked me unconscious when I recovered I was chained to a wall and a guy with sunglasses approached me he said his name is Hun and that he works for shedders then he entered my cell and started torturing me... making me take a drug to intensify the pain and then he covered me with cuts and bruises...*Karai's eyes burn with anger while Shini looks down sorry for what happened to Manuel*Karai:*sighs slightly*and then how did you manage to escape? (fuck next time I see Hun I'll kill him with my own hands!)Manuel:*flashback**Manuel continues to move trying to free himself from the chains*Manuel: (come on, I'm almost there, I just have to keep fussing, I just need to have one hand free and I can escape from here!)*Manuel pulls his hand so hard that he finally manages to break the chain*Manuel: (fuck, what a pain! I think I broke it...but now I can escape) *Manuel touches the wall behind him with his hands* and now CRYSTALISATION*nice flashback*

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