♥︎ They were lovers. Inseparable. They loved each other more then anything but then everything changed. Mattheo turned to Dark side. And Julia she watched him leave. The boy she loved turned into boy she hated the most. They became enemies. The cons...
"That rehearsal was draining" I say dropping my head on the table as we got in the Great hall for lunch.
"Is it because there is a lot to rehears or because you're working with Mattheo?" Blaise asks and Theodore chokes on his water almost spitting it out.
"Watch out, Theo, you might choke yourself, probably for the best" I say with a sarcastic smile.
"Funny" he laughs that slowly turns scared laugh. "Don't provoke her, my love" Daphne warns him.
"I am not that bad" Riddle sas rolling his eyes. "There he is again" I say pointing my finger at him. "Acting like we're friends"
Before Riddle can respond I feel hand being placed on my shoulder. I look at who the hand belongs to. Tristan.
"Hey, Julia, looking good" he says and I laugh. "Thanks, you too" I respond with with smile.
Everyone are staring at us and it's really awkward. "Can we talk for a second?" he asks.
"Of course" I respond. "I meant like privately?" he says awkwardly. "Oh" I say with a most obvious fake smile.
"We come in pack, you can say it in front of us, bro" Draco says and I nod. "That's right" I respond.
"Well first off I wanna apologize for leaving you at that ball-" he starts but I interrupt. "It's fine, I was resisting and wasn't realizing what was going on"
I see the group is having that 'What the fuck are you saying' face and are glaring at Tristan with a look of digust.
"Second, to make up for it I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go to this Hogwarts ball with me?" he asks.
I look at the group. They are all disapproving of this. All making obvious no signs.
"I'm kinda acting so I won't have much time to be on the ball, I think you should go with someone else who'll make it on time" I say and he nods.
"I get it" he responds. "Have anyone in mind?" he asks. Before I could speak a word. "Lena Dumbledore, ask her" Riddle says.
"Thanks man" Tristan says and Riddle nods. "No problem" Riddle responds. "See ya guys" Tristan says before walking away.
"See ya" I say before turning back to the table. "Two birds with one stone, huh?" Theodore nudges Riddle.
"Oh shut up, Lena can't take no for an answer, she's following me around the castle ever since the ball was announced" Riddle groans.
"Talk of the devil" I say snorting as I see Lena approaching us. Riddle turns around before spinning back and groaning.
"Matty bobo bear" she starts as Theodore and me choke on our drinks. I continue drinking to hide a smile.
"I was wondering the ball is soon and considering we both don't have dates maybe we could go together" Lena says.
"Who said I don't have a date?" Riddle asks. "What?" she asks with wide eyes. "I do have a date and it's not you" he tells her.
"Well who the hell is she?" she asks. "That's none of your business" he responds.
"Well it is when she's stealing my Matty bobo bear, you either tell me her name or we are going together" she says.
Riddle takes a look across the Great hall to see who can he lie about. "Julia, Julia is going with me" he says as I choke on my drink.
I start coughing as Theodore pats my back trying to suppress his laughter. "What?" I ask coughing.
Riddle gives me pleading eyes to get him out of this. I mean he was a bitch. He played girls. Why should I help him?
"So are you going with him or not?" Lena asks with a smirk. Everyone is staring at me again.
Oh fuck it. Just to piss of Lena. "Yup, I'm going with him" I respond as my lips curve into a thin line.
"Ugh, I can't belive you replaced me with this bitch" she yells before storming away as I look after her in disgust.
"Just so you know, this was to piss her off I am not going with you" I say pointing at Riddle with my fork before turning back to my plate.
"Of course not, I wasn't planning on going with you anyway" he says rolling his eyes and turning back to his plate.
"Good" I say and he returns the favor. "Good" he responds.
"JULIA" Daphne suddenly screams standing up. "Daph, what the hell? What's wrong?" I ask confused. "WE DON'T HAVE DRESSES FOR THE BALL, FUCK, HOW COULD WE MISS THIS? IMMEDIATELY HOGSMEADE NOW" she screams getting away from the table.
I shove a toast in my mouth. "I don't know how do you survive" I say to Theodore. "I don't even know that myself" he responds.
"What do you think of this one?" Daphne asks checking herself in the mirror. "DAPH I TOLD YOU ONE MILLION TIMES, THAT IS THE PERFECT ONE, FUCKING BUY IT ALREADY" I scream.
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"Okay, okay, now we have to find one for you" she says. "I already have a gown" I respond.
"No, that's Juliets gown, you need a gown for after the performance" she tells me and I roll my eyes.
"What if I don't want to party after my performance?" I ask. "I don't give a shit, you will" she says before handing me a gown.
"Try this one while I get five more for you to try" she says and I groan. "Yes, Your Majesty" I say fake bowing as she rolls her eyes.
After horrible 1 and a half hour of trying on dresses, searching for dresses, commenting the dresses Daph finally found the one we both like.
"Okay, please tell me you like this one" I say begging her with fingers crossed as I exit the booth.
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"Although there might be some problems with this zipper" I say trying to pull it down.
"It's gonna be fine, don't worry, let's go pay" she says pulling the zipper and I nod getting out of my dress.
Anyway thank you for reading and commenting PLEASE VOTE ☆->★ ~love, Juliette