22| Romeo

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I move the food on my plate around with my fork. "Julia, are you okay? You haven't touched your food, I'm getting worried" Enzo says.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need to find the actors for the this play. It all happened last second, there is no time to learn the script. Either I found someone who magically knows it or I have to cancel and everyone will be disappointed" I say dropping my head on the table.

"How about you play Juliet? You know the whole script" Ivy suggests. "But I don't want to, plus where will I find Romeo?" I ask.

"*cough, cough* ironic *cough cough* ironic" Theodore starts and I shoot him a glare.

"You shut the fuck up, you broke your leg and all of this is your fault" I say pointing my finger at him.

"You think I wanted to broke my leg? My amazing girlfriend did that. I'm starting to think she's enjoying my pain" he says.

"I'm sorry" Daphne says kissing him. She pouts leaning her head on his shoulder as he smiles.

"But she loves me" he says smiling. "Lucky you" I say before dragging my hand over my face.

"Okay but I'm sure there is someone who will weirdly know the entire story" Blaise snorts.

"Shut up, you know what, I'm so desperate that I will start putting up flyers across the school" I say.

"Why not? Do it" Tom says. "You're right, I will" I say standing up. This is stupid. What can I possibly lose?


Really? I expected that someone will show up? God, I'm not sane. Of course no one showed up.

I'm starting to fall asleep. I lean my head against my palm trying to rest but not start sleeping.

It's so boring. Waiting. It's draining.

My eyes start closing and just then I hear the chair in front of me gets dragged out and someone sits down.

I open my eyes. I look up to see. Oh, just amazing. Mattheo Riddle. What the fuck is he doing here?


What the fuck am I doing here? Oh right auditioning for Romeo. God, Theodore you so owe me for this.

If his leg doesn't hurt already I'll broke his other one too.

God, she will hate this. I hate this. But sometimes you have to sacrifice yourself for others to remind yourself you're not that bad. And definitely not a monster you are assumed to be.


"Ugh, not today, I have a lot to do and I don't need you annoying me as well" I groan.

He tutted and shook his head. "That attitude won't help you" he says and I look at him confused.

"I don't need your help for anything" I respond. "Oh, really cause I heard you were looking for a Romeo" he smirks.

My eyes travel at his hand. He is holding one of the flyers I placed all over school.

"You? Being Romeo? Funny" I respond before giving him the most sarcastic smile ever.

"I'm being serious" he says leaning back into the chair. His black suit is making him look real good right now. Stop it Julia.

"You know all the lines?" I ask raising my eyebrows crossing my arms over my chest.

"Every single one" he says with a smile. His dimples showing around it. Those brown eyes are looking through me.

"Give me one" I say dropping my hand on the table before leaning my head on my hand watching how he'll embarrass himself.

"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand, O that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek" he says and my eyes say all.

I drop a hand from my face and stare at him in complete shock. "Well?" he asks smirking.

"That wasn't convincing, one more" I say biting inside of my cheak leaning back to my chair.

"Under love's heavy burden do I sink" he says leaning closer. His smirk permanent on his lips.

"You really want to be Romeo, huh? What do you get out of this?" I ask standing up placing my hands on the desk and leaning closer too.

"I am just getting entertained, it's amusing to see your hate towards me yet I am the only one who can get you out of this mess and you're ready to give it all up just to not be near me" he says smirking.

Our faces are millimeters away. His gaze drops on my lips, I see it clearly. So for a bit of fun I drop my eyes to his lips too.

I can feel his breath hovering over my lips. His hands sliding closer to mine. It's amusing to see how he is so desperate that he went to the person he hates the most, me.

"Very well, Romeo, welcome to the team" I say biting my lip and leaning away.

"Good to see you changed your mind after all" he says. "Don't make me regret it" I warn.

"As you say" he says nodding his head to the side. "Rehearsal is tomorrow at 4 pm, you don't show up you're out. You're late 1 second? You're out" I say with a stern look.

"Got it, I'll be early, wouldn't want that to happen" he says. "Okay, you're free to go now" I say.

"Yes, ma'am" he says before standing up and walking away. What the hell just happened?


What the hell did I just do? And what the hell I'm saying? Why am I acting so flirtatious?

Yas ma'am, who says that?


"THEY ARE ACTING TOGETHER" I say running into common room as everyone cheers.

"Thank God, I didn't let you broke my leg for nothing" Theodore says dropping his head at the headboard of armchair he's sitting on.

"How many kissing scenes is that?" Enzo asks. "As much as there can be" I respond with a smirk.

They are gonna hate this.


A/N: Trouble chapter? You get what I mean ;)

Anyway thank you for reading and commenting PLEASE VOTE ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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