32| new gf

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I drop onto my seat in the Great hall. "What's up?" I say smiling as everyone looks down staying quiet.

"Hello?" I ask waving my hand around the air. "Hello" Theodore responds as everyone still stay awkwardly quiet.

"Can someone tell me what happened already?" I ask. "Mattheo got a girlfriend" Enzo shoots.

Everyone turns face to him as they glare at him. "Oh" I start. "That's fine". "It's Lena he's dating" Enzo continues.

"Lena? Oh well, not my problem." I respond shrugging before putting food on my plate.

"You don't mind?" Ivy asks. "Of course not" I respond. Yes, I do. I do mind. Even tho I shouldn't.

I'm dating Tristan and I don't care about Mattheo. But it's Lena and God I hate that bitch.

She'll make my life a living hell. But that won't last long so who cares anyway?

"Oh good, how is Tristan?" Draco asks. "He's good, currently sleeping. It's going great" I say.

"So why don't you look happy then?" Daphne asks suspiciously. "I don't know" I groan dropping my head on the table.

"I mean our relationship is great and he's so sweet and treats me right but it is so boring you know, I wanna go on exciting dates, laugh till my lungs give up and have make out sessions that we had to stop cause we can not stop laughing in between the kisses" I say leaning my head on my arm.

"Seems like you wanna go back to Mattheo" Theodore says as everyone glares at him and he raises his hand in defense.

"No, if anything I wanna go back to old Mattheo not this one but I don't think even that is the case" I say pressing my lips in the thin line.

"Yeah, well, we'll see how it plays off" Blaise says and I nod. "Might as well find out very soon" Theodore says disgusted while looking behind me.

So I look back. Mattheo with his arm wrapped with Lena's as she giggles in that disgusting high pitched voice.

She looks ahead and smirks kissing Mattheo on the corner of his mouth leaving smudged lipstick mark.

I turn back. "I don't need rat poison to throw up at this" I say as Theodore laughs and chokes on his drink.

"Hello guysssss" she says more like squeals. Yeah, she sounds like a snake because she is one.

"Hey..." they mumble not looking up. Mattheo sits down and she sits down on his lap with that smuge smirk on her face.

I see Mattheo mouth 'help me out' to Tom so Lena can't see. Tom frowns. "Lena, shouldn't you be at Gryffindor table?" Tom asks.

"I'm just spending time with my Matty bo bo bear" she says as Theodore snorts and Mattheo glares at him.

"MISS. DUMBLEDORE TO YOUR TABLE, 10 POINTS AWAY FROM GRYFFINDOR" Umbitch yells. Wow, turns out Umbitch is nice sometimes.

All the Gryffindors frown and complain as Lena scoffs and finally gets up. "I'll see you later" she says giving Mattheo most disgusting silva sharing kiss.

Theodore and Enzo turn around not to see it. Lena finally walks away so I say "You can look now kids."

Theodore and Enzo finally turn back. "Father, how dare you make out with your mistress in front of your children?" Theodore asks fake crying.

"It's not a mistress if me and your mother are divorced" Mattheo says while wiping off his lips with a napkin. It looks like he could throw up too.

"Fine but I swear if I have to see that again I don't guarantee that I won't bowl my eyes out with a spoon in front of you" Theodore says.

"Trust me I do not wanna even experience that ever again" Mattheo says. "Then why are you dating her?" the group asks.

"I'm not. Well not really. Basically we got picked for 7 minutes in heaven she kissed me and said 'alright, yes I'll be your girlfriend' I didn't even ask her" he complains as I snort.

"Sucks to be you" I say as he glares at me. "So how are you planning to break up with her?" Theodore asks.

"I already tried. She won't go. So I have to digust her until she eventually leaves" he says with a fake smile.

"Yikes" Regi says before Mattheo drops the fake smile and hits his head on the table. "I know, get me out of here" he whines.

"Hey, baby" Tristan says wrapping his arms around my waist as he turns me around and gives me a kiss on the lips.

"Hey" I respond. "What are you chatting about?" he asks sitting down next to me with his hand on my waist.

"My so called girlfriend won't leave me" Mattheo whines. "And that's bad?" Tristan asks. "He's girlfriend is Lena" Pansy says.

"Ohhhh" Tristan nods. "Now I get it. Make her get an ick and she'll leave in milliseconds" he advises.

"Yeah, I'll try my best" Mattheo responds. I really wanted to say that he doesn't even have to try because his appearance is already an ick but I kept quiet.

"You wanna go on a date in Hogsmeade today?" Tristan asks. "Sure" I respond. Maybe this is it. Maybe our relationship is just starting to get interesting.

"What do you have for last lesson?" he asks. "Transfiguration" I respond. "Ask McGonagall to skip" he says.

"She can't. She takes extra classes with McGonagall and today we're learning a new lesson" Mattheo responds for me.

"Oh, yeah" I say. "It's fine, I'll just change the plan of our date a bit" he says and I smile. "Thank you, you're the best" I give him a peck on the lips.

"Okay, enough of snogging everyone, we have to get to class" Theodore says and I nod.


A/N: drama coming soon

Anyway thank you for reading and commenting PLEASE VOTE ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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