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Nobody's POV:Karai: well here...*smiles warmly* Manuel and I got engaged!Raff:*giggles slightly* I'm happy for youDonni:*smiles* when did you get engaged?Karai:*smiles* we got together yesterdayApril:*smiles and holds out her hand for Karai to shake* I'm happy for youKarai:*shakes April's hand and smiles back* thanks AprilMikey:*nods* I'm happy for you anyway... *sighs* I also have to tell you something important...*takes Shini's hand* Shini and I got engagedEveryone: What!? Mom...Shini: *smiles warmly and kisses Mikey on her cheek* we finally cleared it up and got togetherKarai:*smiles happily and hugs Shini* I'm happy for you ShiniDonni:*smiles happily and punches Mikey* I'm happy for you MikeyRaff and April: *smile happily* I'm happy for youDonni: (damn Mikey got engaged to Shini and Karai got engaged to Manuel why is it so hard for me to tell April that I love her?) *takes April's hand and smiles shyly**before Donni can say anything else Leonardo shouts that the pizza has arrived and enters the room with Manuel*Manuel:*sneezes* sorry...*sneezes again*Karai:*approaches Manuel worried* hey love, are you okay?Manuel: * sighs * she calms down...*Leonardo puts the pizza on the table and everyone starts eating Manuel, Raffaelo and Donatello eat standing while the others eat sitting*Leo: why do you three eat standing up?Manuel Raffaelo Donatello: *shrugs and continues eating*Shini:*smiles and looks at Manuel* hey Manuel how many girlfriends did you have before Karai?Manuel:*takes another slice of pizza and looks at Shini*just oneAll except karai: just one!?Manuel:*nods* yes exactlyRaff:*takes out his sai and looks at Manuel with a challenging air* hey you want to train with me? I heard you defeated the purple dragons so I want to see how you fareManu:*smiles* as you want but then don't cry if you lose*Manuel and Raffaelo go to the dojo while the others stay there to eat*Raff:*points his sai at Manuel and prepares to fight*Manu:*smiles defiantly* I'm ready!* Raffaelo throws himself at Manuel with his sais but Maneul dodges the blow without any difficulty and tries to hit Raffaelo with a spinning kick but Raffaelo blocks the blow *Manu:*smiles confidently and places his hands on the floor, putting himself in a "vertical" position and continues to kick Raffaelo* is that all you know how to do?Raff: * continues to be on the defensive * (he's very fast but his shots aren't that good) * blocks Manuel's feet * get ready * throws Manuel against the dojo tree *Manu*holds his arm in pain* what a blow! (It's slow but it's strong)Raff:*holds out a hand to help him get up and smiles* you did very wellManu:*takes my hand and stands up smiling back* thanks Raff*Manuel and Raffaelo come back out of the dojo and return to the kitchen*Karai:*smiles warmly and approaches Manuel*we have to go honeyManuel:*nods* ok love*Shini kisses Mikey on the lips and then leaves with Manuel and Karai**in Karai's lair*Manuel:*yawns* I'm dead tired, I'm going to bedShini:*looks at the clock* but it's only 11.10pmManuel:*shrugs* yes but I'm still tired after the fight with Raff*Manuel goes to his room and goes to bed*Karai:*smiles* night ShiniShini:*smiles back and hugs Karai* Karai night* Karai enters Manuel's room noticing that he had just put on his pajamas *Karai:*goes closer to Manuel and kisses him on the cheek* can I sleep with you love?Manu:*smiles warmly* of course my love*Manuel and Karai lie down together on the bed*Manu:*caresses Karai's cheek* I love you so much my love *kisses Karai on the forehead*Karai:*smiles sweetly and rests her head on Manuel's chest* I love you too* Karai gets on top of Manuel and starts kissing him passionately while she caresses his face while Manuel holds Karai by the waist *Manu: * searches for Karai's with his tongue *Karai: * when their tongues touch he moans softly wrapping her tongue around Manuel's **Manuel and Karai break away from the kiss trying to catch their breath*Manu: *kisses Karai's lips repeatedly making her smile warmly as she caresses his cheek*Karai: * kisses Manuel warmly on the forehead and rests her head on his chest * good night my loveManu:*caresses Karai's back* night love*it's 4:00**Manuel's cell phone rings in the middle of the night, waking him and Karai up*Manu: * takes his cell phone and answers the call while Karai rubs her eyes trying to wake up * ready?Ivie: hi Manuel, it's me, can you come to the roof of the pizzeria now?Manu: no I'll come then around 9.30 *ends the call and goes to sleep ta again*Karai:*kisses Manuel's cheek and falls asleep again too**it's 8:30**Manuel and Karai wake up and go to the kitchen*Manu:*sits down and takes a pack of biscuits and starts eating them* hey Karai where's Shini?Karai: * smiles and sits on Manuel's lap * she went to the turtle denManu:*smiles back and offers Karai a biscuit*Karai:*happily eats the biscuit and kisses Manuel on the nose* hey love, who called you yesterday?Manu: * sighs * Ivie called me saying that she wanted to meet me on the roof of Andonio's pizzeria and I replied that I will be there at 9.30Karai:*nods* Can I come with you love?Manu:*nods* sure love*Karai goes to wash while Manuel finishes breakfast then Manuel goes to wash while Karai goes to get dressed and waits for Manuel**Manuel is wearing a brown long-sleeved cotton t-shirt and black sweatpants with yellow shoes while Karai is wearing a black short-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of jeans with white shoes**it's 9:30**Manuel and Karai have arrived on the roof and are waiting at Ivie**Ivie arrives holding a little girl*

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