30| go back to me

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Gloomy sky was ready to send hundreds of it's warriors at the ones fighting below it. The Battle of Hogwarts.

There is blood and bodies everywhere. So many people dying as Voldemort's laughs echo the hallways.

Voldemort isn't quite winning either but perhaps it is people's screams and deaths that make him so cheerful.

Voldemort's son Mattheo on other hand isn't so cheerful. In fact he's no where near happy.

His hands are shaking, he's barely breathing. Trying desperately to find someone.

Not someone. Her. Julia.

"JULIA" he screams as his lungs are collapsing on inside. His hands can't stay still.

He's turning around trying to find her with his eyes. And suddenly he finds her. But not in the state he wanted to.

She's dying with huge wound on her stomach while Tristan holds her head in his lap. Both of them crying.

His heart shatters. "No, no" he cries as he sinks to his knees. "No, not her, please just not her" he sobs.

"I love you" she says placing a hand on Tristan's cheek as Mattheo's chest tightens. He can't breathe.

How he wishes if was him instead.

Her eyes close. Mattheo drops to the stone cold floor as he cries and screams. He lost her.

And it's all his fault.

Mattheo is turning around in his sleep as he cries, sobs. "Please just don't hurt her" he begs crying.

"No, please, you're hurting her" he begs. There is no one to wake him up.

"Please, hurt me all you want just don't hurt her" he cries. He's drowning in the nightmare.

Suddenly he joints awake taking as much as air as possible. His breathing is so heavy and shaky.

He's shaking and trying to calm himself but it's not particularly working. He shifts into sitting position as he curls up his legs to him and hugs them.

"Please Julia, please, you died. Please tell me it's not real" he begs as his voice breaks.

He's breaking down.

"Please, hate me all you want, just be safe. Tell me you're safe" he cries hugging his legs tighter as he can't hug her.

"Just hug me one last time. So I can hear your heart beat against mine" he begs as he's all alone.

The realization that he is going to be alone and she's gonna move on and already is moving on hits him in the gut.

He can't breathe and all he can think of is. "Help me, darling, please" he says as he is collapsing. "Help me"


One week has passed.

Mattheo doesn't remember last time he slept. In fact he doesn't even remember last time he ate something.

Especially when Julia went on a date with Tristan. She came back to Slytherin common room smiling from ear to ear. Giggling now and then.

She started describing how amazing it was and how Tristan was so flirty but Mattheo couldn't take it anymore so he got back to his room.

But it got much worse on one specific day.

Julia was sitting at her seat as Tristan sat next to her with his arm around his shoulder.

Mattheo has finally left his room. Oh, how he'll wish he didn't.

He stands at the door of common room watching what takes place in front of him.

"Why do you wear that necklace all the time?" Tristan asks fidgeting with Julia's necklace. The one Mattheo got her.

Mattheo's heart flutters. It's like her answer will decide the whole fate of his life.

Oh, if it wasn't that way.

"I don't know, why? You don't like it" she asks. "Not really. It kinda makes me uncomfortable. I'll buy you new one just take this one off." he suggests.

Julia hesitates as Mattheo's eyes are pleading. Please don't do it, they are saying.

"Sure, anything for you" she says as she goes to take it off but her hands shake a bit.

"Here let me get it for you" Tristan says as he helps her. "Thank you" she fake smiles before looking down at the necklace in her hand.

Mattheo breaks. Everything he was holding onto is gone. He can't breathe. He can't move.

He's glued to that spot and his eyes are glued to her.

He got back to his dorm heartbroken. Nothing could make it better. As much as everything was bad few hours ago. It's much worse to him now.

That was 5 days ago which mean he didn't leave his room for 5 days.

Theodore try to get him out of his room but he was unsuccessful. Nothing worked. And only person that could work didn't try.

But now he's forced to get out of his dorm as Dark Lord has called for yet another meeting.


And after another week Tristan and Julia were officially dating. Let me show you how.


"So, what do you think about this date?" Tristan asks and I smile leaning my head against my hand.

"It's good" I say as he smiles back. "So I've been meaning to ask you something for a long time" he starts.

I smile even wider. For these past few weeks I kinda developed feelings for Tristan.

They aren't really strong. And it's definitely isn't love. But I like him and I'm attracted to him which is a progress.

"Go on" I say fidgeting with my fingers. "Well, I was wondering" he starts and I get so excited.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asks and I smile. "YES, yes. I would very much like to be your girlfriend" I say smiling.

He gives me a peck on the lips and I bite my lip smiling as we pull away. I'm so happy I can't even describe it.

Life finally got better.


A/N: honestly kinda like this chapter

Also opinion on what will happen cause I wanna hear your ideas but I have a plan tho and you're gonna hate it-->

Thank you for reading and commenting PLEASE VOTE ☆->★
~love, Juliette

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