Chapter Forty-One.

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Short-ish chapter ahead.

You sat down on the couch with a bowl of ice cream. You turned on the TV and flipped through different channels. You sighed, giving up and turning off the TV. You grabbed your phone and plugged in your earphones. You went onto Spotify and selected a Playlist, listening to the music while eating your ice cream. It had been a week and a half since Jean left for the guy trip.

Krista texted you:

Hey, what's up?

You replied:

Eating ice cream. You?

She sent:

I'm hanging out with Connie.

Puzzled, you typed:

I thought they were on a trip. .?

She texted:

They returned a few days ago. Didn't you know?

You sent:

Um, no.

Krista replied:

Oh. . Well, they did. . Sorry you didn't know.

You typed:

It's fine. Jean is probably still unpacking and spending family time. I don't mind. He usually hangs out with me, his parents deserve some time with him.

She typed:

Yeah, true. Well, you can come over if you want.

You sent:

Sure. I'll be there soon.

Your phone lit up once she sent:


You told your parents and drove to her house.

"Hey, (y/n)!" Connie greeted once he opened the door. He motioned for you to enter.

You did so. "Hi, Connie." You gave him a small smile and hugged him. He returned the small hug.

"Jean's not with you?" He asked, walking into the living room.

"Um, no. I assume he's unpacking or spending time with his family." You said, following him.

"Yeah, probably. The trip was a bit long. A week and a half. So, he probably has a crap-load of unpacking. Or he's spending family time, like you said." Connie agreed, sitting down on the floor. You sat down next to Krista.

"(y/n)! Hey!" Krista hugged you. You returned the hug and smiled. "We're playing spin the bottle. Except, it's a hug-version. Unless you and the person are together."

You shrugged. "Sounds fun. I'll join."

"Great!" She grinned.

Connie spun the bottle. It landed on Sasha. He leaned in and kissed her. She returned the kiss. Once they pulled away, Eren spun the bottle. It landed on you. He hugged you, you returned the hug. Once you pulled away, Krista spun the bottle. It landed on Ymir. Ymir immediately grabbed Krista's shoulders and pulled her forward, kissing her. Krista returned the kiss.

Once their kiss ended, you all played for an hour. Connie texted Jean for you, asking what he was up to. You found out he wasn't doing anything, making you excited. You said your goodbyes and left to go surprise your boyfriend.

You went to the store and bought him a few video games he wanted. You started driving to his house, (favorite band) playing on the radio. You tapped your fingers on the steering wheel to the beat while you waited for the red light to change.

You hummed along to the song, smiling. You could barely contain your excitement. You had missed him, even if it was only a week and a half. Jean had given you a spare key, due to you offering to look after his dog while he was awake.

You were tempted to text him, but refused. You were driving. Not only that, but it was a surprise. You couldn't keep the huge grin off of your face. He had been talking about those video games for a month and when you went over to his house, you saw he didn't have them.

You parked your car once you arrived at his house. Grabbing the plastic bag that was holding the video games, you walked in front of the door. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door.

You almost couldn't comprehend what you saw. Jean was making out with Mikasa.


The next part will be told in your POV. I love you all.

If you see that photo, I love that quote.

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