Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Once you entered the house, you were immediately blindfolded. "What the--"

"(n/n), it's Mom and Dad." You heard your Mom say. You calmed down and let them lead you somewhere.

After a few more minutes, the blindfold was removed. You saw a (f/c) (favorite car) in front of you while you were in the garage. Your eyes widened. "Did you get yourselves a car? Or. .?" You nervously laughed, not wanting to get your hopes up.

"It's for you." Your Dad said.

That's right. . I got my drivers license a few weeks ago.

"R-Really?" You blinked, surprised.

Your Mom smiled. "Yep." She handed you the car keys.

"Now, don't sneak out and go to Jean's--" You cut off your Dad.

"Dad! Ew! No!" You made a disgusted face.

Your Dad chuckled. "That's a good reaction."

"Yes. It is. You should know me by now." You poked your tongue out at him.

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"What?" You asked.

"You just poked your tongue out! Don't be Miley--"

"Dad!" You groaned. "I'm going to sneak out tonight."

"Okay-- Wait! What?! No!" Your Dad yelled. You laughed, leaving the garage and entering the house. "(y/n), you better not! Why are you laughing?!" Your Dad followed you inside.

"No reason." You sang, tricking your Dad by making him think you actually would sneak out.

"(y/n) (l/n)! You're not allowed to drive!" Your Dad said, walking faster.

You went into your room and closed the door, smirking. "You already bought me the car, though."

Your Dad muttered something underneath his breath. "True. You can sneak out today. I won't tell your Mom."

You saw right past his plan. "Okay. Thanks. You're the best Dad ever! Love you!" You could sense his aura of fear.

"(y/n)! No! I was kidding!" Your Dad exclaimed.

"I wasn't." You smirked.

Your Dad sighed. "(y/n)."

"Dad. I was joking. I seriously wouldn't sneak out unless I had a really, really good reason. Not involving boyfriends." You said.

"I know. Thank you. You're the best daughter ever." Your Dad replied.

You smiled. "Thank you." You took out your phone and texted Jean a picture of your new car. You typed:

Guess who got their own car? :P

Jean replied:

I'm guessing Krista.

You laughed and sent:

Yeah, that's totally whose it is, Sherlock. It's certainly not mine, because it's in my garage.

Jean texted:

Haha. That's a nice car.

You typed:

Thank you.

You saw Jean was typing. You received the text:

Do you have a picture of you for your contact?

You smiled, having an idea:

Yeah. I'll find one and send it to you tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, do you want to hang out then?

Jean replied:

Yeah. At the park again? :)

You laughed and sent:

Sure. c: See you then!

Jean texted:


You smiled.


The next day, after school, you walked to the park with Jean. You had on a Nirvana tank top, ripped jeans and a pair of Chuck Taylor Classic Black Monochrome Shoes.

[See photo for outfit.]

Your hair was how it regularly was, which Jean found prettier than when you tried to style it. Even though your hair was always pretty.

You smiled. Jean always loved your smile. You blushed. He said that out loud, accidentally. You both were sitting on a bench, your shoulder brushing his. You took out your phone and went on the camera app. You put the camera in the inner mode so both of you appeared on the screen.

You smiled, so did Jean. At the last second, you looked over and kissed his cheek right when the picture was captured.

You both continued taking pictures together. You sat on his lap as you both made silly faces. For another photo, you kissed him. You sent him all of the photos.

He set the photo of you kissing his cheek as your contact photo. The one with the silly faces became his lock screen. And the one with you both kissing was his background photo.

You blushed, seeing him change it to the photos. "You don't have to."

"I know. I want to, (y/n)." He smiled.

You smiled back. "Okay."


I think I'm in love with the shoes in the picture. ❤ Actually, I care about someone more. Even if they don't know I exist because they live in Australia and are famous.

Shout out time!

HipsterBelleForever, Ms_Fem_Jaeger and pixxiewingz were correct! The person I care about, and the person's Playlist I was listening to, is Luke.

There will be other opportunities to get a shout out! ^-^

You can made collages and put together outfits. Just message me the link and I'll most likely use the outfit in the story. I'll say who made it.

I love you all.

Not The Same. [Jean x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now