Chapter Four.

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Is it bad that I love Chris Pratt? I mean, look at him! He's amazing! (In my opinion.)

Also, if you haven't seen the movie, don't worry. I am not going to say ANYTHING about the movie. I'm just going to skip to after the movie.
So, if you have seen it, please don't comment about the movie with spoilers. Although, I trust you won't do that. Anyway, enjoy!

You grinned as you waited in line. "I can't believe it! I'm going to see 'Jurassic World!'"

"I know! We get to see 'Star Lord' in another movie!" (Friend's name) jumped up and down.

You paid for your movie ticket, (friend's name) paid for hers. After you received yours, you handed it to the lady inside who told you which number to enter. You purchased (popcorn or favorite movie snack).

You sat down and waited for the movie to start.


Once the movie ended, you smiled and started talking about the movie with (Friend's name).

"Excuse me. ." A male voice said as he walked by.

You blinked and said, "Jean?"

"(f/n)?" Jean questioned. "I thought you would look. . Well. . Different."

You felt a defensive aura coming from (Friend's name). "Why would I look different?"

"You sat at lunch with (girl name)." Jean rubbed the back of his neck.

"I wouldn't look different because of that. But, anyway, you decided to see the movie?" You glanced at (friend's name) to see her talking to Marco.

"Yeah. It was really cool." Jean grinned.

You smiled and tucked a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. "I agree. It was amazing."

"I liked the part when--" Jean pulled out his phone. "Ah, crap, my mom texted. I have to get home. Marco's spending the night. You know, a get-together. Sorry, see you tomorrow."

"Bye." You waved at him before he left with Marco.

"Let's go." (Friend's name) grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the movie theater.

Once you two arrived at your house, (friend's name) plopped down onto your bed and went backwards, lying on your bed. "I'm in love with Marco."

"Tell him." You lied down next to her. Both of you were on your backs, sideways on the bed.

"Are you crazy? I can't!" She exclaimed.


"What would I say?! 'Hey (Friend's name), I'm in love with you. Okay, bye.'" The freckled boy let out a sigh.

"Well. . Just text her." The amber-eyed boy suggested.


"Text him? Really, (f/n)? I can't. It would be awkward. I can't just type 'Hi. I like you.'"

"True." You stared at the ceiling. "I could type it for you, you know."


"I can't make you do that. It has to come from my heart, Jean." Marco rolled over, faceplanting into the bed.

"Okay, okay. Maybe we could. ." Jean started.


"Maybe we could. ." You tried thinking of something. "I got it! I'll talk to Jean about it!"


"I'll talk to (f/n) about it!" Jean smiled.


You raced to the foot of your bed and saw your laptop next to it. You grabbed it and typed in the password before you logged onto a chat room application you downloaded. You sent Jean a PM.

You: Hi.

Jean: Hey.

You: Don't tell Marco, but (friend's name) likes him.

The moment you pressed "enter" a message from him appeared.

Jean: Don't tell (friend's name), but Marco likes her.

You: We're going to bring them together. >8D

Jean: Yep. How do we start?

You: Well. .

You and Jean came up with a plan quickly.

"(f/n), what are you doing?" (Friend's name asked.

You typed that you had to go before you shut down your laptop. "Nothing really."

Um. . Cute boys from bands, stop appearing. I saw a commercial for an episode and it showed the vamps. . CUTE BOYS/LEAD SINGERS LEAVE ME ALONE. YOU'RE MAKING ME GOOGLE YOU. *sobs and searches up Brad Simpson*

Please no being mean about him being yours. I'm just googling. :c

K, bye.

Not The Same. [Jean x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now