Chapter Sixteen.

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"How about we play a memory game?" Your Mom suggested. You and your Dad groaned.

"Mom, my memory sucks." You facepalmed.

"What was your first grade teacher's name?" Your Mom challenged.

"How am I supposed to know?!" You put your face on the table.

"What was it, (f/n)?" Your Dad asked gently.

"I don't know. . It started with an 'M.'" You said.

"Mhm. It did." Your Dad nodded.

"Well, that's all I remember." You sat up.

"It was (name that starts with an 'M')." Your Mom said.

"It sounds familiar." You got up and grabbed the box with the memory game.

"Yes. It's very common." Your Mom agreed, opening the box when you sat down.

"Mm." You helped take out the cards. Your Mom and Dad exchanged a look. "What?" You asked.

"Adult stuff." Your Dad replied. You nodded in understanding.

"Let's play!" Your Mom grinned. Her favorite type of game is memory games. Although, you and your Dad hate them.

"But, you always win!" Your Dad pointed out.

"We might as well not play." You added.

"I had to play Jinga with you both--"

"But, Jinga's fun, honey!" Your Dad said. You backed your chair up, away from the table.

"--So you're going to sit down and enjoy it." Your Mom said in a threatening tone.

"And if I don't?" Your Dad joked.

"Then, you're sleeping on the couch. For a year." Your Mom hissed. Her voice was so serious that you both knew she meant it. She glared at your Dad.

He cleared his throat. "Well. . (f/n) come back here. Who's starting?" His voice was laced with defeat. You scooted your chair up to the table.

In the middle of the game, you put your head on the table. "Mom, you already found thirty-six pairs of cards! There's only four pairs left-- Make that three." You corrected when your Mom found another.

Your Dad sighed and found a match.

"So, Dad has found two pairs and I've found one." You observed. "Mom has thirty-seven." You successfully found a match. "Now I have two pairs." Once your Mom grabbed the last match, you said, "Mom has thirty-eight and it's over."

"I win!" She cheered, smiling.

"Yep! Great job!" You and your Dad grinned.

My memory freaking sucks. If I ever have a boyfriend, I'll forget our one month, or week, anniversary. I'll even forget Dad's birthday! And Mom's!

"I'm going to go take a shower and change into my pajamas. I'll be right back." Your Mom got up and went to your parents' room that had a bathroom connected to it.

"Something on your mind, kiddo?" Your Dad asked. You debated whether to tell him or not.

"Yeah. It's just. . My memory sucks. What if I forget your birthday? Or Mom's? Or what if I ever get a boyfriend--" Your Dad looked uneasy with that word. "- Sorry - And I can't remember our one month, or week, anniversary?" You stressed.

Your Dad sighed. "Well, (f/n), your memory doesn't suck. People just forget things sometimes. Especially with all of those cards. You and I ended up with a tie. But, do I have a bad memory?"

"No." You replied.

"See? I don't have a bad memory, I just forget things. Don't doubt yourself. I doubt myself when I'm running with other soldiers. I think 'What if I can't make it? What if I let down my team?' But worrying won't help. So, I just focus. You're a bright girl. Don't doubt your mind." He smiled and kissed your forehead.

You smiled and said, "Okay. I won't, I promise."

"Good. Now we both have promises to keep." He laughed. "Hey, why don't we make dinner?"

"Sure." You got up. "I have an idea. ."

After a while, your Mom came out of the bedroom. She looked at the table and saw you both weren't there. She entered the kitchen and saw her favorite meal on the table. Along with a cake. "You guys are the best!" She squealed and hugged you and your Dad.


I wanted to show the relationship you have with your Dad. :) I also wanted to reveal a fact or two about your Mom in the story. I love you all. <3 You're amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Shout out to HipsterBelleForever for commenting about my question a few chapters ago! That means a lot to me!

(I have an AoT One-Shot book. If you want to request anything, you're more than welcome to.)

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