31| Lena

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Days passed. I don't know how many exactly. I lost count. I just know I can't see her.

She's dating Tristan and it's killing me. But at least I'm losing feeling for her. So that's something.

Father has been giving me easy missions but at least they make me forget about her.

And I really hope my mirror is broken cause this person I see in it sure as hell isn't me.

Bags and dark circles under my eyes, I look pale as the ghost and my hair is more messed up then my life.

I look like I haven't slept in days, which is the case, so this is reasonable. How do I go anywhere like this?

I need to get ready.


Snape has never been more boring. I finally get out of my dorm and this is what I get.

Julia is in the back of classroom sitting next to classroom. She giggles as Tristan whispers something in her ear.

I scoff. I wish I could stay in my dorm forever.

God bless you Olivia Rodrigo and all of your albums, never more relatable singer. I mean really the both sour and guts albums hit.

Love is embarrassing.


Ballad of homeschooled girl.


Like I will never understand people who don't like her music. And boys who act like it's only for girls.

I put on my headphones and turn it up till the end.


Finally. End of classes. End of torture.

I drop my books at the foot of my desk as I flop down on my bed. And just as I thought I'll have a bit of rest someone decided to knock on the door.

I groan standing up and opening door. "What?" I ask annoyed. I'm even more annoyed when I see who is at the door. Lena.

"What do you want?" I ask with my arms crossed over my chest. "Wow, jeez, I just wanted to check up on you cause you weren't in school a lot and now well you look like you haven't ate or slept in days so I brought you some food" she says handing me a basket full of all kinds of different food.

"Thanks" I say confused as she sweetly smiles. "Of course" she responds. "Also I'm hanging out with some friends in courtyard feel free to join us, I will understand if you don't want to" she says.

"I'll think about it" I respond. This is all confusing. Why is she being so nice all of the sudden?

"Thank you, see you then" she says with a smile and I mumble see ya before she walks away.

I close the door confused as I place the basket on the table.

Well, this was definitely something. Maybe I could date her to get back to Julia but that kinda wouldn't be fair to Lena.

Lena is starting to be nice and maybe this could be something new. Something good. Maybe I don't need to end up alone after all.


"It was so easy" I say laughing with my girlies more like my followers. "So your plan is to date THE Mattheo Riddle?" Elena giggles.

"No, my plan is to lead him on for a few weeks, hook up with him and then it all depends on how good he is in bed" I smirk.

"That would be so epic, I mean I don't understand people who date for love like me date someone poor and ugly? No" Janice says painting her nails.

"Literally, we slay" Victoria adds as I nod. "Now let's make Riddle beg" I say as we all giggle and cheer.


"I swear if they don't stop with those giggles I will stop them, like what the hell are they even laughing at" I groan complaining to Tristan as I lay on his chest.

"Yeah, I agree, baby" he says brushing fingers through my hair as we lay in silence just enjoying each other's company.

I really like Tristan. And don't get me wrong our relationship is nothing but amazing.

Which is exactly the problem. It's too amazing. Too boring. There's no fun in it. No flirty bullying.

I sigh as I hug him. He's nice, be grateful. But I want something different.



I get to courtyard as my eyes search for Lena. I don't know why am I doing this but she was nice the least I can do is to be nice back.

I finally spot her and as I head over there I notice her fix her hair and place on a warm smile.

Maybe she really did changed.

"Hey" I say as I sit down and her friends giggle. Why she didn't tell me was that all of her friends were girls?

"Hey" she says as she twirls her hair. "Well, you didn't tell me all of your friends are girls" I say chucking.

"Don't worry, Adrian, Marcus and Paul are getting here soon" she says and I nod. Thank God or else this would be so weird and awkward.


Guys finally arrived and I swear it was getting too much. Lena is full on flirting, giggling, touching my arm.

I mean it's kind of nice but it makes me uncomfortable.

"Let's play seven minutes in heaven" Janice suggests clapping her hands as they cheer and Lena smirks looking up at me.

"I love that game" Lena says biting her lip. "Then let's play" Marcus says slyly smirking as he puts the bottle in the middle of all of us.

"Victoria, how about you go first?" Janice says and Victoria nods. She spins the bottle and it lands on Marcus.

He smirks as she blushes and they walk into closet. 7 minutes later they exit with Victoria's lipstick smudged all over his collar as their hair are messes.

Why did I agree to this?

"My turn" Lena says as she spins it. Please don't lend on me. Please don't lend on me. And of course it lends on me.

"Come on" she says smirking giving me her hand to stand up before we get into the closet.

And before I could react she smashes her lips on mine. I'm in deep shit.


A/N: oh well

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~love, Juliette

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