40| chase

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The atmosphere has been off.

Everyone can see it. Everyone knows something will happen soon but no one reacts.

No one talks about it, no one mentions it. You could almost think no one cares. Well bad thing Julia isn't no one.

She has been going to classes regularly, doing slightly better. But the more she got back to her normal routine, it seemed the more she saw Mattheo everywhere she went.

He started attending classes again, mostly only if she had them too. On every turn, every corner he would be near.

It was making her go insane. 'Is he really doing this again?' she thought many times already.

But he wasn't.

'Memorize her routine. Get her to talk with you. Kindap her.' were the only things replaying in Mattheo's mind.

He learned to hate her. Dispise her. He was programed to do so. Just like some robot. It was all he thought about.

It was like a program. She didn't pay much attention to changes in his behavior. Adjust with surroundings was step number one for him. It obviously succeeded.

Get into small conversations, step two. Exept the time he asked for a pen and she looked up, stared and glared at him like she was about to pull a gun out of her bag, there were no other interactions.

That wasn't only thing that was torturing Mattheo, the thoughts of what will his father do to Julia when he catches her and brings her there were haunting him.

At this point Mattheo was so out of his mind that he thought only bad things that could happen is that he would be replaced by her.

He wasn't thinking straight. In fact he wasn't thinking at all. He was too high, only you didn't know was it high on adrenaline or weed.

All that alcohol in his system wasn't helping either. All the bad habits he got rid of after he met Julia came back all at once.

Only a miracle will stop this madness. Or Julia could but the problem is in will to do it.

Of course she won't go anywhere near maniac that ruined her life. She doesn't deserve that.

Nightmares has been hunting her for days already. Sometimes about trauma Mattheo brought up. And sometimes simply about Mattheo.

It feels too real to her. Too close. It has all happened so recently.


"DAD" I scream as I fight off Bellatrix with my wand. "I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU KIDDO" my dad says from behind.

I hit Bellatrix with spells which she blocks. "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE" she fights with a smile.

"At the number of 3, we aparate, got it?" he ask and I nod. "Got it"




We all aparate through the portal.

"We made it out" I squeal as I turn to my father about to hug him.




My dad.


"No, no, no, no, this can't be" I sniffle as he sadly smiles noticing there is no way out of this situation.

He slowly lowers himself onto floor. "No, you can't leave me, dad" I scrunch down to his level.

"Sorry, kiddo" he says placing a hand on my cheek trying to wipe my tears. He's bleeding out. Poison is getting to his system.

"I love you, dad" I cry holding his hand. "I love you the most, kid" he smiles before kissing my forehead.

I see as life fades out of his eyes and his body. All there's left is tears, they can't stop running down my cheeks.

I'm holding onto his body hoping he'll come back.

That's all for nothing. He's gone. And nothing will bring him back.


It happened. It's gone. That was long time ago. They can't hurt you anymore. It's all gonna be fine.

Dark. All around me. I can't see anything. They jump from the shadows. My breath comes uneven and fast.

They are all around you.

No they're not. Calm down.

WAIT- I hear something. Tears are swelling my eyes. They can't be here. It couldn't be. They can't step a foot inside Hogwarts, right?

I'm not going to get hurt anymore.


I scream as something grabs me and everything goes black.

This is the time when I die.


Stay awake. I need to stay awake. I'm in some kind of portal. Open yours eyes. Come on, you can do it.

I try to squint my eyes as my stomach feels like a twisted circle. I felt this before. Maybe I can't open my eyes but I can feel.



So I do.

I kick whoever is holding me as they wince. I groan as I hit the ground finally being able to open my eyes.

I'm on the cliff near Hogwarts, thank God I managed to break through the portal. It won't be easy get to the Hogwarts but I'm praying to God that whoever was kidnapping me doesn't find me.

I start to walk away from the cliff but just my luck Riddle aparates in front of me.


They are facing each other. Fighting with eye contact. "There is no way out, go with me and you won't get hurt" he extends his hand to her.

"Do I look that dumb?" her eyes lower as she takes back her composure. It's something she does to play confidence.

"I guess not but there is no way out so it's easier or harder way, it's your choice" he smirks.

"Let me think for a second, I think- that I would rather die" she steps closer to edge of cliff as his eyes follow in suprise.

"Don't. Even. Think. About it." he says but she doesn't even think once before jumping off.

"HOLY SHIT" he says not even thinking this would happen but not even a second later "Oh fuck, I can't belive I'm doing this" he takes off his jacket.

And jumps right after her.


A/N: *cracks neck* well, I'm back. I am so SO sorry for posting like once a week after getting you used on posting every day, it just there is SO MUCH fucking exams and shit

Anyway didn't you just miss my cliffhangers?

Anyway thank you for reading and commenting PLEASE VOTE ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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