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Nobody's POVSplinter:*sighs irritably* Miwa...Karai: (here we go I'm about to get scolded again) what's the matter father?Splinter:*puts hand on Miwa's shoulder* gives up your revenge on Shedder* Karai goes into a rage hearing this and her face becomes all red with anger *Karai: NO NEVER! AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I'M TIRED OF YOU KEEP TELLING ME THIS EVERY TIME YOU SEE ME! SO FUCK SPLINTER!*Karai goes into the dojo, closing the door behind her while Splinter, after everything Karai told him, starts crying in silence**the others seeing the scene don't say anything, just lower their gaze, sorry for this argument between father and daughter**later**Casey went out to get pizza while Leonardo and Raffaelo play arm wrestling Donatello helps April with her school homework Shini and Michelangelo continue watching TV instead Karai sits in a corner while Splinter is locked in his room meditating *Shini: (she's not here, I can't stand seeing my best friend so sad anymore) *smiles* hey Karai...Karai:*sighs* what's wrong Shini?Shini: Mikey wants me to tell him how the chase for that dark-haired boy went * hits Mikey on his arm hoping he'll keep up with him **Mikey nods his head quickly*Karai:*sits next to them* ok fine MikeyMikey:*smiles* thanks sister*Karai smiles slightly when she hears that name, after all Mikey is the only one out of the 4 who calls her that*Karai: ok so I was on patrol with Shini to look for Shedder's hideout *sighs* unfortunately we had no luck and as we were about to go home I heard 2 boys screaming one of them was blond the other dark-haired we started chasing them but then I told Shini to go home since she was dead tired then as soon as Shini left the 2 boys split the blond one on the left and the dark-haired one on the right so I decided to follow the one on the right...Mikey:*nods and smiles* and then what happened?Karai: well he noticed that I was following him so I jumped out from my hiding place and he was about to leave but as I was about to chase him again I put my male foot and slipped from the roof...then suddenly I stopped falling and when I looked up I saw that that dark-haired boy had grabbed my arm preventing me from falling then he helped me get back onto the roof and when I told him why he saved me he told me that he did it because * he blushes slightly* according to him it's a shame to ruin a beauty like me and also because he's a good guy and I believe him then before he left I asked him his name and I discovered that his name is Manuel then I went home*Mikey and Shini look at Karai with a smirk but before they can say anything Casey yells at them that the pizza is here**everyone is sitting in the living room eating pizza in silence once Splinter is done eating he throws a kunai over the roof which is blocked by a boy sitting on the pipe*

TMNT 2012 Storia d'amore di KaraiWhere stories live. Discover now