10| this is just the start

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IS SOMEONE PLAYING GAMES WITH ME RIGHT NOW? And before I could even react we are pushed into tiny tiny closet.

His hands are on my hips because the space in closet is too small for both. Our breaths are mixed.

His lips were hovering over mine. Both of my hands were on the wall opposite of me with him in between them.

We were both breathing heavily. Don't kiss me, Mattheo, please don't kiss me. It's not fair.

I know if he kisses me I won't stop myself from kissing him back. But it will only get all feelings for him, that I worked so hard to get over, rush back.

But it will ends as same as it did last time. Breaking me and my heart. And he'll be fine. He won't even feel it.

He'll move on. Just like he did right now.

His hands are moving to the hem of my shirt and my breath shortened. It was like someone was stealing my air.

I was pulling myself away from kissing him. And I can tell he's doing the exact same.

"7 minutes are out" Draco yells and I immediately exit the closet without a second thought.

This is behind me. And I'm not going back.

The party ended soon and I got back to my dorm tired as hell. I'm moving on tomorrow.

Tomorrow. New day.

~time skip~

I'm 5 minutes early to class so I'm doodling some random shit in my notebook.

Soon enough people start coming in. And every single seat was taken by now exept the one next to me.

Soon enough profesor Snape walked in and begun a new lesson. 5 minutes later Riddle decided to show up.

"Glad you could join us Mr. Riddle. That will be detention after class now take a seat next to Miss. Black" he says and Mattheo scoffs but so do I.

I move away my chair. "Don't worry Black, I don't bite" he smirks. "Yeah well I do so don't come hear me" I respond focusing on the lesson.

"Feisty I see" he responds. "Shut the fuck up and don't talk to me" I say as he rolls his eyes. "Whatever" he whispers.

We spent the whole class in silence ans the rest of the day went well. Nothing exept Riddle being a bitch.

Finally, I get to sleep.

~small time skip~

I'm waken by alarm. "All students report to Great hall. All the students report to Great hall" I hear McGonagalls voice.

I take a glimpse at the clock. 3 am. What the fuck? I quickly put on my slippers and exit my dorm as others do too.

We get to the Great hall and sit down as everyone are whispering. I notice Enzo so I run up to him.

"What the hell is happening?" I ask concerned. "Apparently someone killed Dumbledore" he says.

"WHAT" I whisper shout. It had to be Riddle. It couldn't be anyone else. I can't belive this.

I can't belive he went this far. To actually kill someone. Dumbledore. I hear a high pitch ass cry. Lena.

I honestly feel sorry for her. Her father just died. Doesn't change the fact she's a bitch.

But I am sorry for her. I don't think she'll be throwing herself all over Riddle anymore tho.


"DRACO, WHAT THE FUCK" I yell. "I couldn't do it so Snape did it instead of me" he says.

"It was MY task, why were you even there" I ask. "Voldemort changed plan in last second, he said he doesn't want you do it because you already proved yourself, he wants me to prove myself. I couldn't do it, this isn't me Mattheo" he says.

I scoff. This isn't me. This isn't you. Why do everyone repeat that? They are all so blind.

"All students report to the Great hall" we hear the alarm. "Fuck" I curse getting up.

"Draco, if they know who did it or if they accuse me I will personally kill you myself" I say looking him dead in in eye.

He gulps and nod as we walk out of the dorm. The whole Great hall was a mess. Everyone whispering, panicking.

I look around. My eyes stop at the sight of Julia. She's looking around before she runs up to Enzo.

He says something and she makes that look. Look like she knows what happened.

And I am hundred percent sure she thinks I did it. Which I definitely would do if Draco, Snape and my father weren't so stupid.

"Students, do not panic. We will run an investigation, no one leaves until we find out what happened, get back to your dorms, lock them and make sure you're safe" McGonagall says.

Everyone start whispering before getting back to their dorm. I also start getting back before I'm pulled into broom closet.

Julia is standing in front of me. And the thoughts running around my head need to be shut down.

"I know what you did, Riddle" she says narrowing her eyes. "What I did?" I smirk.

"And what do you think I did exactly?" I ask smirking rolling my tongue across my teeth.

"You are the one who killed Dumbledore and I'm going to prove it" she whispers glaring at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't kill Dumbledore trust me" I respond.

"I don't trust anyone. I trusted you one time, it didn't end well" she responds. "Oh, well, then think what you want, I can't stop you" I say.

"Yeah but I can stop you. Just like I will. This war starts now. Me against you" she says.

"Darling, don't get ahead of yourself. If you want to be called a hero just save a cat from a tree or something" I chuckle.

"I don't want to be called a hero, I want you to be called a villan" she responds crossing her arms over her chest.

"So what is this a threat?" I ask. "Consider it what you like. I call it a warning" she says.

"Wow and just as I thought I knew everything about you" I smirk chuckling. "Oh, belive me, Riddle, this is just the start" she responds before walking out.


A/N: Okay, thoughts --->

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~love, Juliette

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