36| ignore

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I sniffle as I sit down on my bed. "It's gonna be okay" Enzo says and I shake my head. "That's what I thought"

"I just- every time I finally have strength to forgive him, he hurts me again. Every time I finally heal from him, he hurts me again. I can't do this anymore." I sob.

He pulls me into his chest giving me a hug. "Shhh, he's a jerk and doesn't deserve you. We both knew it. And from now on, we'll make sure he doesn't even look in your direction" he whispers planting a kiss on my forehead.

Theodore and Daph walked in. I broke down even more as she takes me away from Enzo and hugs me tightly.

"I'll fucking break him for ever hurting you" she says holding me gently and stroking my hair.

"Just hug me for now, please" I sniffle. "Okay, my love" she whispers as Theodore also joins the hug.

"Do you need anything?" Daph asks softly. "Never to see Riddle again, oh and pizza would be nice" I sniffle chuckling as she nods smiling.

"Yes ma'am" she saluts as I roll my eyes wiping my tears. I can't stop the smile climbing up my face.

"There is that smile" she says squishing both of my cheeks before I slap her hands away and she starts chasing me.

"STOP, DAPHNE. DAPHNEE!! STOP" I scream while running around even jumping over the couch.

"I'm glad you're feeling better" she smiles. "I am, now quit chasing me" I tell her and she laughs before running after me again as I scream.


I took a day to rest after all this drama. So much has happened I need to process it all.

I haven't gone to classes today and I got Theodore to bring me breakfast and lunch. Daph and Enzo watched a movie with me in the afternoon but they had to go again.

This all helped me to relax a bit and gather my thoughts. I needed time to think about this situation.

And I decided to not forgive Riddle anymore. I gave him enough chances. I forgave him enough times and yet every single time I get hurt.

I'm gonna completely forget about him. Ignore him. Not even look in his direction anymore.

It's not that I will make it my mission to avoid meeting is gaze, it's that I can not physically even look at him.

He hurt me. So much. Again. And again. It stops right now.

I know if I forgive him again this will just keep happening. And I can't allow that.

Even if it means to break both of us I have to do it. For myself.


"Hello, the Venera of my life" Theodore says walking in as I furrow my eyebrows looking at him confused.

"What the fuck?" I ask. "Do not even start" he puts plate of food in front of me. "What's wrong" I ask crossing my arms.

"What would be wrong? Nothing's wrong" he defends himself and I scoff. "The truth please"

He looks down. "Tristan is in Hospital wing" he starts. "Well that's not so bad news" I say smiling.

Which drops by the end of his sentence. "Mattheo beat him up" I scoff. "Of course he did"


"No, he's acting like a jerk. He doesn't get to do any of this. He wants me to forgive him, well guess what, I won't, I had enough of his bullshit and I won't listen to it a second more"

"I understand and I agree. I really love him, Julia. He is my best friend but he has hurt you and partly all of us so much. And as much as I would love to have my best friend back I know he will never be the same he was, not with everything going on" Theodore says looking down at his hand.

"I feel so too. He was everything to me. But just because I was avoiding the problem doesn't mean the problem disappeared. So I have to face him. For one last time"

We stand there is silence sitting next to each other. Both share the same sadness because of the same person. Both of us wanted to cry. But we had to hold on. For each other.


I finally got out of my dorm to get some books from library so I can catch up with subjects I'm behind.

The way to library was successful I haven't seen Mattheo or anyone in that matter. But the way back ... not so much.

Of course Mattheo would just magically appear on my way out.

"Julia, please listen to me" he tries. I push past him ignoring him. He speeds walk to get next to me.

"Please, I know I don't deserve it just please don't ignore me, you know I hate that" he trys to take my hand but I snatch it and continue walking.

"Come on. We can be enemies again but don't ignore me. Julia, I'll make it up to you. I'm sorry. I even beat up Tristan for hurting you-"

"THAT IS THE THING, MATTHEO. You beat up Tristan for hurting me in that case you should beat up yourself because you're hurting me. You hurt me way more. You hurt me and I forgive you and you hurt me again and when I finally forgive you AGAIN you hurt me AGAIN, where is the end of it, Mattheo, huh? If I don't stop this now, it will just keep happening and I won't. I won't let it happen again."

"You're right. It won't. I promise you I will never ever ever hurt you again" he tries. "Mattheo... you have hurt me too many times. Please let me go" I face him.

"I-I can't"

I look at his eyes filled with tears. Mine are just the same. "Goodbye, Mattheo" I kiss his cheek before walking past him down the hallway not once turning back.

This is for the better.


She walks down the hallway as he watches after her. He has lost her, but really lost her this time.

She turns to the corner and he can't no longer see her.

And he breaks.

Letting it all out. He simply breaks.


A/N: well, first you might want to get tissues cause guys we have an issue. Yeah, sorry but a lot of work is coming and I don't know how will I update I might update every day for few days then don't update for a week so stay patient with me, sorry.

Also please if you have ideas for next chapter but like filler chapter I would thankful cause I am having a huge writer block and I need 3 filler chapters, thanks

Anyway thank you for reading and commenting PLEASE VOTE ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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