Chapter Thirty-Four

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You got up and made your bed. You took a shower and put on a white bra before you changed into a nice All Time Low tank top with a checkered coat over your shoulders and a pair of black skinny jeans. You put on a pair of vans. You brushed your hair and teeth. You also put on some foundation and lip gloss with a bit of eyeliner. You left the restroom.

"Wow, someone is looking extra nice today." Your Mom smiled.

You blushed a bit. "Thanks." You ate a bowl of cereal before hugging your Mom and walking to school with (friend's name).


At lunch, you saw Mikasa in the corner of the lunch room, dabbing the corners of her eyes. "He broke up with me, Krista. Believe me, I didn't like him that much. Maybe ten percent of me did. Ninety percent likes Eren. But, I d-didn't expect h-him to break up with m-me."

"Mika, it's okay. You can find someone else." Krista said kindly.

"No! Kris, you don't understand, baka!" Mikasa snarled. "You have a girlfriend! So, you wouldn't understand!"

Krista blinked, surprised. She frowned. "I'm offended that you said that! I'm your friend, Mikasa Ackerman! You've been rude and I've stuck by your side! And for the record, I've been with guys before!" The small girl walked away from Mikasa, leaving her shocked.

You offered for Krista to sit next to you. She accepted and placed her tray on the table, sitting next to you. "Good job." You smiled.

Krista sighed, a small smile forming. "Thank you."

You saw Mikasa approach the popular table. 'J' scooted over and Mikasa sat beside her.

"Well, Mikasa's officially joining the popular's." You said, taking a bite out of your food.

"Yep." Jean nodded.


After school, you went home and did your homework. You received a text from Jean:

I've been thinking. . We like each other, right? Why not try being together?

You raised your eyebrows and typed:

Yeah. What happened to taking things slow?

You sent the message. A minute later, he replied.

If you don't want to, just forget what I said.

You bit your lip and sent:

I just need to know you're worth it, Jean. I don't want to get hurt.

You glanced at the window. Your phone vibrated:

You won't get hurt. I promise, (y/n).

You sighed and replied:

I guess we could try. .

Jean texted:

Alright. When do you want to go out on a date?

You thought about it and typed:

Tomorrow after school. Can it be casual? Or do you want it to be fancy?

Jean sent:

Casual is fine. I'll meet you after History and I'll take you around the park, if that's okay. .?

You smiled in relief and put:

Yeah, that's perfect. I'll see you then.

He texted:

Okay. Bye

You replied:


You went over to your parents. "Um, Mom, Dad. . Is it okay if I go out with Jean? He asked me out." You blushed.

Your parents nodded. "That's fine. Where at?"

"The park." You answered. "It's tomorrow after school."

"Alright." They smiled. "Have fun tomorrow."

You grinned and hugged them. "Thank you."

They returned the hug before you went back into your room.


The next day you took a shower. You changed into a white tank top with (f/c) stripes and a pair of shorts. You also put on a pair of white tennis shoes. [See picture for outfit.] You also straightened your hair [if it's not already straight]. You also put on foundation, eyeliner and lip gloss.

School went by fast. You were fearful of the date, yet excited.

Jean walked you to the park, "You look amazing."

You blushed a bit. "Thank you. So do you."

"I'm normally like this." He laughed.

You smiled, "Exactly." This caused him to blush. The rest of the walk was silent.

Thankfully, you saw the park and grabbed onto his arm, pulling him towards the swing set.

He laughed, following you. He sat down on the swing next to yours. "You're so beautiful-- Did I say that out loud? Sorry, I'll shut up."

You giggled. "No, no. That's nice to hear. Thank you."

Jean's face heated up. "No problem."

"Look!" You exclaimed, pointing to a bird that was flying in the sky.

Jean grinned. "Wow." He looked towards an ice cream stand. "Do you want to get some ice cream?"

"Sure." You got off of the swing and walked towards the ice cream stand. Jean did the same.

"Hello. Would you like anything?" The man asked.

You smiled. "Can I have (favorite ice cream flavor)?"

"Of course!" He scooped the ice cream onto a cone. "And for you, young man?"

"Uh, can I have chocolate ice cream?" Jean asked.

The man nodded, scooping chocolate ice cream onto another cone. He handed you both each of your cones. You reached for your wallet, but the man said it was free. You thanked him and smiled before walking over to a bench and sitting down.

Jean sat down next to you. You ate your ice cream. Jean ate his. Afterwards, Jean and you got into a tickle war. You squealed and got up, running away from him, laughing.

He ran after you. After ten minutes, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up before spinning you around. You laughed.

Once he set you down, you turned around, accidentally meeting his lips with yours. You were surprised, but he returned the kiss. So did you.

Once you pulled away, you had on a huge grin. You both sat down on the bench. You leaned against him, still grinning. "I had fun today."

"So did I. We should do this more often." He smiled.

You hummed in agreement. From that day forward, you were known as Jean's girlfriend.


I already have the rest of the book planned out. Even the ending. But, I won't tell you ANYTHING about it.

Also, you know the "more comments quicker updates" thing? As funny as it is, spamming comments won't really count. None of you have really spammed, just a heads-up.

I love you.


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