2| Mattheo

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I held a pan easily flipping the pancakes with a smile. They look delicious. I'm finally able to cook.

Pair of arms wrap around me as I smile even more. Mattheo puts his head in the crock of my neck.

"You left me" he mumbles. "Sorry, I wanted pancakes" I respond and he hums against my skin kissing my neck.

I turn around to face him. He's shirtless with grey sweatpants. Fucking hot. He smirks lifting my chin to look at him.

"My eyes are here" he says smirking. "I know" I say kissing him. He kisses me back before lifting me up on the counter.

"OH COME ON, CAN YOU SNOG SOMEWHERR ELSE, I JUST WANTED FOOD AND NOW I'M TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE" Regi says slamming the door open before slamming them closed again.

Mattheo sighs annoyed, pulling away. I laugh getting off the counter. We exit the kitchen laughing. "There you go" I say.

"No thanks, I lost my appetite" Reg responds holding his head and rubbing his eyes.

I laugh and punch him on the back before walking past him as Mattheo catches up.

He wraps his arm around my waist and drops his head on my shoulder. "Where are we going?" he asks smiling.

"To cuddle" I respond giving him a warm smile. He blushes before nodding as we walk into our dorm.

We jump on the bed and cuddle closely. I breathe in his cologne. God, he smells amazing.

He puts his head in the crock of my neck. "Go on a date with me?" he asks kissing my neck.

"Sure" I breathe out as his lips travel down to my shoulder. "Good girl" he mumbles against my skin making me feel so week.

He gives me small peck on the lips before pulling away. "You asshole" I say punching him with a pillow.

"I'm sorry I'm so romantic" he smirks grabbing the pillow and throwing it on the other side of the room before kissing me.

I smile kissing him back. We pull away laughing leaning our forehead against one another.

I lean my head on his shoulder. "So when is this date?" I ask. "Today at 6 pm" he responds and I nod.

"I can't wait" I say widely smiling. "Neither can I" he responds looking nervously happy.

~time skip~

Walking to Hogsmeade isn't most exciting thing in the world but with Mattheo it isn't that boring.

I put my hand in his, as we both blush even after one year of dating. I lean my head on his shoulder as he looks at me and smiles. Adorably smiles.

We had an amazing time at Hogsmeade and now we're walking back to Hogwarts but first we stopped at the Black lake.

He wraps his arms around me and I lean my head on his shoulder as we sit down at the bench.

"Oh my God, is that a shooting star?" Mattheo asks pointing out at sky and I gasp jumping up.

"Where?" I ask searching for it. "Oh, too late, it's gone" he says. I turn back as he sighs.

"You okay? Tonight you're acting a bit weird" I say putting hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry" he says trying to smile but it doesn't reach his eyes.

I nod smiling placing my hand on his cheak as he smiles before placing his hand on mine, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it.

"Let's head back" I say and he nods. He stands up wrapping a hand around my shoulder.

We had a peaceful walk back before arriving at Slytherin common room. "Hellooooo" Theodore says running to us.

"How was the date?" he asks and I smile confused. "Good" I respond and I see him glance at Mattheo before stopping himself from giving his face a high five.

"Girls are waiting for you at Daphne's dorm" he says and I nod. "See you later" I say turning to Mattheo and kissing him on the lips.

"See ya darling" he yells after me before they are out of my hearing range.


"You stupid idiot" Theodore says slapping he back of my head. I try to slap him back but he puts up his defense.

We wrestle a bit before calming down. "Why the fuck you didn't ask her?" he asks.

"Cause everything was going so perfect and I was so scared by ruining it. 'Yeah, hey, we've been dating for a year and we are still in school but right now I don't care, let's get married'" I say in mimicking voice.

"Mattheo, fucking stop overthinking it and ask her before something goes wrong" Theodore says.

"But what if it goes wrong? What if she says no? And I lose everything I had with her before. It would kill me" I say through my pain.

"I can't live without her man, I can't. She's all that I think about, and when I see her next to me I can't help but wonder how did I get so lucky? When will she see I'm not good enough for her? I don't deserve her. Why is she even with me? Why is she dating me? And it's killing me cause I know she could leave me any second and find someone better and I could never find someone like her" I say.

"Man, she wouldn't leave you for world. And you know you deserve her if you think you don't. You want best for her. And that is what is best for her. A man you are" Theodore says, it helps me calm down but I'm still scared.

I sigh. "I don't know, I'll ask her soon" I say. "Good, just don't do it too late" he says and I nod. "Good night" I say. "Good night" he responds as we separate ways.

I get to my dorm and drop on the empty bed. This is what I feel like when she's not near.


I would die without her. Without her I am one huge nothing.

Cause she's all I have.

And if I lose her.

It will be the end of me.


A/N: Sorry. I'm having a writer block. Thank few of you for helping.

And thank you all for reading and commenting. Please vote ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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