First Impression

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Carmen Robyn is one of the current rising stars of business in New York. Not that she's new to the business world or Wall Street, she's been a well respected business woman for nearly a decade and now controls a major enterprise.

Robyn enterprises found success in several fields a few being app development, product development and even the movie industry.

Robyn's a smart woman, doesn't make haste decisions, doesn't rush into anything. Everything is well planned and executed.

And today was just that...nothing unexpected, no surprises.

"Ms Robyn," Carmen's secretary, Liah, gently knocked on the glass door, "there's a lawyer from Pearson Hardman who wants to talk to you." She informed with a slight, forcedly hidden smile.

"They can come in," Carmen was intrigued, why would a lawyer from another firm show up? Is she being wrongfully sued again? She sighed.

A tall man strutted in, looking back ever so slightly, checking out the secretary.

"If you're here for Liah, please don't waste my time."

He turned to face Carmen, with a smirk, sneakily looking her up and down, "I think you'll be glad to hear why I'm here." He held a file in his hand.

"Well, I don't have all day, Mr?"

"Specter, Harvey Specter." She scoffed, with a smirk.

"Carmen Robyn," she took his hand and firmly shook it.

"What?" He playfully asked.

"Nothing, it's just, wish you were Daniel Craig," she shrugged.

"He's got nothing on me." He said as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat down on the leather chair.

"Anyway, what brings you here Mr. Specter?" She hid a smile.

"You have a problem, I have a solution." He threw the file on the table near her.
She reached out for the file, only for him to place his hand on the file, holding it back. She raised an eyebrow.

"Now what?"

"You think I'd give you the solution so you can run to your lawyer and have him do it?"

"And I'm just supposed to take your word for it?"

"You know me." He smiled.
'What a dick' she thought, rolling her eyes.

"Only by name,"

"That's more than enough, people say great things about me." He sat back in his chair, crossing his legs.

"I think people censor things for you,"

"Whatever you say," he grinned, "you wanna hear the solution or not?"

"I'll see the solution then I'll decide."

He paused, staring into her eyes, challenging her, he knew she wasn't gonna change her mind. He knows of her, and god does she live up to everything they say. 'Wow' is what he thought.

"Fine." He gave a nod of approval.

She picked up the file reading it over, she smiled, satisfied with the solution. She sneaked a peak at Mr. Specter. Intriguing. That's what he was. Attractive, cocky, and arrogant. But all for good reason it seems.

She threw the file back at him, "I'm good thanks, Liah will show you the way out." She stood up.

"What?" He was stunned, "you're telling me you're not wowed? Blown away? Impressed? Maybe slightly in love?"

She turned to face him, scoffing, "oh please, you think I'm that easy?"

He approached her, getting close, "not at all, I like a woman who challenges me."


"Amazing? Handsome? Charming? All the above?"

"God." She rolled her eyes.

"This is more than enough to convince you to sign as my client, so," he placed his hand in his pockets, "why aren't you?"

"Doesn't matter, Anderson is handling my case. I'm good."

"Anderson is turning this into a shit show, and you know it." He stood a little too close, looking down at her.

"I'm not signing with you." She looked up at him as she leaned a little on her desk. Not breaking eye contact.

"You got a problem with me?"



"You don't like taking no for an answer, huh"

"Not even a little bit."


"What's he got to do with this?" He looked irked just by the mention of his name.

"My problem is with Hardman."

"Like I said, what's he got to do with this?"

"None of your business,"

"Look, he's not a lawyer at our firm, not anymore, he left 5 years ago. So if that's what you're-"

"Pearson...Hardman." She got up to sit in her chair, "I'm not associating myself and my company with his name."

"You're not associating yourself with him, it'd be with me." His lips curled a little at the side.

"How inviting." She mocked.

"If you don't think, my name next to yours is a good look for your company, then you don't know much about this business or New York."

"Is that so?"

"Exactly so."

"Hmm" she thought for a second, "fine, you have this case thrown out by tomorrow, and I'll come sign the papers."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow," his eyes trailed down her body, and up again. He smiled before leaving.

"Fuck." She sighed.

Her secretary met eyes with Carmen, wanting to say a word or two about what just happened. Carmen gave a stern look, knowing exactly what she was gonna say.

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